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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectInformation Systems
authorNew Scientist

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The Four Main Roadblocks Holding ­p Self-Driving Cars
From ACM TechNews

The Four Main Roadblocks Holding ­p Self-Driving Cars

There are four major obstacles facing developers of autonomous vehicles. 

The Plan to Find Alien Life in Europa's Icy Seas
From ACM News

The Plan to Find Alien Life in Europa's Icy Seas

How do you solve a problem like Europa?

Beijing Subway Swipe Data Betrays Social Class
From ACM News

Beijing Subway Swipe Data Betrays Social Class

Beijing is an enormous city, sprawling over an area 10 times larger than Greater London.

Portable Mind-Reader Gives Voice to Locked-In People
From ACM News

Portable Mind-Reader Gives Voice to Locked-In People

You wake up in hospital unable to move, to speak, to twitch so much as an eyelid.

Laser Flight Path Caught On Camera For the First Time
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Laser Flight Path Caught On Camera For the First Time

Pew pew! Researchers have created the first video of a laser bouncing off a mirror.

What You 'like' on Facebook Gives Away Your Personality
From ACM News

What You 'like' on Facebook Gives Away Your Personality

Be careful what you "like" on Facebook. You're opening a small window on your soul.

NASA's Messenger Probe Ready for Final Tour of Mercury
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NASA's Messenger Probe Ready for Final Tour of Mercury

The first spacecraft to orbit Mercury is almost out of gas.

The Search For Et: How Close Are We?
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The Search For Et: How Close Are We?

In 1950, Nobel prizewinning physicist Enrico Fermi posed his famous paradox: if extraterrestrial intelligence exists, why haven't we found it?

Thought Control Makes Robot Arm Grab and Move Objects
From ACM News

Thought Control Makes Robot Arm Grab and Move Objects

A woman paralysed from the neck down can now grab a ball with a robotic arm—just by thinking about it.

The Sun and Jupiter Could Reveal Space-Time Ripples
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The Sun and Jupiter Could Reveal Space-Time Ripples

Ripples in space-time could squeeze and stretch the sun and Jupiter, forming a gigantic gravitational-wave detector in our own celestial backyard.

Lassie Text Home: Pooches Get Technological
From ACM TechNews

Lassie Text Home: Pooches Get Technological

Projects are underway to enhance dogs' ability to interact with technology in new ways, in the hope "we'll be able to make them even better at their jobs." 

Haptic Holograms Let You Touch the Void in Vr
From ACM News

Haptic Holograms Let You Touch the Void in Vr

Feeling is believing. A system that uses sound waves to project "haptic holograms" into mid-air—letting you touch 3D virtual objects with your bare hands—is poised...

Google and Nasa Ride D-Wave to a Quantum Future
From ACM News

Google and Nasa Ride D-Wave to a Quantum Future

They could be the most powerful computers in the world—so perhaps it's no surprise that the biggest internet company on the planet is testing one out.

Time Cloak ­sed to Hide Messages in Laser Light
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Time Cloak ­sed to Hide Messages in Laser Light

A "time cloak" that conceals events rather than objects can hide secret messages through a trick of light, making information invisible to all but the intended...

Polite Drones Do Awkward Dance to Avoid Crashing
From ACM News

Polite Drones Do Awkward Dance to Avoid Crashing

No, I insist, after you.

Human Thoughts ­sed to Switch on Genes
From ACM News

Human Thoughts ­sed to Switch on Genes

Could a futuristic society of humans with the power to control their own biological functions ever become reality? 

Ghost Universes Kill Schrödinger's Quantum Cat
From ACM News

Ghost Universes Kill Schrödinger's Quantum Cat

The wave function has collapsed—permanently.

Computers Are Learning to See the World Like We Do
From ACM TechNews

Computers Are Learning to See the World Like We Do

On the website Park or Bird on Flickr, a computer makes an educated guess as to whether a photograph was taken in a national park or shows a bird. 

Brain Decoder Can Eavesdrop on Your Inner Voice
From ACM News

Brain Decoder Can Eavesdrop on Your Inner Voice

Talking to yourself used to be a strictly private pastime.

Computers Are Learning to See the World Like We Do
From ACM News

Computers Are Learning to See the World Like We Do

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