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subjectComputers And Society
authorNew Scientist

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

GPS Cyberattack Falsely Placed U.K. Warship Near Russian Naval Base
From ACM TechNews

GPS Cyberattack Falsely Placed U.K. Warship Near Russian Naval Base

A cyberattack may have been involved in a naval confrontation this week between Russia and a British warship in the Black Sea that never really happened.

Meteorite-Hunting Drones Could Help Find Freshly Fallen Space Rocks
From ACM TechNews

Meteorite-Hunting Drones Could Help Find Freshly Fallen Space Rocks

A team of scientists used drones and machine learning to try to find just-landed meteorites.

Quantum Data Link Established Between 2 Distant Chinese Cities
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Data Link Established Between 2 Distant Chinese Cities

Researchers created a secure quantum link extending 511 kilometers (almost 320 miles) between two Chinese cities.

Autonomous Walking Excavator Can Build Walls, Dig Trenches
From ACM TechNews

Autonomous Walking Excavator Can Build Walls, Dig Trenches

A walking construction vehicle can operate autonomously on rough terrain, thanks to a team of Swiss-German engineers.

U.S. Army Scientists Create Formula for the Perfect Walking Robot
From ACM TechNews

U.S. Army Scientists Create Formula for the Perfect Walking Robot

U.S. Army Research Laboratory scientists have determined that current legged robots could be far more efficient.

DeepMind AI Taught Digital People to Play Football from Scratch
From ACM TechNews

DeepMind AI Taught Digital People to Play Football from Scratch

An artificial intelligence-trained computer learned to play football from scratch, using digital players.

Quantum Memory Crystals Are a Step Towards Futuristic Internet
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Memory Crystals Are a Step Towards Futuristic Internet

Researchers at Spain's Institute of Photonic Sciences have taken a step toward a secure quantum Internet by using crystals to execute quantum teleportation of information...

The Way We Use Emojis Evolves Like Language, Changes Their Meaning
From ACM TechNews

The Way We Use Emojis Evolves Like Language, Changes Their Meaning

A study of emoji use over time found that their use and meaning evolves like language, with changes dictated by context.

Chemical Code Used to Store Jane Austen Quote in Plastic Molecules
From ACM TechNews

Chemical Code Used to Store Jane Austen Quote in Plastic Molecules

University of Texas at Austin researchers encoded a quote from Jane Austen's novel Mansfield Park in software-readable plastic molecules.

Robot Taught Table Etiquette Can Explain Why It Won't Follow the Rules
From ACM TechNews

Robot Taught Table Etiquette Can Explain Why It Won't Follow the Rules

Researchers programmed a humanoid robot with software that models human cognitive processes.

AI Shows 2 Scribes Wrote One of the Dead Sea Scrolls
From ACM TechNews

AI Shows 2 Scribes Wrote One of the Dead Sea Scrolls

One of the Dead Sea Scrolls was written by two scribes with very similar handwriting, according to researchers at the Netherlands' University of Groningen.

How Has the COVID-19 Pandemic Affected STEM Pay and Job Prospects?
From ACM News

How Has the COVID-19 Pandemic Affected STEM Pay and Job Prospects?

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a bumpy ride for many sectors, but a New Scientist Jobs/SRG survey shows science and tech have weathered the storm better than most...

Robotic Elephant Trunk Can Learn Tasks on Its Own
From ACM TechNews

Robotic Elephant Trunk Can Learn Tasks on Its Own

Researchers  used three-dimensional printing to create a robotic elephant trunk that uses artificial intelligence to emulate how sensory input triggers synaptic ...

Vibrations From a Smartphone Can Help Spot Unsafe Drinking Water
From ACM TechNews

Vibrations From a Smartphone Can Help Spot Unsafe Drinking Water

Vibrations from a smartphone's ringtone can be used to measure a liquid's viscosity, according to researchers at China's Shenzhen University.

Bitcoin Mining Emissions in China Will Hit 130 Million Tons by 2024
From ACM TechNews

Bitcoin Mining Emissions in China Will Hit 130 Million Tons by 2024

Researchers at China's Tsinghua University predicted Chinese bitcoin mining will emit roughly 130 million metric tons of carbon into the atmosphere by 2024.

Human Brain Organoids Grown in Cheap 3D-Printed Bioreactor
From ACM TechNews

Human Brain Organoids Grown in Cheap 3D-Printed Bioreactor

A human brain organoid was cultured in a week in a three-dimensionally-printed microfluidic bioreactor.

Robot Learns to Tie Knots Using Only Two Fingers on Each Hand
From ACM TechNews

Robot Learns to Tie Knots Using Only Two Fingers on Each Hand

Tetsuya Ogata and colleagues at Japan's Waseda University have taught an artificial intelligence-powered robot to tie knots around a box using just two fingers...

AI Helps Assess Pain Levels in People With Sickle Cell Disease
From ACM TechNews

AI Helps Assess Pain Levels in People With Sickle Cell Disease

Northwestern University researchers used artificial intelligence to assess pain levels in patients with sickle cell disease, based on their vital signs.

Robots Increase Gender Pay Gap Despite Raising Wages Overall
From ACM TechNews

Robots Increase Gender Pay Gap Despite Raising Wages Overall

U.K. researchers found that automation pushed up all wages on average, but widened the gender pay gap.

AI Can Stop the Cybersickness Some People Get When Using VR Headsets
From ACM TechNews

AI Can Stop the Cybersickness Some People Get When Using VR Headsets

Researchers at U.K. startup Kagenova have developed a system that can reduce nausea or cybersickness induced by virtual reality.
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