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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Most Cryptocurrency Trades May Be People Buying from Themselves
From ACM TechNews

Most Cryptocurrency Trades May Be People Buying from Themselves

As many as seven in 10 cryptocurrency trades on popular exchanges worldwide may involve people purchasing from themselves to inflate prices artificially.

Simple Make-Up Tips Can Help You Avoid Facial Recognition Software
From ACM TechNews

Simple Make-Up Tips Can Help You Avoid Facial Recognition Software

Researchers at Israel's Ben-Gurion University of the Negev developed artificial intelligence software that can provide makeup advice to foil facial recognition...

City-Wide Quantum Data Network in China Is Largest Ever Built
From ACM TechNews

City-Wide Quantum Data Network in China Is Largest Ever Built

China has been running a city-wide quantum communications network in Hefei, the largest quantum network demonstration built to date, for almost three years.

Smart Reporting Tool Could Combat Fake News on Encrypted Chat Apps
From ACM TechNews

Smart Reporting Tool Could Combat Fake News on Encrypted Chat Apps

Researchers at George Washington University say they have built a tool that would allow users to expose fake news without endangering their privacy. The Fuzzy Anonymous...

Almost No One Encrypts Their Emails Because It Is Too Much of a Hassle
From ACM TechNews

Almost No One Encrypts Their Emails Because It Is Too Much of a Hassle

A study of 81 million email messages sent from January 1994 to July 2021 found that only 0.06% of the emails were encrypted.

Google Can Take Two Months to Remove Malware Apps from App Store
From ACM TechNews

Google Can Take Two Months to Remove Malware Apps from App Store

It takes an average of 77 days from detection for Google to remove apps that may contain malware from the Google Play Store, accoriding to a recent analysis.

GPS Cyberattack Falsely Placed U.K. Warship Near Russian Naval Base
From ACM TechNews

GPS Cyberattack Falsely Placed U.K. Warship Near Russian Naval Base

A cyberattack may have been involved in a naval confrontation this week between Russia and a British warship in the Black Sea that never really happened.

Quantum Data Link Established Between 2 Distant Chinese Cities
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Data Link Established Between 2 Distant Chinese Cities

Researchers created a secure quantum link extending 511 kilometers (almost 320 miles) between two Chinese cities.

Quantum Memory Crystals Are a Step Towards Futuristic Internet
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Memory Crystals Are a Step Towards Futuristic Internet

Researchers at Spain's Institute of Photonic Sciences have taken a step toward a secure quantum Internet by using crystals to execute quantum teleportation of information...

The Way We Use Emojis Evolves Like Language, Changes Their Meaning
From ACM TechNews

The Way We Use Emojis Evolves Like Language, Changes Their Meaning

A study of emoji use over time found that their use and meaning evolves like language, with changes dictated by context.

Chemical Code Used to Store Jane Austen Quote in Plastic Molecules
From ACM TechNews

Chemical Code Used to Store Jane Austen Quote in Plastic Molecules

University of Texas at Austin researchers encoded a quote from Jane Austen's novel Mansfield Park in software-readable plastic molecules.

Google Uses Underwater Fiber-Optic Cable to Detect Earthquakes
From ACM TechNews

Google Uses Underwater Fiber-Optic Cable to Detect Earthquakes

A submarine fiber-optic cable owned by Google was used by researchers to detect earthquakes and ocean waves generated by storms.

Quantum Internet Signals Beamed Between Drones a Kilometer Apart
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Internet Signals Beamed Between Drones a Kilometer Apart

Researchers have sent entangled photons between two 35-kilogram drones located a kilometer apart, a development that could pave the way for quantum encryption. ...

Google's AI Can Keep Loon Balloons Flying for Over 300 Days in a Row
From ACM TechNews

Google's AI Can Keep Loon Balloons Flying for Over 300 Days in a Row

An artificially intelligent pilot can keep huge stratospheric balloons aloft in a fixed position for hundreds of days to operate as floating cell towers for remote...

Robots Now Can Understand What You Are Saying to Follow Commands
From ACM TechNews

Robots Now Can Understand What You Are Saying to Follow Commands

University of Michigan researchers have developed a model that simplifies robots' ability to follow commands by allowing them to understand what people are saying...

Software Can Spy on What You Type in Video Calls by Tracking Your Arms
From ACM TechNews

Software Can Spy on What You Type in Video Calls by Tracking Your Arms

A new model can track the movement of the shoulders and arms of a person typing during a video call to determine what they are typing.

Public Webcams Are Telling Us Whether People Are Social Distancing
From ACM TechNews

Public Webcams Are Telling Us Whether People Are Social Distancing

Since April, computer scientists at Purdue University have been using an online database of public cameras to track compliance with social-distancing guidelines...

Australia Will Use Robot Boats to Find Asylum Seekers at Sea
From ACM TechNews

Australia Will Use Robot Boats to Find Asylum Seekers at Sea

Australia is deploying unmanned robot boats to patrol its waters and monitor weather and wildlife, as well as identifying boats potentially transporting asylum...

Fake News Gets Shared More When It is Angry, Anxiety-Inducing
From ACM TechNews

Fake News Gets Shared More When It is Angry, Anxiety-Inducing

Researchers in China have found that fake news may go viral more quickly when it uses words associated with anger.

Pocket-Sized Device Tests Blood Samples for Genetic Conditions
From ACM TechNews

Pocket-Sized Device Tests Blood Samples for Genetic Conditions

A new smartphone-powered DNA detector can identify DNA in blood, urine, and other samples, on the spot.
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