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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectArtificial Intelligence
authorNew Scientist

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Intelligence Rethought: Ais Know ­s, but Don't Think Like ­S
From ACM TechNews

Intelligence Rethought: Ais Know ­s, but Don't Think Like ­S

Machine-learning artificial intelligences become more capable with experience, but the trade-off is a lack of understanding about the nature of their intelligence...

Google's Deepmind AI Can Lip-Read Tv Shows Better Than a Pro
From ACM TechNews

Google's Deepmind AI Can Lip-Read Tv Shows Better Than a Pro

Researchers at Google's DeepMind and the University of Oxford are using deep-learning techniques to create a lip-reading system that can perform better than professional...

Playing Grand Theft Auto Can Teach Autonomous Cars How to Drive
From ACM TechNews

Playing Grand Theft Auto Can Teach Autonomous Cars How to Drive

Self-driving cars can learn the rules of the road by studying virtual traffic on videogames such as Grand Theft Auto V, according to a new study.

The Wikipedia Bots that Are Engaged in Spats that Never End
From ACM Careers

The Wikipedia Bots that Are Engaged in Spats that Never End

Is. Isn't. Is. Isn’t. Is. Isn't.

Expensive Drones Take Flying Lessons from Cheaper Stunt Doubles
From ACM News

Expensive Drones Take Flying Lessons from Cheaper Stunt Doubles

Some of the best lessons come from the school of hard knocks. But some kit is too delicate or expensive to be subjected to this.

Crystal Mimics Brain Cell to Sift Through Giant Piles of Data
From ACM News

Crystal Mimics Brain Cell to Sift Through Giant Piles of Data

There's nothing quite like the human brain. Today, researchers at IBM unveiled their latest attempt to mimic it: an artificial neuron that switches between crystal...

Hololens Augmented Reality to Foil Hack Attacks in Factories
From ACM TechNews

Hololens Augmented Reality to Foil Hack Attacks in Factories

An augmented reality "IT help desk" could allow factories to identify and mitigate cyberattacks on industrial control systems.

Robot Eyes and Humans Fix on Different Things to Decode a Scene
From ACM TechNews

Robot Eyes and Humans Fix on Different Things to Decode a Scene

Researchers are determining the differences between human minds and artificial intelligence-based machines by mapping human and AI visual attention.

Checklist of Worst-Case Scenarios Could Help Prepare For Evil AI
From ACM TechNews

Checklist of Worst-Case Scenarios Could Help Prepare For Evil AI

University of Louisville researcher Roman Yampolskiy and hacktivist Federico Pistono are examining worst-case scenarios for a potential malevolent artificial intelligence...

This Turing Machine Should Run Forever ­nless Maths Is Wrong
From ACM News

This Turing Machine Should Run Forever ­nless Maths Is Wrong

One hundred and fifty years of mathematics will be proved wrong if a new computer program stops running. Thankfully, it's unlikely to happen, but the code behind...

Brain Scan For Artificial Intelligence Shows How Software Thinks
From ACM TechNews

Brain Scan For Artificial Intelligence Shows How Software Thinks

Israel Institute of Technology researchers have developed a new technique for taking snapshots of neural networks as they work through a problem. 

Google Deepmind AI Navigates a Doom-Like 3D Maze Just By Looking
From ACM News

Google Deepmind AI Navigates a Doom-Like 3D Maze Just By Looking

Google DeepMind just entered the 90s. Fresh off their success in playing the ancient game of Go, DeepMind’s latest artificial intelligence can navigate a 3D maze...

Taskmaster Robots Watch While You Work in Case You Miss a Step
From ACM TechNews

Taskmaster Robots Watch While You Work in Case You Miss a Step

Researchers have developed a robot that can watch people work, learn the steps that make up the task, and remind people when they forget a step. 

Forget the Turing Test — There Are Better Ways of Judging AI
From ACM TechNews

Forget the Turing Test — There Are Better Ways of Judging AI

Despite the media furor over reports last year that a chatbot had "passed" the Turing test, most artificial intelligence (AI) researchers no longer view the test...

Forget the Turing Test—there Are Better Ways of Judging AI
From ACM News

Forget the Turing Test—there Are Better Ways of Judging AI

Last Saturday I took part in a battle of wits at Bletchley Park, the stately home that housed the U.K.’s codebreakers during the second world war.

­nhackable Kernel Could Keep All Computers Safe from Cyberattack
From ACM News

­nhackable Kernel Could Keep All Computers Safe from Cyberattack

An autonomous helicopter gunship is flying over a military base in Arizona. Suddenly, officers on the ground lose radio contact: hackers have taken control of an...

Brain-Controlled Smart Home Lets You Turn the Tv On By Thinking
From ACM News

Brain-Controlled Smart Home Lets You Turn the Tv On By Thinking

Feeling cold? Your home already knows, and turns up the heat. Sick of the TV show you are watching? Your home changes the channel.

Can Software Suffer? Death and Pain in Digital Brains
From ACM TechNews

Can Software Suffer? Death and Pain in Digital Brains

The ability to digitally simulate physical systems such as the brain to avoid the ethical dilemmas of experimentation on living subjects creates new dilemmas.

AI Football Manager Knows How Different Teams Play the Game
From ACM News

AI Football Manager Knows How Different Teams Play the Game

Who really calls the shots in team sports?

Computer-Human Hybrids Could Be Best at Scanning For Danger
From ACM News

Computer-Human Hybrids Could Be Best at Scanning For Danger

In A world of algorithms, there are still a few places where humans reign supreme.
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