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Communications of the ACM


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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectArtificial Intelligence
authorPaul Marks

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Rage Against the Intelligent Machines
From ACM News

Rage Against the Intelligent Machines

AI safety concerns mount as Large Language Model risks are revealed.

Algorithmic Hiring Needs a Human Face
From Communications of the ACM

Algorithmic Hiring Needs a Human Face

Artificial intelligence may be an unstoppable force, but in the recruitment market it has met an immovable object: humans. Something has to give.

Joke-Cracking Chatbots Boost Learning Levels
From ACM News

Joke-Cracking Chatbots Boost Learning Levels

The role of humor in training, and conversing with, chatbots.

The Future of Supply Chains
From Communications of the ACM

The Future of Supply Chains

Droids, drones, and driverless technologies are fueling a supply chain revolution.

Deep Learning Speeds MRI Scans
From Communications of the ACM

Deep Learning Speeds MRI Scans

Machine intelligence significantly reduces the time needed for an MRI scan, which can help reduce patient anxiety.

Can the Biases in Facial Recognition Be Fixed; Also, Should They?
From Communications of the ACM

Can the Biases in Facial Recognition Be Fixed; Also, Should They?

Many facial recognition systems used by law enforcement are shot through with biases. Can anything be done to make them fair and trustworthy?

Blocking Facial Recognition
From ACM News

Blocking Facial Recognition

Facial recognition technology faces opposition from technology industry giants, and from the grass roots.

Robots Aim to Boost Astronaut Efficiency
From Communications of the ACM

Robots Aim to Boost Astronaut Efficiency

A multitude of robotic assistants for astronauts and rovers are in development to make space exploration more resource-efficient.

AI Accelerates Innovation
From ACM News

AI Accelerates Innovation

Yet patent attorneys fear the darker consequences of artificial intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence Informs Eating
From ACM News

Artificial Intelligence Informs Eating

How deep learning food recognition can take the hassle out of watching what you eat.

Smarter Voice Assistants Recognize Your Favorite Brands—and Health
From ACM News

Smarter Voice Assistants Recognize Your Favorite Brands—and Health

People often surrender their data privacy to their continuously listening voice assistants without understanding the implications.

Rethinking Autonomous Vehicles
From ACM News

Rethinking Autonomous Vehicles

Consumer fears intensify as self-driving car fatalities dent the driverless dream.
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