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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectHuman Computer Interaction
authorNetwork World

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

Faq on Son of Stuxnet

What is Duqu? Duqu (pronounced dyu kyu) is primarily a remote-access Trojan targeted at a limited number of organizations in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East...

From ACM TechNews

Will Advanced Biometrics Automate Future War Machines?

At the recent Biometric Consortium Conference, researchers unveiled several prototypes of advanced camera-based systems that could be used to remotely capture...

From ACM News

Black Hat Pwnie Award Winner Will Be a Criminal

Law enforcement may be interested to see if anyone actually shows up to this year to accept the annual Pwnie Award for Epic Ownage at Black Hat, since all the nominees...

From ACM TechNews

US to Let Everyday Drivers Test Advanced Wireless Auto Safety Technology

The U.S. Department of Transportation plans to launch a program over the next few months to test new wireless auto safety systems in the real world. 

From ACM News

After Delay, Hacker to Show Flaws in Siemens Industrial Gear

A security researcher who says he's found serious problems with Siemens computers used in power plants and heavy industry is now expecting to go public with his...

Vint Cerf on the Internet and Out-of-This-World Communications
From ACM News

Vint Cerf on the Internet and Out-of-This-World Communications

Vint Cerf is one of the most recognized network engineers of all time. He is often referred to as one of the "fathers of the Internet" for his groundbreaking...

From ACM News

Apple of My Eye? ­.s. Fancies a Huge Metaphor Repository

Researchers with the U.S. Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity want to build a repository of metaphors. You read that right. Not just American/English...

From ACM News

DARPA Challenge Offers Public $100,000 For Small ­nmanned Aircraft

If you think you can build the next generation of unmanned flying aircraft, the scientists at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency want to hear from...

From ACM News

Siemens Scada Hacking Talk Pulled Over Security Concerns

A planned presentation on security vulnerabilities in Siemens industrial control systems was pulled Wednesday over worries that the information in the talk was...

How to Suck Face Over the Internet
From ACM TechNews

How to Suck Face Over the Internet

Researchers at the University of Electro-Communications have developed a tactile communication system dubbed the Kiss Transmission Device, which involves one user...

From ACM News

Does Rsa Securid Have a ­.s. Gov't-Authorized Back Door?

Does the RSA SecurID two-token authentication system include a back door that was built in at the request of the U.S. government in exchange for letting RSA export...

From ACM News

Go for It on Fourth Down? Ask Coach Watson

If humans can't beat a computer at "Jeopardy!" why should we trust them to make the right call on fourth down in the Super Bowl? That was the fundamental question...

From ACM News

20 Hot It Security Issues

From malware on Google's Android phones to the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency trying to understand how stories or narratives impact security and...

Cerf: 2011 Will Be Proving Point For 'interplanetary Internet'
From ACM TechNews

Cerf: 2011 Will Be Proving Point For 'interplanetary Internet'

The InterPlanetary Internet initiative to extend the Internet into outer space is using a Bundle Protocol that was developed as part of a general notion for a delay...

From ACM News

No More Ipv4 Addresses

Asian registry snares last two address blocks, sparks automatic depletion of the free pool.

From ACM News

How Android Conquered the Mobile World in Just Three Years

The advent of the Droid seen by many as turning point for Google in mobile market.

From ACM News

Search Engine Optimization 'poisoning' Way Up This Year: Report

Websense says 22.4% of Google searches lead to bad URLs vs. 13.7% at end of 2009.

From ACM News

Why Computer Science Students Cheat

Enrollment in undergraduate computer science courses is at an all-time high at colleges nationwide. But this trend that's been hailed by the U.S. tech industry...

From ACM TechNews

How Emerging Wireless Techs Are Transforming Healthcare

Heath care technology researchers are taking advantage of faster wireless networks and developing new "telehealth" sensors and devices as part of a booming new...

From ACM TechNews

Mobile Phones to Be Primary Internet Device By 2020, Experts Predict

Mobile phones will become the primary Internet device for most people by 2020, largely due to their increasing computing power, predicts the "Future of the Internet...
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