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subjectComputers And Society
authorNew Scientist

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM TechNews

Garbage-Sorting Robot Gets Its Hands Dirty

Robots could fill the role of sorting through and categorizing discarded material from construction and demolition projects for recyclers as a result of the efforts...

Online 3D Insect Sleuth Tells Friend From Foe
From ACM TechNews

Online 3D Insect Sleuth Tells Friend From Foe

A new online system could make it easier for Australia to identify invasive fire ants, which were accidentally imported into the country two decades ago.

From ACM News

How a Robot Can Replace You at Work

As telepresence robots begin to appear in more and more offices and factories, they are poised to transform the way we work and interact with our colleagues.

Fake Tweets By 'socialbot' Fool Hundreds of Followers
From ACM TechNews

Fake Tweets By 'socialbot' Fool Hundreds of Followers

Three socialbots recently integrated themselves into a group of Twitter users, gained 250 followers, and received 240 responses to the tweets they sent over a two...

AI Lie Detection Could Help Crack Terror Cells
From ACM News

AI Lie Detection Could Help Crack Terror Cells

In A bar in Maastricht University in the Netherlands, 12 students are each given an envelope marked "Top Secret." Inside are plans for a terror attack somewhere...

GPS Chaos: How a $30 Box Can Jam Your Life
From ACM News

GPS Chaos: How a $30 Box Can Jam Your Life

Signals from GPS satellites now help you to call your mother, power your home, and even land your plane – but a cheap plastic box can jam it all.

Will Goal-Line Technology Bring Justice to Soccer?
From ACM News

Will Goal-Line Technology Bring Justice to Soccer?

A sporting miscarriage of justice that occurred last summer triggered a series of experiments that could this weekend see soccer (that's football to the rest...

Augmented Reality Iphone Helps Police Track Suspects
From ACM News

Augmented Reality Iphone Helps Police Track Suspects

Picture the scene: armed police officers are warned on their radios that a suspected male terrorist has been tracked to a crowded football stadium.

Better Than Human? What's Next for Jeopardy! Computer
From ACM News

Better Than Human? What's Next for Jeopardy! Computer

A medical robot; a Google-killer; a financial advisor; a tool for trawling legal documents; an aide for the intelligence services. These are just some of the...

From ACM News

Cryptographers Chosen to Duke It Out in Final Fight

A competition to find a replacement for one of the gold-standard computer security algorithms used in almost all secure, online transactions just heated up.

Criminals Find the Key to Car Immobilizers
From ACM News

Criminals Find the Key to Car Immobilizers

For 16 years, car immobilisers have kept car thieves at bay, but that may now be changing.

Criminals Find the Key to Car Immobilizers
From ACM News

Criminals Find the Key to Car Immobilizers

For 16 years, car immobilisers have kept car thieves at bay, but that may now be changing.

Supercomputer Hunts Child Abusers
From ACM TechNews

Supercomputer Hunts Child Abusers

Oak Ridge National Laboratory researchers are using the Jaguar supercomputer to analyze Internet traffic, looking for clues that will lead law enforcement officers...

From ACM TechNews

Tongue Clicks to Control Wheelchairs

The University of Bristol's Ravi Vaidyanathan is leading a research effort to develop an in-ear device that would enable people to control a wheelchair by clicking...

From ACM TechNews

Army Avatars Join the Battle For Hearts and Minds

Researchers at the University of Southern California are developing realistic, immersive virtual-reality programs for the U.S. military in which the soldiers are...

Cellphones Reveal Emerging Disease Outbreaks
From ACM News

Cellphones Reveal Emerging Disease Outbreaks

Your cellphone could be a key tool in the fight against disease by relaying a telltale signature of illness to doctors and agencies monitoring new outbreaks.

Robot Arm Punches Human to Obey Asimov's Rules
From ACM News

Robot Arm Punches Human to Obey Asimov's Rules

Isaac Asimov would probably have been horrified at the experiments under way in a robotics lab in Slovenia. There, a powerful robot has been hitting people over...

The Green City That Has a Brain
From ACM News

The Green City That Has a Brain

The planned city of PlanIT Valley in northern Portugal is aiming to be an environmentally sustainable city. And, like an organism, it will have a brain: a central...

Why the Stuxnet Worm Is Like Nothing Seen Before
From ACM News

Why the Stuxnet Worm Is Like Nothing Seen Before

Stuxnet is the first worm of its type capable of attacking critical infrastructure like power stations and electricity grids: those in the know have been expecting...

Cern Collides With a Patent Reality
From ACM TechNews

Cern Collides With a Patent Reality

Previously reluctant to patent the inventions, the CERN particle physics laboratory  recently struck a deal with the World Intellectual Property Organization to...
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