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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectArtificial Intelligence
authorNew Scientist

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Kindergarten Bots Teach Language to Tots
From ACM TechNews

Kindergarten Bots Teach Language to Tots

A series of experiments is aimed at determining how well children retain new words learned from robots over time. 

Sentient Robots? Not Possible If You Do the Maths
From ACM News

Sentient Robots? Not Possible If You Do the Maths

So long, robot pals—and robot overlords.

Cyborg Angst: 5 Ways Computers Will Perplex ­S in 2039
From ACM News

Cyborg Angst: 5 Ways Computers Will Perplex ­S in 2039

Brain chips mean we are struggling to distinguish our own thoughts from ideas implanted by advertisers.

Watson in Your Pocket: Supercomputer Gets Own Apps
From ACM News

Watson in Your Pocket: Supercomputer Gets Own Apps

If you could quiz Watson, IBM's all-knowing supercomputer, from an app on your phone, what would you ask it?

The Robot Tricks to Bridge the Uncanny Valley
From ACM News

The Robot Tricks to Bridge the Uncanny Valley

If A robot bleeped and squeaked with personality like R2D2 from Star Wars, would you like it better?

Hot on the Trail of Consciousness in Brain and Machine
From ACM News

Hot on the Trail of Consciousness in Brain and Machine

"Nowhere in science have so many devoted so much to create so little consensus," writes physicist, author, and TV presenter Michio Kaku of consciousness research...

Perjurers and Fake Reviews Train Software to Spot Lies
From ACM News

Perjurers and Fake Reviews Train Software to Spot Lies

Lawyers and judges use skill and instinct to sense who might be lying in court.

Mind Meld: The Genius of Swarm Thinking
From ACM News

Mind Meld: The Genius of Swarm Thinking

Iain Couzin does not have fond memories of field research.

China's Jade Rabbit Rover May Be Victim of Moon Dust
From ACM News

China's Jade Rabbit Rover May Be Victim of Moon Dust

A plucky bunny on the moon may have just met an untimely end.

Moth Drone Stays Rock Steady in Gale-Force Winds
From ACM News

Moth Drone Stays Rock Steady in Gale-Force Winds

They might not seem at all stable as they batter into light bulbs but moths have inspired an autopilot for drones.

Software Beats Captcha, the Web's 'are You Human?' Test
From ACM TechNews

Software Beats Captcha, the Web's 'are You Human?' Test

California-based startup Vicarious says it has developed software that can successfully crack any text-based CAPTCHA program, defeating Google's reCAPTCHA program...

Craig Venter: Why I Put My Name in Synthetic Genomes
From ACM Opinion

Craig Venter: Why I Put My Name in Synthetic Genomes

How has the definition of life changed during your lifetime?

Man Controls New Prosthetic Leg ­sing Thought Alone
From ACM News

Man Controls New Prosthetic Leg ­sing Thought Alone

A man missing his lower leg has gained precise control over a prosthetic limb, just by thinking about moving it—all because his unused nerves were preserved during...

Tough Robo-Challenge Casts Robots as Rescuers
From ACM TechNews

Tough Robo-Challenge Casts Robots as Rescuers

Global robotics specialists are competing to design a robot that can perform emergency-response duties during disasters. 

Twitter Tracker Shows Where Food Poisoning Is a Risk
From ACM TechNews

Twitter Tracker Shows Where Food Poisoning Is a Risk

A new machine-learning system can track tweets and show which restaurants are giving people food poisoning. 

Coding For Brain Chips Gives Cognitive Computing Boost
From ACM News

Coding For Brain Chips Gives Cognitive Computing Boost

It's a cognitive leap forward. IBM can now program an experimental chip they unveiled two years ago.

Sensor Knows When You're Lying Through Your Teeth
From ACM TechNews

Sensor Knows When You're Lying Through Your Teeth

The mouth could provide doctors with information on a variety of health issues with the aid of a sensor that sends data on mouth motion to a smartphone. 

To Create a Robot With Common Sense, Mimic a Toddler
From ACM TechNews

To Create a Robot With Common Sense, Mimic a Toddler

A new robot is being designed to mimic the common sense of a three-year-old. 

Robot Arm Wrapped in Sensitive Skin Has Gentle Touch
From ACM TechNews

Robot Arm Wrapped in Sensitive Skin Has Gentle Touch

Researchers have developed a robot arm that navigates by using the sense of touch, rather than trying to avoid bumping into people and objects. 

AI Gets Involved With the Law
From ACM TechNews

AI Gets Involved With the Law

The application of artificial intelligence to the law aims to let automated systems handle arguments in which the logic is not clear. 
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