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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Picking Locks with Audio Technology
From ACM News

Picking Locks with Audio Technology

How eavesdropping smartphones could give thieves a copy of your front door key.

Stopping the Exploiters
From ACM News

Stopping the Exploiters

An angry public demands an end to phishing sites exploiting Covid-19.  

Blocking Facial Recognition
From ACM News

Blocking Facial Recognition

Facial recognition technology faces opposition from technology industry giants, and from the grass roots.

Hitting the Heights
From ACM News

Hitting the Heights

Rocket-assisted airplane collisions fuel better drone impact simulators.

A Vector for Skulduggery
From ACM News

A Vector for Skulduggery

Dark patterns have been migrating to smartphone apps.

Driverless Cars Face Laser Sabotage
From ACM News

Driverless Cars Face Laser Sabotage

Attacks on the light-based radar (LiDAR) of autonomous vehicles could drive them off the road, or freeze them in their (tire) tracks.

Dark Web's Doppelgängers Aim to Dupe Antifraud Systems
From Communications of the ACM

Dark Web's Doppelgängers Aim to Dupe Antifraud Systems

Digital doppelgängers that fool online payment fraud detection systems are a threat to your bank balance.

Robots Aim to Boost Astronaut Efficiency
From Communications of the ACM

Robots Aim to Boost Astronaut Efficiency

A multitude of robotic assistants for astronauts and rovers are in development to make space exploration more resource-efficient.

Fending Off Digital Sabotage
From ACM News

Fending Off Digital Sabotage

Sabotage-resistant industrial machinery combats Stuxnet-like attacks.

LiFi Standard Signals a Light-Bulb Moment for the Internet
From ACM News

LiFi Standard Signals a Light-Bulb Moment for the Internet

Light is the power behind the global Internet; it may soon help us connect at work and at home, too

Keeping Up With the Phone Hackers
From ACM News

Keeping Up With the Phone Hackers

The growing challenges to digital phone forensics.

Unintended Consequences
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Unintended Consequences

Banning Huawei won't stop hardware trojan attacks.

Coding for Disaster
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Coding for Disaster

At a U.N. hackathon, open source developers strive to mitigate the impact of natural disasters.

It's A Cloud, but Not As We Know It
From ACM News

It's A Cloud, but Not As We Know It

Can data be stored in orbiting laser beams?

Protecting Privacy from Wireless Spycams
From ACM News

Protecting Privacy from Wireless Spycams

Computer science techniques combat intrusive cameras.

AI Accelerates Innovation
From ACM News

AI Accelerates Innovation

Yet patent attorneys fear the darker consequences of artificial intelligence.

Prototyping Faster with Laser Cutters
From ACM News

Prototyping Faster with Laser Cutters

Laser cutting tools could outperform three-dimensional printers at prototyping stretchables, wearables.

Smart Phone Tricks
From ACM News

Smart Phone Tricks

Researchers refine ways users can interact with a touchscreen.

Hiding Data in Music
From ACM News

Hiding Data in Music

Looking for your data? Just play that funky music...

Humans Are Needed in the Robotic Loop
From ACM News

Humans Are Needed in the Robotic Loop

Are people the answer to the robot reliability issue?
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