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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectArtificial Intelligence
authorNew Scientist

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Say Hello to Machines That Read Your Emotions to Make You Happy
From ACM TechNews

Say Hello to Machines That Read Your Emotions to Make You Happy

EmoSPARK is an artificial intelligence-based device that can gauge a person's mood based on what they say and how they say it. 

Human vs Machine As Top Poker Pros Take On AI
From ACM News

Human vs Machine As Top Poker Pros Take On AI

It's humans versus machine at the Rivers casino in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Four professional poker players are squaring up to an artificial intelligence over...

Can We Stop Killer Robots? U.N. Meets to Debate Possible Treaty
From ACM TechNews

Can We Stop Killer Robots? U.N. Meets to Debate Possible Treaty

The United Nations' Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons this week heard from experts on the subject of killer robots, or "lethal autonomous weapons systems...

AI Interns: Software Already Taking Jobs from Humans
From ACM Careers

AI Interns: Software Already Taking Jobs from Humans

Forget Skynet. Hypothetical world-ending artificial intelligence makes headlines, but the hype ignores what's happening right under our noses.

Me, Myself, and Icub: Meet the Robot With a Self
From ACM TechNews

Me, Myself, and Icub: Meet the Robot With a Self

Researchers at the University of Sheffield's Sheffield Robotics program are trying to give their iCub robot an artificial "self." 

Facebook Invents an Intelligence Test For Machines
From ACM TechNews

Facebook Invents an Intelligence Test For Machines

Artificial intelligence researchers want to develop more comprehensive exams to test their systems. 

Facebook Invents an Intelligence Test For Machines
From ACM News

Facebook Invents an Intelligence Test For Machines

John is in the playground. Bob is in the office. Where is John?

Polite Drones Do Awkward Dance to Avoid Crashing
From ACM News

Polite Drones Do Awkward Dance to Avoid Crashing

No, I insist, after you.

Computers Are Learning to See the World Like We Do
From ACM TechNews

Computers Are Learning to See the World Like We Do

On the website Park or Bird on Flickr, a computer makes an educated guess as to whether a photograph was taken in a national park or shows a bird. 

Computers Are Learning to See the World Like We Do
From ACM News

Computers Are Learning to See the World Like We Do

What animal is in the picture above?

Automatic Authors: Making Machines That Tell Tales
From ACM TechNews

Automatic Authors: Making Machines That Tell Tales

Many artificial intelligence researchers believe one of the major breakthroughs in AI will be creating systems that are effective story-tellers. 

Ethical Trap: Robot Paralyzed By Choice of Who to Save
From ACM TechNews

Ethical Trap: Robot Paralyzed By Choice of Who to Save

Bristol Robotics Laboratory's Alan Winfield and colleagues recently tested an ethical challenge for a robot.

Google's Fact-Checking Bots Build Vast Knowledge Bank
From ACM News

Google's Fact-Checking Bots Build Vast Knowledge Bank

Google is building the largest store of knowledge in human history—and it's doing so without any human help.

Art By Algorithm: Computer Evolves New Artworks
From ACM TechNews

Art By Algorithm: Computer Evolves New Artworks

New software  creates digital artworks using algorithms that mimic natural selection. 

U.s. Government Chatbot Gets You to Tell All
From ACM News

U.s. Government Chatbot Gets You to Tell All

Want access to the U.S. government's secrets? Talk to the robot.

Meet Jibo, the Cute Social Robot that Knows the Family
From ACM News

Meet Jibo, the Cute Social Robot that Knows the Family

In suite 712 of the Eventi Hotel, high above the sticky June bustle of Midtown Manhattan, New York, one of the world's most advanced consumer robots awaits command...

Make Robots ­seful By Teaching Them to Talk Like ­S
From ACM News

Make Robots ­seful By Teaching Them to Talk Like ­S

When Ashutosh Saxena wants some coffee or ice cream, he can ask a robot to make it for him.

Computer Spots Rare Diseases in Family Photos
From ACM News

Computer Spots Rare Diseases in Family Photos

Doctors faced with the tricky task of spotting rare genetic diseases in children may soon be asking parents to email their family photos.

Kindergarten Bots Teach Language to Tots
From ACM TechNews

Kindergarten Bots Teach Language to Tots

A series of experiments is aimed at determining how well children retain new words learned from robots over time. 

Sentient Robots? Not Possible If You Do the Maths
From ACM News

Sentient Robots? Not Possible If You Do the Maths

So long, robot pals—and robot overlords.
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