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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Computer Made of DNA Works Out Prime Factors of 6 and 15
From ACM TechNews

Computer Made of DNA Works Out Prime Factors of 6 and 15

Researchers at China's Shanghai Jiao Tong University developed a simple computer using molecules of folded DNA that was able to split the numbers 6 and 15 into...

Supersized Atoms Could Help Quantum Computers Link to Optical Fibers
From ACM TechNews

Supersized Atoms Could Help Quantum Computers Link to Optical Fibers

Researchers developed a device that could enable multiple quantum computers to be networked together by converting quantum outputs into light signals that can travel...

Venus Flytrap Cyborg Snaps Shut with Smartphone Commands
From ACM TechNews

Venus Flytrap Cyborg Snaps Shut with Smartphone Commands

Wenlong Li and colleagues at Singapore's Nanyang Technological University have transformed Venus flytraps into biological robots.

Quantum Computers May Finally Have Practical Use
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Computers May Finally Have Practical Use

Researchers have developed a method for certifying that quantum computers generate truly random numbers without having to inspect the process.

Quantum Computers That Use 'Cat Qubits' May Make Fewer Errors
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Computers That Use 'Cat Qubits' May Make Fewer Errors

Researchers in France found so-called "cat qubits” (quantum bits) could reduce errors by quantum computers and accelerate the cracking of common encryption algorithms...

U.S. Air Force Giving Military Drones the Ability to Recognize Faces
From ACM TechNews

U.S. Air Force Giving Military Drones the Ability to Recognize Faces

A contract between the U.S. Department of Defense and RealNetworks calls for the Seattle-based company to equip U.S. Air Force autonomous drones with facial recognition...

Kombucha Cultures Can Be Turned into Flexible Electric Circuit Boards
From ACM TechNews

Kombucha Cultures Can Be Turned into Flexible Electric Circuit Boards

Researchers at the U.K.'s University of the West of England, Bristol used the mat of cells that form on top when brewing kombucha to develop flexible electric circuit...

Flying Robot Echolocates Like a Bat to Avoid Hitting Walls
From ACM TechNews

Flying Robot Echolocates Like a Bat to Avoid Hitting Walls

Frederike Dümbgen and colleagues have equipped a flying robot to use bat-like echolocation to map its surroundings using a simple microphone and speaker.

Noisy Flashing Drone Could Stop Bats Crashing into Wind Turbines
From ACM TechNews

Noisy Flashing Drone Could Stop Bats Crashing into Wind Turbines

Yuval Werber and colleagues at Israel's University of Haifa invented a drone that makes noise and flashes lights to prevent bats from colliding with turbine blades...

Quantum Computers Vulnerable to Eavesdropping Hackers
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Computers Vulnerable to Eavesdropping Hackers

Allen Mi and colleagues at Yale University warn that even carefully wiping quantum computers of data would not thwart its theft by hackers.

AI-Designed Invisibility Cloak Could Hide Small Communication Devices
From ACM TechNews

AI-Designed Invisibility Cloak Could Hide Small Communication Devices

Researchers used artificial intelligence to design an invisibility cloak to conceal antennas or small communication devices from infrared light or microwave detectors...

U.K. Will Use GPS Fingerprint Scanner to Track People Facing Deportation
From ACM TechNews

U.K. Will Use GPS Fingerprint Scanner to Track People Facing Deportation

The U.K.'s Home Office says it will soon require people facing deportation to carry a global positioning system (GPS)-enabled fingerprint scanner at all times. ...

Unpiloted Military Helicopter Flies 134 km in Simulated Mission
From ACM TechNews

Unpiloted Military Helicopter Flies 134 km in Simulated Mission

The U.S. Army flew an autonomous Black Hawk Helicopter 134 kilometers (83 miles) to deliver 230 kilograms (507 lbs.) of simulated and real blood.

Robotic Laser Can Target, Kill Cockroaches
From ACM TechNews

Robotic Laser Can Target, Kill Cockroaches

Researchers developed a device that can kill cockroaches using a laser, two cameras, and an artificial intelligence (AI) model capable of targeting specific insect...

Humans Beat DeepMind AI in Creating Algorithm to Multiply Numbers
From ACM TechNews

Humans Beat DeepMind AI in Creating Algorithm to Multiply Numbers

Researchers at Austria's Johannes Kepler University Linz bested an algorithm developed by DeepMind with a program that can perform matrix multiplication more efficiently...

Bitcoin Has Emitted 200 Million Tons of CO2 Since Launch
From ACM TechNews

Bitcoin Has Emitted 200 Million Tons of CO2 Since Launch

Researchers at the U.K.'s University of Cambridge estimated bitcoin miners have discharged nearly 200 million tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Artificial Neuron Swaps Dopamine with Rat Brain Cells Like a Real One
From ACM TechNews

Artificial Neuron Swaps Dopamine with Rat Brain Cells Like a Real One

Could be incorporated into future human-machine interfaces.

Flexible Robot Hand with Precise Grip Lifts 1,000 Times Its Own Weight
From ACM TechNews

Flexible Robot Hand with Precise Grip Lifts 1,000 Times Its Own Weight

Researchers have developed artificial muscles using a three-dimensional printer and tiny actuators that convert energy into movement.

Fiber-Optic Cables Could Be Used for Spying
From ACM TechNews

Fiber-Optic Cables Could Be Used for Spying

Device can eavesdrop on people up to 1 km away using existing fiber-optic cables.

Computer Component Could Use as Little Energy as Physically Possible
From ACM TechNews

Computer Component Could Use as Little Energy as Physically Possible

Researchers built a nanomechanical logic gate that uses vibrations for information processing rather than electrons.
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