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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectArtificial Intelligence
authorNew Scientist

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

AI Branding Automates the Brainstorm
From ACM TechNews

AI Branding Automates the Brainstorm

Bruno Kessler Foundation researchers Carlo Strapparava and Gozde Ozbal have developed artificial intelligence-based branding software that can mimic the process...

AI Designs Its Own Video Game
From ACM News

AI Designs Its Own Video Game

It is never going to compete with the latest iteration of Call of Duty, but then Space Station Invaders is not your typical blockbuster video game. While modern...

Smart Guide to 2012: How Best to Test Machine Iq
From ACM TechNews

Smart Guide to 2012: How Best to Test Machine Iq

AI programs did not fare well in convincing judges at the 2011 Loebner prize competition that they were people. 

From ACM News

Body-Sharing Robot Lets You Experience Another Place

Ever wished you could be in two places at once? Now you can share your body with a telepresence robot created by Dzmitry Tsetserukou of Toyohashi University of...

Artificial Intelligence Joins the Fossil Hunt
From ACM TechNews

Artificial Intelligence Joins the Fossil Hunt

Researchers at Western Michigan University and Washington University in St. Louis have developed a predictive model that uses computer learning systems to identify...

From ACM News

Robot 'mission Impossible' Wins Video Prize

You could call it Mission Impossible: Robot Library Heist. An army of flying, rolling, and climbing robots have been taught to work together to find and snatch...

Robots Use Kinect to Understand Our World
From ACM TechNews

Robots Use Kinect to Understand Our World

Cornell University researchers are teaching robots to understand the context of their surroundings so that they can pick out individual objects in a room. 

From ACM News

Robots ­se Kinect to ­nderstand Our World

Picture the scene, a few years from now. "Robot, fetch me that pillow over there," you say to your ever-willing butlerbot. "Certainly sir," it replies. "What's...

Autopiloted Glider Knows Where to Fly For a Free Ride
From ACM News

Autopiloted Glider Knows Where to Fly For a Free Ride

Hawks and albatrosses soar for hours or even days without having to land. Soon robotic gliders could go one better, soaring on winds and thermals indefinitely...

From ACM TechNews

Rag-Trade Robots: From Body Scan to Bespoke Suit

The Leapfrog project, a collaboration of 35 industrial and academic partners from 11 countries, aims to develop completely automated clothing-production systems...

Earthquake? Terrorist Bomb? Call in the AI
From ACM TechNews

Earthquake? Terrorist Bomb? Call in the AI

Durham University researchers are developing a training simulation system designed to help emergency services workers adapt to chaotic situations. The system takes...

Seven Technologies to Disrupt the Next Decade
From ACM TechNews

Seven Technologies to Disrupt the Next Decade

Among the technologies expected to appear in the next decade is augmented reality effected by eyewear and cameras that can add an informational overlay to the wearer's...

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The Search Engine That Predicts What You Want

In the future the news will find you—at least according to Futureful, a Finnish startup building a predictive discovery iPad app that will deliver personalised...

From ACM News

Flying Robots Team ­p to Juggle

Our flying robot overlords seem to have a fun side after all. In this video, watch two quadrocopters team up to skillfully juggle a ball, thanks to software developed...

From ACM News

How a Robot Can Replace You at Work

As telepresence robots begin to appear in more and more offices and factories, they are poised to transform the way we work and interact with our colleagues.

Fake Tweets By 'socialbot' Fool Hundreds of Followers
From ACM TechNews

Fake Tweets By 'socialbot' Fool Hundreds of Followers

Three socialbots recently integrated themselves into a group of Twitter users, gained 250 followers, and received 240 responses to the tweets they sent over a two...

Surveillance Robots Know When to Hide
From ACM News

Surveillance Robots Know When to Hide

The spy approaches the target building under cover of darkness, taking a zigzag path to avoid well-lit areas and sentries. He selects a handy vantage point next...

AI Lie Detection Could Help Crack Terror Cells
From ACM News

AI Lie Detection Could Help Crack Terror Cells

In A bar in Maastricht University in the Netherlands, 12 students are each given an envelope marked "Top Secret." Inside are plans for a terror attack somewhere...

Better Than Human? What's Next for Jeopardy! Computer
From ACM News

Better Than Human? What's Next for Jeopardy! Computer

A medical robot; a Google-killer; a financial advisor; a tool for trawling legal documents; an aide for the intelligence services. These are just some of the...

From ACM TechNews

I, Algorithm: A New Dawn For Artificial Intelligence

The field of artificial intelligence (AI) is undergoing a revival, spurred by probabilistic programming that merges classic AI's logical principles with the power...
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