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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectHuman Computer Interaction
authorNew Scientist

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

AI Learns to Defy Laws of Physics to Win at Hide-and-Seek
From ACM TechNews

AI Learns to Defy Laws of Physics to Win at Hide-and-Seek

Scientists at the OpenAI artificial intelligence laboratory developed bots that trained themselves to cooperate by playing hide-and-seek.

Artificial Leg with Sensors Helps People Feel Every Step
From ACM TechNews

Artificial Leg with Sensors Helps People Feel Every Step

A new artificial leg is equipped with sensors that allow users to feel when the leg flexes and lands on the ground.

AIs That Deblur Faces Could Make People on CCTV Easier to Identify
From ACM TechNews

AIs That Deblur Faces Could Make People on CCTV Easier to Identify

A new artificial intelligence system can automatically deblur photographs of people's faces.

Robot Pilot That Can Grab the Controls Gets Its License
From ACM TechNews

Robot Pilot That Can Grab the Controls Gets Its License

The ROBOpilot Unmanned Aircraft Conversion System passed the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Practical Test for piloting light aircraft and completed...

Smartphone App Can Detect Tiny Amounts of Norovirus in Water
From ACM TechNews

Smartphone App Can Detect Tiny Amounts of Norovirus in Water

A new smartphone app can detect extremely small amounts of norovirus (the most common cause of gastroenteritis) in water, when used with a microscope attachment...

Artificial Skin Can Sense 1,000 Times Faster Than Human Nerves
From ACM TechNews

Artificial Skin Can Sense 1,000 Times Faster Than Human Nerves

Researchers at the National University of Singapore have developed artificial skin containing physical sensors that can detect pressure, bending, and temperature...

Tiny Jellyfish Robot Could Swim Inside the Bladder to Deliver Drugs
From ACM TechNews

Tiny Jellyfish Robot Could Swim Inside the Bladder to Deliver Drugs

Researchers in Germany have developed a robotic jellyfish that can swim, burrow, and transport objects.

Data Can Now Be Stored Inside Molecules That Power Our Metabolism
From ACM TechNews

Data Can Now Be Stored Inside Molecules That Power Our Metabolism

Brown University researchers have stored information within molecules smaller and less complex than DNA.

Creating an AI can be 5x Worse for the Planet than a Car
From ACM TechNews

Creating an AI can be 5x Worse for the Planet than a Car

The training of a single artificial intelligence program can require as much as 284 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent, or about five times the lifetime emissions...

Drone Can Transform into a Tiny Car to Slide ­nder Small Gaps
From ACM TechNews

Drone Can Transform into a Tiny Car to Slide ­nder Small Gaps

A new shape-shifting drone flies, and can transform into a car once it touches down.

Robotic Tube for Surgery Autonomously Navigates Inside a Beating Heart
From ACM TechNews

Robotic Tube for Surgery Autonomously Navigates Inside a Beating Heart

Harvard Medical School researchers have developed a robotic catheter that can autonomously navigate inside a beating heart.

AI That Spots Inequality Could Monitor Living Conditions in Cities
From ACM TechNews

AI That Spots Inequality Could Monitor Living Conditions in Cities

Researchers have trained an artificial intelligence to detect inequalities in four U.K. cities using a combination of government statistics and images from Google...

3D Facial Analysis Could Help Identify Children with Rare Conditions
From ACM TechNews

3D Facial Analysis Could Help Identify Children with Rare Conditions

A new tool can identify subtle but important differences in facial geometry, allowing medical professionals to more quickly diagnose rare medical conditions in...

Robot Discovers Lying About a Betrayal Helps Rebuild Trust
From ACM TechNews

Robot Discovers Lying About a Betrayal Helps Rebuild Trust

Researchers have shown that it is relatively easy for robots to regain the trust of humans after lying to them.

The Best Image-Recognition AIs are Fooled by Slightly Rotated Images
From ACM TechNews

The Best Image-Recognition AIs are Fooled by Slightly Rotated Images

Artificial intelligence is much worse at identifying objects by sight than many people realize.

Smart, Fluffy Storytelling Robot to Be Trialed in ­.S. Classrooms
From ACM TechNews

Smart, Fluffy Storytelling Robot to Be Trialed in ­.S. Classrooms

A cute, fluffy robot can help boost language skills in young children.

Self-Taught Robot Figures Out What It Looks Like, What It Can Do
From ACM TechNews

Self-Taught Robot Figures Out What It Looks Like, What It Can Do

Columbia University researchers have developed a robot that learns what it looks like without any outside help.

Hackers Are Stealing Computer Power to Make Millions in Cryptocurrency
From ACM TechNews

Hackers Are Stealing Computer Power to Make Millions in Cryptocurrency

Groups of hackers are stealing millions of dollars through cryptojacking, which works by illicitly harnessing the computing power of thousands to mine cryptocurrency...

An AI Lie Detector Will Interrogate Travelers at Some E­ Borders
From ACM TechNews

An AI Lie Detector Will Interrogate Travelers at Some E­ Borders

An artificial intelligence-based lie detector system will be used on international travelers during a six-month pilot program at border crossings in Hungary, Latvia...

NATO Military Exercise Will Test Robots, Autonomous Vehicles
From ACM TechNews

NATO Military Exercise Will Test Robots, Autonomous Vehicles

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is conducting a month-long military exercise using a variety of new technologies.
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