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subjectComputer Applications
authorNew Scientist

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

3D Rabbit 'Hologram' Created by Levitating Screen Using Sound Waves
From ACM TechNews

3D Rabbit 'Hologram' Created by Levitating Screen Using Sound Waves

An algorithm developed by researchers at the U.K.'s University College London can generate "holograms" by acoustically levitating objects.

Global Satellite Map Will Help Hunt Down Illegal Fishing Vessels
From ACM TechNews

Global Satellite Map Will Help Hunt Down Illegal Fishing Vessels

A new digital map uses satellite radar imagery to identify potential illegal fishing vessels.

Robot Can Find Keys in a Bag by Listening as It Rummages
From ACM TechNews

Robot Can Find Keys in a Bag by Listening as It Rummages

Stanford University researchers trained a microphone-outfitted robotic arm to locate objects like keys in a handbag by listening for telltale sounds while searching...

Smart Contact Lens for Glaucoma Could Release Drugs When Needed
From ACM TechNews

Smart Contact Lens for Glaucoma Could Release Drugs When Needed

A prototype wireless contact lens could help treat glaucoma by automatically dispensing drugs when pressure inside the eye becomes excessive.

Virtual Tennis Racket Uses Air Jet to Recreate Feel of Hitting Ball
From ACM TechNews

Virtual Tennis Racket Uses Air Jet to Recreate Feel of Hitting Ball

Researchers have developed the AirRacket, a virtual reality controller that emits bursts of compressed air to simulate a ball's impact in racket sports.

Ordinary Copper Telephone Wire Could Carry Gigabit Broadband Speeds
From ACM TechNews

Ordinary Copper Telephone Wire Could Carry Gigabit Broadband Speeds

Researhers claim copper telephone wire already deployed across Britain can carry data at rates three times higher than fiber-optic cable at much less cost, over...

Laser-Based 3D Printer Produces Complex Objects in Any Order
From ACM TechNews

Laser-Based 3D Printer Produces Complex Objects in Any Order

Stanford University researchers have developed a three-dimensional printing system that can construct objects in any order, instead of layer by layer.

Driverless Cars Can Be Tricked into Seeing Red Traffic Lights as Green
From ACM TechNews

Driverless Cars Can Be Tricked into Seeing Red Traffic Lights as Green

Researchers at China's Zhejiang University found driverless cars could be fooled into seeing red traffic lights as green.

Watch a Robot Peel a Banana Without Crushing It
From ACM TechNews

Watch a Robot Peel a Banana Without Crushing It

A machine learning system developed by researchers at Japan's University of Tokyo can train a robot to peel a banana without crushing it.

Will Russia's Invasion of Ukraine Trigger a Cyberwar?
From ACM News

Will Russia's Invasion of Ukraine Trigger a Cyberwar?

Russia, Ukraine, and many of the latter's Western allies have the ability to launch cyberattacks on other nations, and both sides seem ready for digital skirmishes...

Google, Waymo Used Driverless Cars to Make Virtual San Francisco
From ACM TechNews

Google, Waymo Used Driverless Cars to Make Virtual San Francisco

Researchers at driverless car company Waymo and Google Research used self-driving vehicles to create a virtual model of San Francisco.

Robot Performs Keyhole Surgery on Pigs
From ACM TechNews

Robot Performs Keyhole Surgery on Pigs

Researchers at Johns Hopkins University programmed a robot to perform minimally invasive keyhole surgery on pigs.

AI-Generated Deepfake Voices Can Fool Humans, Smart Assistants
From ACM TechNews

AI-Generated Deepfake Voices Can Fool Humans, Smart Assistants

Freely available voice-mimicking software can deceive people and voice-activated tools like smart assistants, according to University of Chicago scientists.

Simple Make-Up Tips Can Help You Avoid Facial Recognition Software
From ACM TechNews

Simple Make-Up Tips Can Help You Avoid Facial Recognition Software

Researchers at Israel's Ben-Gurion University of the Negev developed artificial intelligence software that can provide makeup advice to foil facial recognition...

Ancient Mesopotamian Cuneiform Tablets Could Be Decoded by AI
From ACM TechNews

Ancient Mesopotamian Cuneiform Tablets Could Be Decoded by AI

A deep learning artificial intelligence model has decoded ancient Mesopotamian cuneiform tablets.

Google Can Take Two Months to Remove Malware Apps from App Store
From ACM TechNews

Google Can Take Two Months to Remove Malware Apps from App Store

It takes an average of 77 days from detection for Google to remove apps that may contain malware from the Google Play Store, accoriding to a recent analysis.

Meteorite-Hunting Drones Could Help Find Freshly Fallen Space Rocks
From ACM TechNews

Meteorite-Hunting Drones Could Help Find Freshly Fallen Space Rocks

A team of scientists used drones and machine learning to try to find just-landed meteorites.

U.S. Army Scientists Create Formula for the Perfect Walking Robot
From ACM TechNews

U.S. Army Scientists Create Formula for the Perfect Walking Robot

U.S. Army Research Laboratory scientists have determined that current legged robots could be far more efficient.

AI Shows 2 Scribes Wrote One of the Dead Sea Scrolls
From ACM TechNews

AI Shows 2 Scribes Wrote One of the Dead Sea Scrolls

One of the Dead Sea Scrolls was written by two scribes with very similar handwriting, according to researchers at the Netherlands' University of Groningen.

Robotic Elephant Trunk Can Learn Tasks on Its Own
From ACM TechNews

Robotic Elephant Trunk Can Learn Tasks on Its Own

Researchers  used three-dimensional printing to create a robotic elephant trunk that uses artificial intelligence to emulate how sensory input triggers synaptic ...
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