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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectComputer Systems
authorNew Scientist

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Human Thoughts ­sed to Switch on Genes
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Human Thoughts ­sed to Switch on Genes

Could a futuristic society of humans with the power to control their own biological functions ever become reality? 

Ghost Universes Kill Schrödinger's Quantum Cat
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Ghost Universes Kill Schrödinger's Quantum Cat

The wave function has collapsed—permanently.

Brain Decoder Can Eavesdrop on Your Inner Voice
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Brain Decoder Can Eavesdrop on Your Inner Voice

Talking to yourself used to be a strictly private pastime.

Computers Are Learning to See the World Like We Do
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Computers Are Learning to See the World Like We Do

What animal is in the picture above?

Found: Closest Link to Eve, Our ­niversal Ancestor
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Found: Closest Link to Eve, Our ­niversal Ancestor

A man who died in 315 BC in southern Africa is the closest relative yet known to humanity’s common female ancestor—mitochondrial Eve.

Real Holodeck Turns Your Living Room Into a Game
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Real Holodeck Turns Your Living Room Into a Game

Good news, Star Trek fans: Microsoft has created a prototype Holodeck that transforms an entire room into a virtual gaming environment.

Gaze-Tracker Lets You Connect to Devices with a Glance
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Gaze-Tracker Lets You Connect to Devices with a Glance

An eye-tracking camera calculates where the wearer is looking, and transmits it to all the nearby Internet-connected devices, such as stereos and TVs, via Wi-Fi...

Quantum Internet Could Keep ­S Safe from Spying Eyes
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Quantum Internet Could Keep ­S Safe from Spying Eyes

Quantum networks are quietly spreading across the world.

No Easy Parking Spot For First-Ever Comet Landing
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No Easy Parking Spot For First-Ever Comet Landing

Landing on a comet will be even harder than we thought.

Google's Fact-Checking Bots Build Vast Knowledge Bank
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Google's Fact-Checking Bots Build Vast Knowledge Bank

Google is building the largest store of knowledge in human history—and it's doing so without any human help.

Proof Confirmed of 400-Year-Old Fruit-Stacking Problem
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Proof Confirmed of 400-Year-Old Fruit-Stacking Problem

A computer-verified proof of a 400-year-old problem could pave the way for a new era of mathematics.

Traffic Light Hackers Could Cause Jams Across the US
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Traffic Light Hackers Could Cause Jams Across the US

Branden Ghena pulls his car up under a traffic light in a city in Michigan.

U.s. Government Chatbot Gets You to Tell All
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U.s. Government Chatbot Gets You to Tell All

Want access to the U.S. government's secrets? Talk to the robot.

Turing's Oracle: The Computer That Goes Beyond Logic
From ACM TechNews

Turing's Oracle: The Computer That Goes Beyond Logic

An "oracle" computer proposed by celebrated mathematician Alan Turing in 1938 that goes beyond conventional human logic is the focus of a Missouri State University...

Commercial Quantum Computer Still Awaits Ultimate Test
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Commercial Quantum Computer Still Awaits Ultimate Test

Quantum computers promise to revolutionise the digital world, but how do you tell if a computer really is harnessing the power quantum mechanics?

Quantum Positioning System Steps In When Gps Fails
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Quantum Positioning System Steps In When Gps Fails

In 2016 a British submarine will slip its moorings and set sail under the guidance of the quantum world.

Watson in Your Pocket: Supercomputer Gets Own Apps
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Watson in Your Pocket: Supercomputer Gets Own Apps

If you could quiz Watson, IBM's all-knowing supercomputer, from an app on your phone, what would you ask it?

Atomic Time Lord to Battle Sneaky High-Speed Trades
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Atomic Time Lord to Battle Sneaky High-Speed Trades

Welcome to the room where time lives. I am standing in a space bristling with atomic clocks at the National Physical Laboratory in Teddington, U.K., which generates...

Dna Nanobots Deliver Drugs in Living Cockroaches
From ACM TechNews

Dna Nanobots Deliver Drugs in Living Cockroaches

Researchers have introduced  DNA nanobots that can dispense drugs into living cockroaches. 

Hot on the Trail of Consciousness in Brain and Machine
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Hot on the Trail of Consciousness in Brain and Machine

"Nowhere in science have so many devoted so much to create so little consensus," writes physicist, author, and TV presenter Michio Kaku of consciousness research...
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