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subjectInformation Systems
authorOhio State News

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Using Cameras on Transit Buses to Monitor Traffic
From ACM TechNews

Using Cameras on Transit Buses to Monitor Traffic

Ohio State University researchers monitored traffic using cameras already installed on the Campus Area Bus Service's transit buses.

Testing Real Driverless Cars in a Virtual Environment
From ACM TechNews

Testing Real Driverless Cars in a Virtual Environment

Vehicle-in-Virtual-Environment software developed by The Ohio State University researchers allows the testing of driverless vehicles in completely safe virtual...

Turning Old Maps into 3D Digital Models of Lost Neighborhoods
From ACM TechNews

Turning Old Maps into 3D Digital Models of Lost Neighborhoods

Researchers have converted old Sanborn Fire Insurance maps into three-dimensional digital models of historic neighborhoods with a new machine learning technique...

Algorithm Makes Satellite Signals Act Like GPS
From ACM TechNews

Algorithm Makes Satellite Signals Act Like GPS

A new algorithm can listen in on satellite signals and use them to locate any point on Earth.

ML Helps Determine Health of Soybean Fields
From ACM TechNews

ML Helps Determine Health of Soybean Fields

Ohio State University researchers combined machine learning and flying drones into a tool for assessing the health of crop fields.

Using AI to Predict Bone Fractures in Cancer Patients
From ACM TechNews

Using AI to Predict Bone Fractures in Cancer Patients

Ohio State University researchers used artificial intelligence to predict how cancer could elevate the probability of spinal fractures by creating digital twins...

SpaceX Satellite Signals Used Like GPS to Pinpoint Location on Earth
From ACM TechNews

SpaceX Satellite Signals Used Like GPS to Pinpoint Location on Earth

Researchers have developed a method for locating a position on Earth using signals broadcast by SpaceX's Starlink Internet service satellites.

ML Method to Analyze Complex Scientific Data of Proteins
From ACM TechNews

ML Method to Analyze Complex Scientific Data of Proteins

A new machine learning process enables faster analysis of nuclear magnetic resonance data than conventional methods, with comparable accuracy.

Scientists Harness Chaos to Protect Devices From Hackers
From ACM TechNews

Scientists Harness Chaos to Protect Devices From Hackers

A new version of physically unclonable functions could prevent even the most sophisticated hackers from accessing electronic devices.

A Pursuit of Better Testing to Sort Out the Complexities of ADHD
From ACM TechNews

A Pursuit of Better Testing to Sort Out the Complexities of ADHD

Computer simulation could help identify symptoms of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children, according to Ohio State University (OSU) researchers. ...

Using Your Phone's Microphone to Track Possible Covid-19 Exposure
From ACM TechNews

Using Your Phone's Microphone to Track Possible Covid-19 Exposure

Researchers have proposed a Covid-19 tracking system that would rely on signals sent and received from cellphone microphones and speakers.

Study Uses AI to Estimate Unexploded Bombs From Vietnam War
From ACM TechNews

Study Uses AI to Estimate Unexploded Bombs From Vietnam War

Researchers at The Ohio State University (OSU) used artificial intelligence to find unexploded Vietnam War-era bombs in Cambodia.
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