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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

How Isis Is Winning the Online War For Iraq
From ACM News

How Isis Is Winning the Online War For Iraq

As the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) claimed control of Iraq's biggest oil refinery and akey border crossing between Iraq and Jordan—it lost a key...

Pluto-Bound Craft Seeks Manhattan-Sized Lump of Ice
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Pluto-Bound Craft Seeks Manhattan-Sized Lump of Ice

Desirable destinations at the fringes of the solar system can be hard to find.

Watson in Your Pocket: Supercomputer Gets Own Apps
From ACM News

Watson in Your Pocket: Supercomputer Gets Own Apps

If you could quiz Watson, IBM's all-knowing supercomputer, from an app on your phone, what would you ask it?

Meet Your Unborn Child—before It's Even Conceived
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Meet Your Unborn Child—before It's Even Conceived

Will my baby be healthy?

Hot on the Trail of Consciousness in Brain and Machine
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Hot on the Trail of Consciousness in Brain and Machine

"Nowhere in science have so many devoted so much to create so little consensus," writes physicist, author, and TV presenter Michio Kaku of consciousness research...

'Soft' Biometrics Is the New Way to Monitor People
From ACM News

'Soft' Biometrics Is the New Way to Monitor People

Cameras are strewn around our environment, catching glimpses of our faces everywhere we go, yet even the best facial recognition technology still has a hard time...

Matchstick-Sized Sensor Can Record Your Private Chats
From ACM News

Matchstick-Sized Sensor Can Record Your Private Chats

Everyone knows that to have a private chat in the NSA era, you go outdoors.

The Real Tron: It Security As a Shoot 'em ­p
From ACM News

The Real Tron: It Security As a Shoot 'em ­p

Alert to a sudden threat, you race down a virtual corridor of servers, hot on the tail of malicious software.

Wired Is the New Wireless: Spreading the Web in China
From ACM News

Wired Is the New Wireless: Spreading the Web in China

It's not easy to give over 1.3 billion people access to the internet—especially if that population is spread across a vast area that ranges from hinterland to sprawling...

From ACM News

Telepathy Machine Reconstructs Speech from Brainwaves

When you read this sentence to yourself, it's likely that you hear the words in your head. Now, in what amounts to technological telepathy, others are on the verge...

Google ­sability Chief: Ideas Have to Be Discoverable
From ACM TechNews

Google ­sability Chief: Ideas Have to Be Discoverable

Google's Dan Russell recently spoke to New Scientist on improving searches. 

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Spies Can Send Messages Hidden in a Google Search

The peculiar list of search options that Google suggests as you type in a query could be hijacked to let people communicate secretly.

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The Search Engine That Predicts What You Want

In the future the news will find you—at least according to Futureful, a Finnish startup building a predictive discovery iPad app that will deliver personalised...

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Virtual Spheres Speed Up Skimming Through Mobile Video

With more than 35 hours of video uploaded to YouTube each minute, finding the right video without downloading it first is difficult. And video searching on mobile...

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Google, Twitter, and Facebook Build the Semantic Web

A truly meaningful way of interacting with the web may finally be here, and it is called the semantic web. The idea was proposed over a decade ago by Tim Berners...

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Google May Know Your Desires Before You Do

Google attempts to return relevant search results in the blink of an eye. But in future it could go one better, delivering search results to its users even before...

Shrewd Search Engines Know What You Want
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Shrewd Search Engines Know What You Want

For better or worse, search engines have become the gateway to the Web. They help users to find information, advertisers to sell products—they even help hackers...

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Typos May Earn Google $500m a Year

Google may be earning $500 million a year via companies and individuals who register deceptive Web site addresses. The claim centers on a controversial scheme known...

­.s. Networks and Power Grid ­nder (mock) Cyber-Attack
From ACM News

­.s. Networks and Power Grid ­nder (mock) Cyber-Attack

Unknown hackers have taken out U.S. cellphone networks in an ongoing cyber-attack that will soon knock out parts of the nation's electricity grid – say the officials...

Triple Shadows and Fake Reflections: Future Graphics
From ACM TechNews

Triple Shadows and Fake Reflections: Future Graphics

At the second annual ACM SIGGRAPH Asia conference, which takes place December 16-19 in Yokohama, Japan, computer graphics professionals and researchers will demonstrate...
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