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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Proof Confirmed of 400-Year-Old Fruit-Stacking Problem
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Proof Confirmed of 400-Year-Old Fruit-Stacking Problem

A computer-verified proof of a 400-year-old problem could pave the way for a new era of mathematics.

Traffic Light Hackers Could Cause Jams Across the US
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Traffic Light Hackers Could Cause Jams Across the US

Branden Ghena pulls his car up under a traffic light in a city in Michigan.

Messaging App Lets You Leave Secrets on Street Corners
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Messaging App Lets You Leave Secrets on Street Corners

It's your birthday and a message from a friend suggests you go to a nearby street corner.

Twitter Bots Grow ­p and Take On the World
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Twitter Bots Grow ­p and Take On the World

On 18 July, someone in the Russian government edited Wikipedia.

U.s. Government Chatbot Gets You to Tell All
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U.s. Government Chatbot Gets You to Tell All

Want access to the U.S. government's secrets? Talk to the robot.

Turing's Oracle: The Computer That Goes Beyond Logic
From ACM TechNews

Turing's Oracle: The Computer That Goes Beyond Logic

An "oracle" computer proposed by celebrated mathematician Alan Turing in 1938 that goes beyond conventional human logic is the focus of a Missouri State University...

Meet Jibo, the Cute Social Robot that Knows the Family
From ACM News

Meet Jibo, the Cute Social Robot that Knows the Family

In suite 712 of the Eventi Hotel, high above the sticky June bustle of Midtown Manhattan, New York, one of the world's most advanced consumer robots awaits command...

Tibetan Altitude Gene Came from Extinct Human Species
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Tibetan Altitude Gene Came from Extinct Human Species

Tibetans are comfortable at high altitudes where the air is thin.

Make Robots ­seful By Teaching Them to Talk Like ­S
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Make Robots ­seful By Teaching Them to Talk Like ­S

When Ashutosh Saxena wants some coffee or ice cream, he can ask a robot to make it for him.

Computer Spots Rare Diseases in Family Photos
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Computer Spots Rare Diseases in Family Photos

Doctors faced with the tricky task of spotting rare genetic diseases in children may soon be asking parents to email their family photos.

Commercial Quantum Computer Still Awaits Ultimate Test
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Commercial Quantum Computer Still Awaits Ultimate Test

Quantum computers promise to revolutionise the digital world, but how do you tell if a computer really is harnessing the power quantum mechanics?

Pluto-Bound Craft Seeks Manhattan-Sized Lump of Ice
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Pluto-Bound Craft Seeks Manhattan-Sized Lump of Ice

Desirable destinations at the fringes of the solar system can be hard to find.

Windows Bug-Testing Software Cracks Stem Cell Programs
From ACM TechNews

Windows Bug-Testing Software Cracks Stem Cell Programs

Windows bug-testing software is providing insight into how stem cells determine which type of tissue to become. 

Skinny Wormholes Could Send Messages Through Time
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Skinny Wormholes Could Send Messages Through Time

Like some bizarre form of optical fibre, a long, thin wormhole might let you send messages through time using pulses of light.

Quantum Positioning System Steps In When Gps Fails
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Quantum Positioning System Steps In When Gps Fails

In 2016 a British submarine will slip its moorings and set sail under the guidance of the quantum world.

Sentient Robots? Not Possible If You Do the Maths
From ACM News

Sentient Robots? Not Possible If You Do the Maths

So long, robot pals—and robot overlords.

Cheap Gadget Lets You Steer a Wheelchair with Your Eyes
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Cheap Gadget Lets You Steer a Wheelchair with Your Eyes

Put some "crap" technology with some smart software and you get one life-changing solution.

Cyborg Angst: 5 Ways Computers Will Perplex ­S in 2039
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Cyborg Angst: 5 Ways Computers Will Perplex ­S in 2039

Brain chips mean we are struggling to distinguish our own thoughts from ideas implanted by advertisers.

Watson in Your Pocket: Supercomputer Gets Own Apps
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Watson in Your Pocket: Supercomputer Gets Own Apps

If you could quiz Watson, IBM's all-knowing supercomputer, from an app on your phone, what would you ask it?

Virtual Earth Plays Out Fate of Life on the Planet
From ACM News

Virtual Earth Plays Out Fate of Life on the Planet

We can simulate the climate and we can even simulate babies. Now, we can simulate life on Earth, too—the vast and complex interactions of the living organisms on...
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