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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Optical Chip Self-Configures to Perform Various Functions
From ACM TechNews

Optical Chip Self-Configures to Perform Various Functions

A team led by researchers at China's Huazhong University of Science and Technology developed a self-configuring optical chip for applications requiring optical...

Wearable Optical Device Shows Promise for Detecting Postpartum Hemorrhage
From ACM TechNews

Wearable Optical Device Shows Promise for Detecting Postpartum Hemorrhage

A wearable optical device developed by Washington University in St. Louis (WashU) researchers can detect postpartum hemorrhage early.

Fiber Optic Smart Pants Offer Low-Cost Way to Monitor Movements
From ACM TechNews

Fiber Optic Smart Pants Offer Low-Cost Way to Monitor Movements

Researchers have developed polymer optical fiber smart pants that can track the wearer's movements and alert clinicians and caregivers if signs of distress are...

LiDAR Technique Could Help Robotic Vehicles Land Safely on Mars
From ACM TechNews

LiDAR Technique Could Help Robotic Vehicles Land Safely on Mars

Researchers at the NASA Langley Research Center have developed a LiDAR technique to improve the safety of robotic vehicle landings during future Mars or lunar missions...

Technology Makes It Possible to See Clearly Through Murky Water
From ACM TechNews

Technology Makes It Possible to See Clearly Through Murky Water

Researchers at China's Tianjin University have devised a methodology that automatically generates clear images through murky water.
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