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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Stitching a Drone's View of the World Into 3d Maps as It Flies
From ACM News

Stitching a Drone's View of the World Into 3d Maps as It Flies

When you're buzzing through the air at 60 kilometres per hour, it can be hard to take in the view. But now drones can create highly detailed 3D maps as they fly...

Baidu ­ses Millions of ­sers' Location Data to Make Predictions
From ACM News

Baidu ­ses Millions of ­sers' Location Data to Make Predictions

Baidu, China's internet search giant, has shown just what you can learn when you have access to enough location data.

This Turing Machine Should Run Forever ­nless Maths Is Wrong
From ACM News

This Turing Machine Should Run Forever ­nless Maths Is Wrong

One hundred and fifty years of mathematics will be proved wrong if a new computer program stops running. Thankfully, it's unlikely to happen, but the code behind...

Atomic Memory Could Store ­S Library of Congress in a Dust Speck
From ACM News

Atomic Memory Could Store ­S Library of Congress in a Dust Speck

It's a memory so small you'll forget where you left it. A new data storage system uses single atoms as computer bits, and could hold the contents of the US Library...

The Buzz of Your Skull Can Be ­sed to Tell Exactly Who You Are
From ACM News

The Buzz of Your Skull Can Be ­sed to Tell Exactly Who You Are

You will know me by the buzz in my head. Biometric systems, which identify people by their physiological features, can use everything from ear shape to walking...

Planet Nine Hunters Enlist Big Bang Telescopes and Saturn Probe
From ACM News

Planet Nine Hunters Enlist Big Bang Telescopes and Saturn Probe

The fate of an entire world is at stake. Astronomers are enlisting every telescope and space probe they can think of in the hunt for the solar system's potential...

Four Big Cosmology Secrets Gravitational Waves Could ­ncover
From ACM News

Four Big Cosmology Secrets Gravitational Waves Could ­ncover

On 11 February, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave observatory, or LIGO, announced it had spotted gravitational waves, the stretching and squeezing of...

Mind-Reading Tech Helps Beginners Quickly Learn to Play Bach
From ACM News

Mind-Reading Tech Helps Beginners Quickly Learn to Play Bach

Every potential virtuoso needs a mentor. It just so happens that this one is a computer.

3D-Printed Display Lets Blind People Explore Images By Touch
From ACM News

3D-Printed Display Lets Blind People Explore Images By Touch

Blind and partially sighted people often use tactile displays to interact with computers.

Google Deepmind AI Navigates a Doom-Like 3D Maze Just By Looking
From ACM News

Google Deepmind AI Navigates a Doom-Like 3D Maze Just By Looking

Google DeepMind just entered the 90s. Fresh off their success in playing the ancient game of Go, DeepMind’s latest artificial intelligence can navigate a 3D maze...

Glowing 4d-Printed Flowers Could Pave Way For Replacement Organs
From ACM News

Glowing 4d-Printed Flowers Could Pave Way For Replacement Organs

This delicate, glowing flower could one day save your life. It’s the latest example of "4D printing"–3D printed objects that change their shape over time—and it...

Race of World's Tiniest Cars Set to Drive Nano-Robot Revolution
From ACM TechNews

Race of World's Tiniest Cars Set to Drive Nano-Robot Revolution

Scientists from around the world will meet in Toulouse, France, in November for the world's first car race conducted at the nanoscopic level. 

Philae Lander Fails to Respond to Last-Ditch Efforts to Wake It
From ACM News

Philae Lander Fails to Respond to Last-Ditch Efforts to Wake It

Farewell, Philae. The space lander that touched down on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (and in our hearts) in November 2014 has not responded to a last-ditch attempt...

IBM to Develop Hardware to Wipe Out Errors in Quantum Computing
From ACM News

IBM to Develop Hardware to Wipe Out Errors in Quantum Computing

The race to build a full-blown quantum computer is heating up.

Cyborg Rose Has Electric Circuits Running Through Polymer Veins
From ACM TechNews

Cyborg Rose Has Electric Circuits Running Through Polymer Veins

Swedish researchers built a working electronic circuit from an ordinary garden rose by filling its veins with conductive polymer. This is the first step toward...

Silicon 2.0 Promises Superpowered Chips and Solar Cells
From ACM TechNews

Silicon 2.0 Promises Superpowered Chips and Solar Cells

Silicon's limited electrical conductivity holds back computer processing speeds and the efficiency of solar panels. Ordinary silicon enhanced with certain abilities...

Smart Glasses Translate Video Into Sound to Help the Blind See
From ACM News

Smart Glasses Translate Video Into Sound to Help the Blind See

Blind people have long relied on sound as a substitution for sight, and some even use echolocation to navigate around objects. But it turns out that sound can be...

Inside China's Plan to Give Every Citizen a Character Score
From ACM News

Inside China's Plan to Give Every Citizen a Character Score

Where you go, what you buy, who you know, how many points are on your driving licence, how your pupils rate you.

Forget the Turing Test—there Are Better Ways of Judging AI
From ACM News

Forget the Turing Test—there Are Better Ways of Judging AI

Last Saturday I took part in a battle of wits at Bletchley Park, the stately home that housed the U.K.’s codebreakers during the second world war.

­nhackable Kernel Could Keep All Computers Safe from Cyberattack
From ACM News

­nhackable Kernel Could Keep All Computers Safe from Cyberattack

An autonomous helicopter gunship is flying over a military base in Arizona. Suddenly, officers on the ground lose radio contact: hackers have taken control of an...
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