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authorNew Scientist

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Anti-Swearing AI Takes the Edge Off Abuse on Reddit and Twitter
From ACM TechNews

Anti-Swearing AI Takes the Edge Off Abuse on Reddit and Twitter

IBM researchers have developed a system that translates offensive comments on social media into more polite language, while keeping the content intact.

Eye Scanner Can Tell If You've Mastered a Foreign Language
From ACM TechNews

Eye Scanner Can Tell If You've Mastered a Foreign Language

A new algorithm monitors a person's unconscious eye movements as they read, to assess their proficiency in a foreign language.

Monkey Face Recognition App Can Help Spot Endangered Primates
From ACM TechNews

Monkey Face Recognition App Can Help Spot Endangered Primates

Researchers at Michigan State University have developed a mobile application that can identify and track primates in the wild from facial photos.

­.S. Army Makes a Virtual North Korea for Training
From ACM TechNews

­.S. Army Makes a Virtual North Korea for Training

The U.S. Army is creating a virtual duplicate of our planet in which to drill troops.

Computers Made From Human Cells Could Tell You When You're Sick
From ACM TechNews

Computers Made From Human Cells Could Tell You When You're Sick

Researchers say they have created the world's most complex biological computer, a group of engineered cells that could be implanted into the human body.

AI Cheats at Old Atari Games by Finding ­nknown Bugs in the Code
From ACM TechNews

AI Cheats at Old Atari Games by Finding ­nknown Bugs in the Code

A new algorithm plays Atari games and advances within them either by baiting an enemy to kill itself, or by exploiting bugs that allow the algorithm to cheat.

Largest Prime Number Ever Found Has Over 23 Million Digits
From ACM TechNews

Largest Prime Number Ever Found Has Over 23 Million Digits

Tennessee electrical engineer Jonathan Pace has discovered the largest-ever prime number.

Largest Prime Number Ever Found Has Over 23 Million Digits
From ACM News

Largest Prime Number Ever Found Has Over 23 Million Digits

Maths fans can't get enough of numbers that are millions of digits long and can only be divided by themselves and one. Now, through a collaborative effort, utilising...

Researcher: 'we Should Be Worried' This Computer Thought a Turtle Was a Gun
From ACM TechNews

Researcher: 'we Should Be Worried' This Computer Thought a Turtle Was a Gun

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology's LabSix artificial intelligence team has demonstrated the first example of a three-dimensional object becoming "adversarial"...

Half the ­niverse's Missing Matter Has Just Been Finally Found
From ACM News

Half the ­niverse's Missing Matter Has Just Been Finally Found

The missing links between galaxies have finally been found. This is the first detection of the roughly half of the normal matter in our universe—protons, neutrons...

Robot Made from a Dna Strand Could Deliver Cargo in Your Blood
From ACM News

Robot Made from a Dna Strand Could Deliver Cargo in Your Blood

You won't read about a smaller robot than this one any time soon. It consists of just a single strand of DNA, and moves by taking tiny 6-nanometre steps—around...

Facebook AI Learns Human Reactions After Watching Hours of Skype
From ACM News

Facebook AI Learns Human Reactions After Watching Hours of Skype

There's something not quite right about humanoid robots.

Your Broadband Provider Can ­se Your Smart Devices to Spy on You
From ACM News

Your Broadband Provider Can ­se Your Smart Devices to Spy on You

How much of your privacy would you trade for a smarter home? Internet service providers (ISPs) can peek at the internet-connected devices people use in their own...

Inside the Fighter Jet of the Future Where AI Is the Pilot 
From ACM News

Inside the Fighter Jet of the Future Where AI Is the Pilot 

I'm in the cockpit of a Typhoon fighter jet. It's an overwhelming sea of buttons, twiddly knobs and square screens displaying various diagrams and measurements....

AI Artist Conjures ­p Convincing Fake Worlds From Memories
From ACM TechNews

AI Artist Conjures ­p Convincing Fake Worlds From Memories

Researchers have developed a neural network capable of creating realistic photos based on real-world images.

Deepmind AI Teaches Itself About the World By Watching Videos
From ACM TechNews

Deepmind AI Teaches Itself About the World By Watching Videos

Researchers at Google's DeepMind unit have developed an artificial intelligence system that teaches itself to recognize visual and audio concepts by watching video...

Deepmind AI Teaches Itself About the World By Watching Videos
From ACM News

Deepmind AI Teaches Itself About the World By Watching Videos

To an untrained AI, the world is a blur of confusing data streams.

Sneaky Attacks Trick Ais Into Seeing or Hearing What's Not There
From ACM TechNews

Sneaky Attacks Trick Ais Into Seeing or Hearing What's Not There

A new technique could be used by hackers to trick autonomous cars into ignoring stop signs or prevent surveillance cameras from spotting a suspect.

We Could Build a Galactic Internet but It May Take 300,000 Years
From ACM News

We Could Build a Galactic Internet but It May Take 300,000 Years

If there are advanced alien civilizations in the Milky Way, we ought to be thinking about how to say hello to our neighbours.

Robot Physical Therapist Helps People Walk Again After a Stroke
From ACM TechNews

Robot Physical Therapist Helps People Walk Again After a Stroke

A new smart harness uses artificial intelligence to help people regain their mobility following certain neurological injuries.
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