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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectInformation Systems
authorNew Scientist

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Future Scenarios Show How Easily Ebola Could Explode
From ACM News

Future Scenarios Show How Easily Ebola Could Explode

Just how bad will the Ebola outbreak in West Africa get?

Wearable Tech Lets Boss Track Your Work, Rest and Play
From ACM News

Wearable Tech Lets Boss Track Your Work, Rest and Play

Some jobs come with a uniform. For an increasing number of employees, that uniform will soon include a badge that tracks everything they do.

Automatic Authors: Making Machines That Tell Tales
From ACM TechNews

Automatic Authors: Making Machines That Tell Tales

Many artificial intelligence researchers believe one of the major breakthroughs in AI will be creating systems that are effective story-tellers. 

Found: Closest Link to Eve, Our ­niversal Ancestor
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Found: Closest Link to Eve, Our ­niversal Ancestor

A man who died in 315 BC in southern Africa is the closest relative yet known to humanity’s common female ancestor—mitochondrial Eve.

Hong Kong Protesters ­se a Mesh Network to Organise
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Hong Kong Protesters ­se a Mesh Network to Organise

Hong Kong's mass protest is networked. Activists are relying on a free app that can send messages without any cellphone connection.

Gaze-Tracker Lets You Connect to Devices with a Glance
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Gaze-Tracker Lets You Connect to Devices with a Glance

An eye-tracking camera calculates where the wearer is looking, and transmits it to all the nearby Internet-connected devices, such as stereos and TVs, via Wi-Fi...

Quantum Internet Could Keep ­S Safe from Spying Eyes
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Quantum Internet Could Keep ­S Safe from Spying Eyes

Quantum networks are quietly spreading across the world.

No Easy Parking Spot For First-Ever Comet Landing
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No Easy Parking Spot For First-Ever Comet Landing

Landing on a comet will be even harder than we thought.

Traffic Light Hackers Could Cause Jams Across the US
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Traffic Light Hackers Could Cause Jams Across the US

Branden Ghena pulls his car up under a traffic light in a city in Michigan.

Meet Jibo, the Cute Social Robot that Knows the Family
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Meet Jibo, the Cute Social Robot that Knows the Family

In suite 712 of the Eventi Hotel, high above the sticky June bustle of Midtown Manhattan, New York, one of the world's most advanced consumer robots awaits command...

Tibetan Altitude Gene Came from Extinct Human Species
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Tibetan Altitude Gene Came from Extinct Human Species

Tibetans are comfortable at high altitudes where the air is thin.

Virtual Flashlight Reveals Secrets of Ancient Artefacts
From ACM TechNews

Virtual Flashlight Reveals Secrets of Ancient Artefacts

The Revealing Flashlight projects computer-generated models onto real objects, filling in missing details wherever the spotlight lands. 

Make Robots ­seful By Teaching Them to Talk Like ­S
From ACM News

Make Robots ­seful By Teaching Them to Talk Like ­S

When Ashutosh Saxena wants some coffee or ice cream, he can ask a robot to make it for him.

Computer Spots Rare Diseases in Family Photos
From ACM TechNews

Computer Spots Rare Diseases in Family Photos

New software can learn to identify rare medical conditions by analyzing a face in a digital photograph. 

Computer Spots Rare Diseases in Family Photos
From ACM News

Computer Spots Rare Diseases in Family Photos

Doctors faced with the tricky task of spotting rare genetic diseases in children may soon be asking parents to email their family photos.

Windows Bug-Testing Software Cracks Stem Cell Programs
From ACM TechNews

Windows Bug-Testing Software Cracks Stem Cell Programs

Windows bug-testing software is providing insight into how stem cells determine which type of tissue to become. 

Skinny Wormholes Could Send Messages Through Time
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Skinny Wormholes Could Send Messages Through Time

Like some bizarre form of optical fibre, a long, thin wormhole might let you send messages through time using pulses of light.

Cheap Gadget Lets You Steer a Wheelchair with Your Eyes
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Cheap Gadget Lets You Steer a Wheelchair with Your Eyes

Put some "crap" technology with some smart software and you get one life-changing solution.

Watson in Your Pocket: Supercomputer Gets Own Apps
From ACM News

Watson in Your Pocket: Supercomputer Gets Own Apps

If you could quiz Watson, IBM's all-knowing supercomputer, from an app on your phone, what would you ask it?

Wikipedia Searches and Sick Tweets Predict Flu Cases
From ACM TechNews

Wikipedia Searches and Sick Tweets Predict Flu Cases

A new algorithm mines data from Wikipedia to track flu cases across the United States. 
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