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subjectCommunications / Networking
authorNew Scientist

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Meet Your Unborn Child—before It's Even Conceived
From ACM News

Meet Your Unborn Child—before It's Even Conceived

Will my baby be healthy?

Dolphin Whistle Instantly Translated By Computer
From ACM TechNews

Dolphin Whistle Instantly Translated By Computer

The Wild Dolphin Project is developing algorithms to analyze animal sounds to determine if information is transmitted, in an attempt to understand animal behavior...

The Robot Tricks to Bridge the Uncanny Valley
From ACM News

The Robot Tricks to Bridge the Uncanny Valley

If A robot bleeped and squeaked with personality like R2D2 from Star Wars, would you like it better?

Space Diaries Reveal 6 Things on an Astronaut's Mind
From ACM News

Space Diaries Reveal 6 Things on an Astronaut's Mind

While you are in space, could you keep a diary?

Hot on the Trail of Consciousness in Brain and Machine
From ACM News

Hot on the Trail of Consciousness in Brain and Machine

"Nowhere in science have so many devoted so much to create so little consensus," writes physicist, author, and TV presenter Michio Kaku of consciousness research...

Perjurers and Fake Reviews Train Software to Spot Lies
From ACM News

Perjurers and Fake Reviews Train Software to Spot Lies

Lawyers and judges use skill and instinct to sense who might be lying in court.

Phone's Wi-Fi Hotspot Acts as Sos Beacon in Disasters
From ACM TechNews

Phone's Wi-Fi Hotspot Acts as Sos Beacon in Disasters

A new app turns a smartphone into a wireless SOS beacon that could help rescuers find people who have been trapped in collapsed buildings. 

Mind Meld: The Genius of Swarm Thinking
From ACM News

Mind Meld: The Genius of Swarm Thinking

Iain Couzin does not have fond memories of field research.

Conversation App Helps Parents Boost Child's Language
From ACM TechNews

Conversation App Helps Parents Boost Child's Language

Parents with children who struggle to develop their language skills could soon turn to an app designed to provide real-time feedback on parent-child conversations...

Beams of Sound Immerse You in Music Others Can't Hear
From ACM News

Beams of Sound Immerse You in Music Others Can't Hear

If you're sick of wading through a clogged email inbox or scrolling through endless Twitter timelines, Jörg Müller has a more fun way of sifting through your messages...

China's Jade Rabbit Rover May Be Victim of Moon Dust
From ACM News

China's Jade Rabbit Rover May Be Victim of Moon Dust

A plucky bunny on the moon may have just met an untimely end.

From ACM News

Google's Quantum Computer Flunks Landmark Speed Test

Google's quantum revolution is still in the slow lane.

Moth Drone Stays Rock Steady in Gale-Force Winds
From ACM News

Moth Drone Stays Rock Steady in Gale-Force Winds

They might not seem at all stable as they batter into light bulbs but moths have inspired an autopilot for drones.

Lifelogging: What It's Like to Record Your Whole Life
From ACM Opinion

Lifelogging: What It's Like to Record Your Whole Life

Gordon Bell, one of the first people to chronicle his existence digitally, explains how it has changed his life and the potential pitfalls.

Water Plumes Spark a Race to Jupiter Moon Europa
From ACM News

Water Plumes Spark a Race to Jupiter Moon Europa

Let's put Mars in our rear-view mirror.

The Great Ideas Hiding ­nder the Invisibility Cloak
From ACM Opinion

The Great Ideas Hiding ­nder the Invisibility Cloak

Physicist John Pendry talks about the profound physics obscured by his invisibility cloak and how metamaterials could help realise the perfect lens.

Eye-Tracker Lets You Drag and Drop Files With a Glance
From ACM News

Eye-Tracker Lets You Drag and Drop Files With a Glance

Bored of using a mouse?

'Soft' Biometrics Is the New Way to Monitor People
From ACM News

'Soft' Biometrics Is the New Way to Monitor People

Cameras are strewn around our environment, catching glimpses of our faces everywhere we go, yet even the best facial recognition technology still has a hard time...

Europa's Choppy Ocean Looks Friendly to Life
From ACM News

Europa's Choppy Ocean Looks Friendly to Life

As moons go, Europa is doing pretty well in the looks department.

Text Messages Tell Drivers When There's a Jam Ahead
From ACM TechNews

Text Messages Tell Drivers When There's a Jam Ahead

Drivers in Nairobi, Kenya, should have an easier time navigating traffic thanks to a new text message service from IBM Research Africa. 
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