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subjectInformation Systems
authorNew Scientist

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Artificial Leg with Sensors Helps People Feel Every Step
From ACM TechNews

Artificial Leg with Sensors Helps People Feel Every Step

A new artificial leg is equipped with sensors that allow users to feel when the leg flexes and lands on the ground.

AI Facial Recognition Software Now Works for Wild Chimpanzees, Too
From ACM TechNews

AI Facial Recognition Software Now Works for Wild Chimpanzees, Too

A new facial recognition artificial intelligence program can detect and identify individual chimpanzees captured in video footage recorded in the wild.

AIs That Deblur Faces Could Make People on CCTV Easier to Identify
From ACM TechNews

AIs That Deblur Faces Could Make People on CCTV Easier to Identify

A new artificial intelligence system can automatically deblur photographs of people's faces.

Smartphone App Can Detect Tiny Amounts of Norovirus in Water
From ACM TechNews

Smartphone App Can Detect Tiny Amounts of Norovirus in Water

A new smartphone app can detect extremely small amounts of norovirus (the most common cause of gastroenteritis) in water, when used with a microscope attachment...

Artificial Skin Can Sense 1,000 Times Faster Than Human Nerves
From ACM TechNews

Artificial Skin Can Sense 1,000 Times Faster Than Human Nerves

Researchers at the National University of Singapore have developed artificial skin containing physical sensors that can detect pressure, bending, and temperature...

AI That Spots Inequality Could Monitor Living Conditions in Cities
From ACM TechNews

AI That Spots Inequality Could Monitor Living Conditions in Cities

Researchers have trained an artificial intelligence to detect inequalities in four U.K. cities using a combination of government statistics and images from Google...

3D Facial Analysis Could Help Identify Children with Rare Conditions
From ACM TechNews

3D Facial Analysis Could Help Identify Children with Rare Conditions

A new tool can identify subtle but important differences in facial geometry, allowing medical professionals to more quickly diagnose rare medical conditions in...

The Best Image-Recognition AIs are Fooled by Slightly Rotated Images
From ACM TechNews

The Best Image-Recognition AIs are Fooled by Slightly Rotated Images

Artificial intelligence is much worse at identifying objects by sight than many people realize.

Major Companies Are ­sing AI to Decide Who You Speak to on the Phone
From ACM TechNews

Major Companies Are ­sing AI to Decide Who You Speak to on the Phone

Many large companies around the world use artificial intelligence-based software to manage millions of call-center conversations.

­K Police Wants AI to Stop Violent Crime Before It Happens
From ACM News

­K Police Wants AI to Stop Violent Crime Before It Happens

Police in the UK want to predict serious violent crime using artificial intelligence, New Scientist can reveal. The idea is that individuals flagged by the system...

Search Engine for CCTV Lets You Find People From Their Description
From ACM TechNews

Search Engine for CCTV Lets You Find People From Their Description

A new system uses machine learning to automatically match individuals in videos with their descriptions.

Your Brain Is Like 100 Billion Mini-Computers All Working Together
From ACM News

Your Brain Is Like 100 Billion Mini-Computers All Working Together

Each of our brain cells could work like a mini-computer, according to the first recording of electrical activity in human cells at a super-fine level of detail....

AIs Invent Weird New Limbs to Beat Virtual Obstacle Courses
From ACM News

AIs Invent Weird New Limbs to Beat Virtual Obstacle Courses

What are the best two legs for running an obstacle course? One leg that crawls at the knee joint, and one massive leg dragged behind for stability like a kangaroo's...

This Robot Crawls Over Your Body and Scans Your Skin With a Microscope
From ACM TechNews

This Robot Crawls Over Your Body and Scans Your Skin With a Microscope

A palm-sized bipedal robot can carry out a medical inspection of a patient when a doctor is unavailable.

Flint Water Crisis: How AI Is Finding Thousands of Hazardous Pipes
From ACM TechNews

Flint Water Crisis: How AI Is Finding Thousands of Hazardous Pipes

Georgia Institute of Technology researchers have developed an artificial intelligence algorithm that can determine the location of dangerous lead pipes in Flint...

The ­nderwater Drones That Hunt for Oil Spills
From ACM TechNews

The ­nderwater Drones That Hunt for Oil Spills

Researchers at the Technical University of Cartagena in Spain deployed five autonomous underwater vehicles to locate and track oil spills below the surface of the...

AI Camera to Help Spot the Best Grapes for Making Pesticide-Free Wine
From ACM TechNews

AI Camera to Help Spot the Best Grapes for Making Pesticide-Free Wine

Researchers in Germany have developed a mobile laboratory to automate and accelerate the process of checking the wax coverage of grapes, a task prone to human error...

How to Stop Artificial Intelligence Being Biased
From ACM TechNews

How to Stop Artificial Intelligence Being Biased

Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Germany have developed a new method to avoid embedding bias into machine learning algorithms....

4 Tweets Can Reveal the Identity of an Anonymous Troll
From ACM TechNews

4 Tweets Can Reveal the Identity of an Anonymous Troll

Four geotagged posts are sufficient to identify an anonymous account from a telephone company's database of customers.

Underwater Robot Finds Second World War Bomber Plane on Seabed
From ACM TechNews

Underwater Robot Finds Second World War Bomber Plane on Seabed

Harvey Mudd College researchers have developed a novel autonomous underwater vehicle that can explore the sea floor looking for signs of wrecked ships.
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