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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Quantum Technology Set to Hit the Streets Within Two Years
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Technology Set to Hit the Streets Within Two Years

The United Kingdom kicked off an initiative in 2013 that could result in the development of the world's most powerful quantum computer by 2020. 

Inside China's Plan to Give Every Citizen a Character Score
From ACM News

Inside China's Plan to Give Every Citizen a Character Score

Where you go, what you buy, who you know, how many points are on your driving licence, how your pupils rate you.

Virtual Human Built from More Than 5,000 Slices of a Real Woman
From ACM News

Virtual Human Built from More Than 5,000 Slices of a Real Woman

She died two decades ago, but her body lives on in digital form.

Clumps of Gold Nanoparticals Can Evolve to Carry Out Computing
From ACM TechNews

Clumps of Gold Nanoparticals Can Evolve to Carry Out Computing

Researchers at the University of Twente in the Netherlands have found a loosely organized clump of gold nanoparticles can be made to do calculations.

Forget the Turing Test—there Are Better Ways of Judging AI
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Forget the Turing Test—there Are Better Ways of Judging AI

Last Saturday I took part in a battle of wits at Bletchley Park, the stately home that housed the U.K.’s codebreakers during the second world war.

­nhackable Kernel Could Keep All Computers Safe from Cyberattack
From ACM News

­nhackable Kernel Could Keep All Computers Safe from Cyberattack

An autonomous helicopter gunship is flying over a military base in Arizona. Suddenly, officers on the ground lose radio contact: hackers have taken control of an...

Brain-Controlled Smart Home Lets You Turn the Tv On By Thinking
From ACM News

Brain-Controlled Smart Home Lets You Turn the Tv On By Thinking

Feeling cold? Your home already knows, and turns up the heat. Sick of the TV show you are watching? Your home changes the channel.

AI Football Manager Knows How Different Teams Play the Game
From ACM News

AI Football Manager Knows How Different Teams Play the Game

Who really calls the shots in team sports?

Computer-Human Hybrids Could Be Best at Scanning For Danger
From ACM News

Computer-Human Hybrids Could Be Best at Scanning For Danger

In A world of algorithms, there are still a few places where humans reign supreme.

Cyber Attack: How Easy Is It to Take Out a Smart City?
From ACM News

Cyber Attack: How Easy Is It to Take Out a Smart City?

When is a smart city not so smart?

The Rise of On-Body Cameras and How They Will Change How We Live
From ACM News

The Rise of On-Body Cameras and How They Will Change How We Live

Shortly after the U.S. Supreme Court's blockbuster decision on marriage equality, a short YouTube video made the rounds online.

Facebook Can Recognise You in Photos Even If You're Not Looking
From ACM News

Facebook Can Recognise You in Photos Even If You're Not Looking

Thanks to the latest advances in computer vision, we now have machines that can pick you out of a line-up. But what if your face is hidden from view?

Face Recognition Row Over Right to Identify You in the Street
From ACM News

Face Recognition Row Over Right to Identify You in the Street

"If you are walking down the street, a public street, should a company be able to identify you without your permission?"

Cyber Citizen Tool Shows Which Countries' Laws Cover Our Surfing
From ACM News

Cyber Citizen Tool Shows Which Countries' Laws Cover Our Surfing

"Where am I?" In the real world, it's an easy question to answer. Online, things can get more complicated.

Giving Physical Shape to Invisible Signals
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Giving Physical Shape to Invisible Signals

When a newly renovated apartment in San Francisco went on the market earlier this year for roughly $8.5 million, its asking price included a somewhat unexpected...

Gadgets Powered Wirelessly at Home With a Simple Wi-Fi Router
From ACM TechNews

Gadgets Powered Wirelessly at Home With a Simple Wi-Fi Router

A multi-university team of researchers has developed a system that can power electrical devices with just a wireless router's signal.

Your Brain's ­nique Response to Words Can Reveal Your Identity
From ACM News

Your Brain's ­nique Response to Words Can Reveal Your Identity

Watch your language. Words mean different things to different people—so the brainwaves they provoke could be a way to identify you.

Say Hello to Machines That Read Your Emotions to Make You Happy
From ACM TechNews

Say Hello to Machines That Read Your Emotions to Make You Happy

EmoSPARK is an artificial intelligence-based device that can gauge a person's mood based on what they say and how they say it. 

Human vs Machine As Top Poker Pros Take On AI
From ACM News

Human vs Machine As Top Poker Pros Take On AI

It's humans versus machine at the Rivers casino in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Four professional poker players are squaring up to an artificial intelligence over...

Proto Quantum Computer Inspired By Victorians Gets a Speed Boost
From ACM News

Proto Quantum Computer Inspired By Victorians Gets a Speed Boost

Quantum computers should theoretically outpace ordinary ones, but attempts to build a speedy quantum machine have so far come up short. Now an approach based on...
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