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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Brain-Like Chip Outstrips Normal Computers
From ACM News

Brain-Like Chip Outstrips Normal Computers

Computer chips that mimic the human brain are outstripping conventional chips in crucial ways. They could also revolutionise our understanding of how the brain...

Ok, App, What Should I Wear to This Wedding?
From ACM TechNews

Ok, App, What Should I Wear to This Wedding?

New software could help people decide what to wear for weddings, job interviews, or first dates.  

Ping-Pong Robot Learns to Play Like a Person
From ACM News

Ping-Pong Robot Learns to Play Like a Person

A robot that learns to play ping-pong from humans and improves as it competes against them could be the best robotic table-tennis challenger the world has seen.

Robots Get Around By Mimicking Primates
From ACM News

Robots Get Around By Mimicking Primates

Give a friend directions, such as, "it's across the street from a petrol station, just after a red brick building on the right..." and you can be pretty sure they'll...

Patent Could Shackle 3D Printers with Drm
From ACM Opinion

Patent Could Shackle 3D Printers with Drm

One of the greatest benefits of 3D printing technology—the ability to make replacements or parts for household objects like toys, utensils and gadgets—may be denied...

Graphics Chips Are For More Than Just Eye Candy
From ACM News

Graphics Chips Are For More Than Just Eye Candy

Chances are there is a graphics chip in your desktop computer, and it is fuelling a revolution.

Wired Is the New Wireless: Spreading the Web in China
From ACM TechNews

Wired Is the New Wireless: Spreading the Web in China

Although 538 million of China's 1.3 billion people had access to the Internet as of June 2012, most of the country's population is still offline, which led Chinese...

Cameras Know You By Your Walk
From ACM News

Cameras Know You By Your Walk

Everyone knows how easy it is to recognize a friend or family member from their walk—even from a distance.

Wired Is the New Wireless: Spreading the Web in China
From ACM News

Wired Is the New Wireless: Spreading the Web in China

It's not easy to give over 1.3 billion people access to the internet—especially if that population is spread across a vast area that ranges from hinterland to sprawling...

Fbi Launches $1 Billion Face Recognition Project
From ACM TechNews

Fbi Launches $1 Billion Face Recognition Project

The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation is using facial-recognition technology to identify criminals and the system will be rolled out nationwide by 2014.  

Harness Unused Smartphone Power For a Computing Boost
From ACM News

Harness Unused Smartphone Power For a Computing Boost

Smarphone owners carry around more processing power in their pocket than a 1970s-era supercomputer, but most of the time it languishes unused.

Watson Turns Medic: Supercomputer to Diagnose Disease
From ACM News

Watson Turns Medic: Supercomputer to Diagnose Disease

It is more than a year since Watson, IBM's famous supercomputer, opened a new frontier for artificial intelligence by beating human champions of the quiz show Jeopardy...

From ACM News

3D Printers Tell You When Your Design Will Fail

Make a mistake with your average office printer and the worst that happens is a paper jam and some wasted ink. Do the same with a 3D printer, though, and your newly...

Cheap Chips Herald Future of Wave and Pay
From ACM News

Cheap Chips Herald Future of Wave and Pay

Small, cheap smart-tag devices that are printed as digital circuits in rolls like newspapers could help kickstart the wireless payment industry. The devices, known...

Micro-Drones: The New Face of Cutting-Edge Warfare
From ACM News

Micro-Drones: The New Face of Cutting-Edge Warfare

Micro-aerial vehicles (MAVs) with uncanny navigation and real-time mapping capabilities could soon be zipping through indoor and outdoor spaces, running reconnaissance...

Touchscreens Learn Your Habits to Help You Type Faster
From ACM TechNews

Touchscreens Learn Your Habits to Help You Type Faster

Personalized keyboards could help improve typing speeds or reduce mistakes when typing and walking, according to the University of Maryland's Leah Findlater and...

Telerobotics Offers Third Way For Space Exploration
From ACM News

Telerobotics Offers Third Way For Space Exploration

Space exploration may have a new direction. In the 1960s, humans did the exploring but since the last moon landing in 1972, NASA's only explorers beyond low Earth...

Gps Loss Kicked Off Fatal Drone Crash
From ACM News

Gps Loss Kicked Off Fatal Drone Crash

Hopes that a new breed of commercial drones can be easily integrated into civilian airspace have been dashed after it was revealed that the loss of the technology...

Next Xbox Could Have a Biometric Controller
From ACM News

Next Xbox Could Have a Biometric Controller

The controller for the next Xbox might be able to take biometric readings of your hand, according to a recent Microsoft patent.

'bullet Time' to Stop Cyber Attacks on Power Grids
From ACM News

'bullet Time' to Stop Cyber Attacks on Power Grids

In The Matrix, the famous "bullet time" effect showed how Keanu Reeves's character Neo was able to sway out of the path of incoming bullets, as time appeared to...
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