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subjectComputers And Society
authorNew Scientist

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

DeepMind AI Can Accurately Predict if it Will Rain in Next 90 Minutes
From ACM TechNews

DeepMind AI Can Accurately Predict if it Will Rain in Next 90 Minutes

Artificial intelligence can forecast extremely short-term rainfall more accurately than current models.

Simple Make-Up Tips Can Help You Avoid Facial Recognition Software
From ACM TechNews

Simple Make-Up Tips Can Help You Avoid Facial Recognition Software

Researchers at Israel's Ben-Gurion University of the Negev developed artificial intelligence software that can provide makeup advice to foil facial recognition...

Quantum Supremacy Achieved by More Complex Quantum Computer
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Supremacy Achieved by More Complex Quantum Computer

A quantum computer completed a calculation in 4.2 hours that would have taken a classical system thousands of years.

Quantum Computer Helps Design Better Quantum Computer
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Computer Helps Design Better Quantum Computer

Researchers at the University of Science and Technology of China in Shanghai used a quantum computer to design a quantum bit that could power better quantum systems...

Ancient Mesopotamian Cuneiform Tablets Could Be Decoded by AI
From ACM TechNews

Ancient Mesopotamian Cuneiform Tablets Could Be Decoded by AI

A deep learning artificial intelligence model has decoded ancient Mesopotamian cuneiform tablets.

City-Wide Quantum Data Network in China Is Largest Ever Built
From ACM TechNews

City-Wide Quantum Data Network in China Is Largest Ever Built

China has been running a city-wide quantum communications network in Hefei, the largest quantum network demonstration built to date, for almost three years.

Smart Reporting Tool Could Combat Fake News on Encrypted Chat Apps
From ACM TechNews

Smart Reporting Tool Could Combat Fake News on Encrypted Chat Apps

Researchers at George Washington University say they have built a tool that would allow users to expose fake news without endangering their privacy. The Fuzzy Anonymous...

AI Can Detect Deepfake Face Because Its Pupils Have Jagged Edges
From ACM TechNews

AI Can Detect Deepfake Face Because Its Pupils Have Jagged Edges

A computer model developed by researchers at New York’s University of Albany can determine whether an image of a face is a deepfake by examining its pupils.

Digital Archives Meant to Be Permanent Seem to Be Lost on the Web
From ACM TechNews

Digital Archives Meant to Be Permanent Seem to Be Lost on the Web

Old Dominion University's Michael Nelson and colleagues have found that supposedly permanent digital Web archives could be lost.

Google Can Take Two Months to Remove Malware Apps from App Store
From ACM TechNews

Google Can Take Two Months to Remove Malware Apps from App Store

It takes an average of 77 days from detection for Google to remove apps that may contain malware from the Google Play Store, accoriding to a recent analysis.

Snake-Like Robot Could Explore Saturn's Icy Moon Enceladus
From ACM TechNews

Snake-Like Robot Could Explore Saturn's Icy Moon Enceladus

Researchers have developed a snake-like robot that could facilitate exploration of the interior of Saturn's icy moon Enceladus.

AI Carpenter Can Recreate Furniture From Photos
From ACM TechNews

AI Carpenter Can Recreate Furniture From Photos

An algorithm developed by University of Washington researchers can render photos of wooden objects into three-dimensional models with enough detail to be replicated...

Why Self-Driving Cars Could be Going the Way of the Jetpack
From ACM News

Why Self-Driving Cars Could be Going the Way of the Jetpack

Some observers say the dream of fully autonomous vehicles is a mirage: creating robot vehicles able to tackle any kind of road or traffic situation is just too...

Dubai Police Will Use Citywide Network of Drones to Respond to Crime
From ACM TechNews

Dubai Police Will Use Citywide Network of Drones to Respond to Crime

Dubai is creating a network of pre-positioned drone bases so police can respond to incidents with drones anywhere in the city within a minute.

Water-Powered Robotic Hand Can Play Super Mario Bros
From ACM TechNews

Water-Powered Robotic Hand Can Play Super Mario Bros

University of Maryland researchers used three-dimensional printing to produce a water-controlled robotic hand capable of completing the first level of the computer...

 Google Demonstrates Vital Step towards Large-scale Quantum Computers
From ACM News

Google Demonstrates Vital Step towards Large-scale Quantum Computers

Said Peter Knight at Imperial College London, "Without this advance, you will still have uncertainty about whether the roadmap towards fault tolerance was feasible...

Banning Extreme Views on YouTube Really Does Help Stop Their Spread
From ACM TechNews

Banning Extreme Views on YouTube Really Does Help Stop Their Spread

The results of a study indicated that banning people who espouse extreme views from YouTube shrinks their audience.

GPS Cyberattack Falsely Placed U.K. Warship Near Russian Naval Base
From ACM TechNews

GPS Cyberattack Falsely Placed U.K. Warship Near Russian Naval Base

A cyberattack may have been involved in a naval confrontation this week between Russia and a British warship in the Black Sea that never really happened.

Meteorite-Hunting Drones Could Help Find Freshly Fallen Space Rocks
From ACM TechNews

Meteorite-Hunting Drones Could Help Find Freshly Fallen Space Rocks

A team of scientists used drones and machine learning to try to find just-landed meteorites.

Quantum Data Link Established Between 2 Distant Chinese Cities
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Data Link Established Between 2 Distant Chinese Cities

Researchers created a secure quantum link extending 511 kilometers (almost 320 miles) between two Chinese cities.
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