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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Posture Could Explain Why Women Get More Vr Sickness Than Men
From ACM TechNews

Posture Could Explain Why Women Get More Vr Sickness Than Men

New studies explore why women experience more motion sickness than men while using virtual reality.

Quantum Computers Ditch All the Lasers For Easier Engineering
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Computers Ditch All the Lasers For Easier Engineering

Researchers from the University of Sussex in the U.K. have replaced the millions of lasers in traditional quantum computing systems with several static magnets...

Lazy Coders Are Training Artificial Intelligences to Be Sexist
From ACM TechNews

Lazy Coders Are Training Artificial Intelligences to Be Sexist

Artificial intelligence systems can form flawed and stereotypical word associations by learning from biased data samples.

AI Learns to Predict the Future By Watching 2 Million Videos 
From ACM News

AI Learns to Predict the Future By Watching 2 Million Videos 

An artificial intelligence system can predict how a scene will unfold and dream up a vision of the immediate future.

Intelligence Rethought: Ais Know ­s, but Don't Think Like ­S
From ACM TechNews

Intelligence Rethought: Ais Know ­s, but Don't Think Like ­S

Machine-learning artificial intelligences become more capable with experience, but the trade-off is a lack of understanding about the nature of their intelligence...

Google's Deepmind AI Can Lip-Read Tv Shows Better Than a Pro
From ACM TechNews

Google's Deepmind AI Can Lip-Read Tv Shows Better Than a Pro

Researchers at Google's DeepMind and the University of Oxford are using deep-learning techniques to create a lip-reading system that can perform better than professional...

Quantum Computers Can Talk to Each Other via a Photon Translator
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Computers Can Talk to Each Other via a Photon Translator

Researchers from Germany's University of Paderborn have developed a system that can convert photons from one spread of frequencies to another, while preserving...

Face Electrodes Let You Taste and Chew in Virtual Reality
From ACM TechNews

Face Electrodes Let You Taste and Chew in Virtual Reality

Researchers have created a spoon with electrodes that can amplify salty, sour, or bitter flavors, and used thermal stimulation to mimic the sensation of sweetness...

Face Electrodes Let You Taste and Chew in Virtual Reality
From ACM News

Face Electrodes Let You Taste and Chew in Virtual Reality

You're having dinner in a virtual reality game. The banquet scene in front of you looks so real that your mouth is watering.

Glasses Make Face Recognition Tech Think You're Milla Jovovich
From ACM TechNews

Glasses Make Face Recognition Tech Think You're Milla Jovovich

Carnegie Mellon University researchers have designed eyeglasses with patterned frames that can obscure the identity of the wearer to facial-recognition algorithms...

Pasta Spirals Link Neutron Stars and the Machinery of Your Cells
From ACM News

Pasta Spirals Link Neutron Stars and the Machinery of Your Cells

The conditions are vastly different, but the pasta is the same.

Paralyzed People Inhabit Distant Robot Bodies With Thought Alone
From ACM TechNews

Paralyzed People Inhabit Distant Robot Bodies With Thought Alone

The European Union's VERE project aims to dissolve the boundary between the human body and a surrogate.

Playing Grand Theft Auto Can Teach Autonomous Cars How to Drive
From ACM TechNews

Playing Grand Theft Auto Can Teach Autonomous Cars How to Drive

Self-driving cars can learn the rules of the road by studying virtual traffic on videogames such as Grand Theft Auto V, according to a new study.

Your Home's Online Gadgets Could Be Hacked By ­ltrasound
From ACM News

Your Home's Online Gadgets Could Be Hacked By ­ltrasound

This may have happened to you. You idly browse a pair of shoes online one morning, and for the rest of the week, those shoes follow you across the Internet, appearing...

Exomars Spacecraft Splits in Two to Explore Mars Surface and Air
From ACM News

Exomars Spacecraft Splits in Two to Explore Mars Surface and Air

Sometimes breaking up is the right thing to do. On Sunday at 17:20 GMT, the twin spacecraft of the first stage of the ExoMars mission split in two – one of the...

Germany to Create World's First Highway Code For Driverless Cars
From ACM TechNews

Germany to Create World's First Highway Code For Driverless Cars

The first legal framework for autonomous vehicles was outlined in a recently proposed bill in Germany governing how such cars perform in potentially deadly crashes...

The Wikipedia Bots that Are Engaged in Spats that Never End
From ACM Careers

The Wikipedia Bots that Are Engaged in Spats that Never End

Is. Isn't. Is. Isn’t. Is. Isn't.

Send Secret Messages Hidden in the Dna of Bacterial Spores
From ACM News

Send Secret Messages Hidden in the Dna of Bacterial Spores

Humble bacterial spores are taking us closer to an age of DNA information storage, thanks to new ways of protecting archived data from corruption as well as from...

Computers That Can Argue Will Be Satnav For the Moral Maze
From ACM TechNews

Computers That Can Argue Will Be Satnav For the Moral Maze

Computers that formulate arguments could lead to "research engines" to inform decision-making across a wide range of fields.

Revealed: Google's Plan For Quantum Computer Supremacy
From ACM Careers

Revealed: Google's Plan For Quantum Computer Supremacy

Somewhere in California, Google is building a device that will usher in a new era for computing.
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