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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Talk on Cracking Internet Anonymity Service Tor Canceled
From ACM News

Talk on Cracking Internet Anonymity Service Tor Canceled

A highly anticipated talk on how to identify users of the Internet privacy service Tor was withdrawn from the upcoming Black Hat security conference, a spokeswoman...

Big Broadcasters Vanquish Upstart Aereo at U.s. Supreme Court
From ACM News

Big Broadcasters Vanquish Upstart Aereo at U.s. Supreme Court

Broadcast and cable TV are not dead yet.

Mastercard Expects Big Growth from 'big Data' Insights
From ACM Careers

Mastercard Expects Big Growth from 'big Data' Insights

MasterCard Inc, the world's second-largest debit and credit card company, sees business booming from selling data to retailers, banks, and governments on spending...

­.s. Companies Seek Cyber Experts For Top Jobs, Board Seats
From ACM Careers

­.s. Companies Seek Cyber Experts For Top Jobs, Board Seats

Some of the largest U.S. companies are looking to hire cybersecurity experts in newly elevated positions and bring technologists on to their boards, a sign that...

Google Hopes Test Drives Steer Americans to Embrace Its Robot Cars
From ACM TechNews

Google Hopes Test Drives Steer Americans to Embrace Its Robot Cars

Google this week embarked on its most concerted effort to provide an up-close look at its self-driving cars. 

­.s. Fda Approves 'star Wars' Robotic Arm For Amputees
From ACM News

­.s. Fda Approves 'star Wars' Robotic Arm For Amputees

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved a robotic arm for amputees that is named for the "Star Wars" character Luke Skywalker and can perform multiple...

Do-It-Yourselfers Inspire Hardware Renaissance in Silicon Valley
From ACM TechNews

Do-It-Yourselfers Inspire Hardware Renaissance in Silicon Valley

New high-tech, affordable manufacturing tools and new sources of funding are helping launch a generation of entrepreneurs and laying the basis for a hardware renaissance...

Do-It-Yourselfers Inspire Hardware Renaissance in Silicon Valley
From ACM Careers

Do-It-Yourselfers Inspire Hardware Renaissance in Silicon Valley

In the shadow of Internet monoliths such as Facebook, Google and Twitter, it's easy to forget that Silicon Valley got its start from hard-scrabble tinkerers building...

Homeland Security Struggles to Tempt, Retain Cyber Talent
From ACM TechNews

Homeland Security Struggles to Tempt, Retain Cyber Talent

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is struggling to hire cybersecurity experts.

Nsa Infiltrated Rsa Security More Deeply Than Thought  Study
From ACM News

Nsa Infiltrated Rsa Security More Deeply Than Thought Study

Security industry pioneer RSA adopted not just one but two encryption tools developed by the U.S. National Security Agency, greatly increasing the spy agency's...

It's Cool to Be a Geek, Eu Tells Women
From ACM TechNews

It's Cool to Be a Geek, Eu Tells Women

The European Commission has created a new campaign to attract women to the information and communications technology sector. 

DDoS Cyber Attacks Get Bigger, Smarter, More Damaging
From ACM News

DDoS Cyber Attacks Get Bigger, Smarter, More Damaging

Crashing websites and overwhelming data centers, a new generation of cyber attacks is costing millions and straining the structure of the Internet.

Telecom Firms Mine For Gold in Big Data Despite Privacy Concerns
From ACM News

Telecom Firms Mine For Gold in Big Data Despite Privacy Concerns

Last year's revelations over the U.S. tapping of phone and internet data gave telecoms firms pause for thought over whether they should sell their "big data" for...

Fbi Warns Retailers to Expect More Credit Card Breaches
From ACM News

Fbi Warns Retailers to Expect More Credit Card Breaches

The FBI has warned U.S. retailers to prepare for more cyber attacks after discovering about 20 hacking cases in the past year that involved the same kind of malicious...

Academics Devise Formula to Gauge How Well ­.s. Regulators Listen
From ACM TechNews

Academics Devise Formula to Gauge How Well ­.s. Regulators Listen

RegRank is an algorithm that measures how well public feedback is received and incorporated into the rules for Wall Street traders. 

Apps For Mobile Viewing Challenge Cable Operators, Tv Networks
From ACM News

Apps For Mobile Viewing Challenge Cable Operators, Tv Networks

U.S. cable and satellite television operators, already locking horns with programmers over subscriber fees, are now squaring off over the mobile apps that viewers...

China Bitcoin Arbitrage Ends As Traders Work Around Capital Controls
From ACM News

China Bitcoin Arbitrage Ends As Traders Work Around Capital Controls

The price gap between bitcoins trading in Chinese yuan and those sold for other currencies has evaporated in recent days, highlighting the porous nature of China's...

Supreme Court to Decide on Patent Protections For Software
From ACM News

Supreme Court to Decide on Patent Protections For Software

The Supreme Court agreed last Friday to rule on the divisive issue of what kinds of software are eligible for patent protection in a case being closely watched...

China Bars Banks from Bitcoin Transactions
From ACM News

China Bars Banks from Bitcoin Transactions

China's government banned financial institutions from trading in bitcoin on Thursday, in what analysts said was a restrained first step towards regulating the digital...

Germany Wants a German Internet as Spying Scandal Rankles
From ACM News

Germany Wants a German Internet as Spying Scandal Rankles

As a diplomatic row rages between the United States and Europe over spying accusations, state-backed Deutsche Telekom wants German communications companies to cooperate...
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