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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Synthetic Iris Could Let Cameras React to Light Like Our Eyes Do
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Synthetic Iris Could Let Cameras React to Light Like Our Eyes Do

An artificial iris can open and close in response to sunlight without any other outside control, just like the ones in your eyes.

Deepmind Now Learns from Human Preferences, Just Like a Toddler
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Deepmind Now Learns from Human Preferences, Just Like a Toddler

AI systems continue to get increasingly powerful, but still need far too much hand-holding by their human masters. New research from DeepMind and OpenAI suggests...

Chatbots Learn How to Negotiate and Drive a Hard Bargain
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Chatbots Learn How to Negotiate and Drive a Hard Bargain

What's in it for me?

Deepmind's Neural Network Teaches AI to Reason About the World
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Deepmind's Neural Network Teaches AI to Reason About the World

The world is a confusing place, especially for an AI.

Synthetic Humans Help Computers Understand How Real People Act
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Synthetic Humans Help Computers Understand How Real People Act

We are difficult for computers to understand.

Atomic Clocks Make Best Measurement Yet of Relativity of Time
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Atomic Clocks Make Best Measurement Yet of Relativity of Time

Our most accurate clocks are probing a key tenet of Einstein's theory of relativity: the idea that time isn't absolute.

First Hint of How Dna Calculators Could Supercharge Computing
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First Hint of How Dna Calculators Could Supercharge Computing

By making DNA endlessly change, researchers have shown how a biological computer might one day solve problems much faster than conventional computers or even ...

AI Learns to Write Its Own Code By Stealing from Other Programs
From ACM News

AI Learns to Write Its Own Code By Stealing from Other Programs

Out of the way, human, I've got this covered.

AI Learns to Solve Quantum State of Many Particles at Once
From ACM News

AI Learns to Solve Quantum State of Many Particles at Once

The same type of artificial intelligence that mastered the ancient game of Go could help wrestle with the amazing complexity of quantum systems containing billions...

Blind People 'see' Microscope Images Using Touch-Feedback Device
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Blind People 'see' Microscope Images Using Touch-Feedback Device

AI Learns to Predict the Future By Watching 2 Million Videos 
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AI Learns to Predict the Future By Watching 2 Million Videos 

An artificial intelligence system can predict how a scene will unfold and dream up a vision of the immediate future.

Face Electrodes Let You Taste and Chew in Virtual Reality
From ACM News

Face Electrodes Let You Taste and Chew in Virtual Reality

You're having dinner in a virtual reality game. The banquet scene in front of you looks so real that your mouth is watering.

Pasta Spirals Link Neutron Stars and the Machinery of Your Cells
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Pasta Spirals Link Neutron Stars and the Machinery of Your Cells

The conditions are vastly different, but the pasta is the same.

Send Secret Messages Hidden in the Dna of Bacterial Spores
From ACM News

Send Secret Messages Hidden in the Dna of Bacterial Spores

Humble bacterial spores are taking us closer to an age of DNA information storage, thanks to new ways of protecting archived data from corruption as well as from...

Revealed: Google's Plan For Quantum Computer Supremacy
From ACM Careers

Revealed: Google's Plan For Quantum Computer Supremacy

Somewhere in California, Google is building a device that will usher in a new era for computing.

Expensive Drones Take Flying Lessons from Cheaper Stunt Doubles
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Expensive Drones Take Flying Lessons from Cheaper Stunt Doubles

Some of the best lessons come from the school of hard knocks. But some kit is too delicate or expensive to be subjected to this.

Libraries of Plastic Molecules Could Store Huge Amounts of Data
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Libraries of Plastic Molecules Could Store Huge Amounts of Data

One day your hard drive could just be a pile of plastic. Researchers have coded a word into short chains of plastic molecules, which could be used as a space-saving...

Crystal Mimics Brain Cell to Sift Through Giant Piles of Data
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Crystal Mimics Brain Cell to Sift Through Giant Piles of Data

There's nothing quite like the human brain. Today, researchers at IBM unveiled their latest attempt to mimic it: an artificial neuron that switches between crystal...

Now You See Me: True Invisibility Cloak Impossible to Build
From ACM News

Now You See Me: True Invisibility Cloak Impossible to Build

Strike the invisibility cloak off your wish list. They are impossible to build for human-sized objects, says a new study.

Baidu ­ses Millions of ­sers' Location Data to Make Predictions
From ACM News

Baidu ­ses Millions of ­sers' Location Data to Make Predictions

Baidu, China's internet giant, has shown what you can learn when you have access to enough location data.
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