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subjectComputers And Society

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Disinformation Flies in Syria's Growing Cyber War
From ACM News

Disinformation Flies in Syria's Growing Cyber War

On Sunday, it was a hijacked Reuters Twitter feed trying to create the impression of a rebel collapse in Aleppo. On Monday, it was another account purporting to...

From ACM News

In Modern Scandal, an Email Is Forever

When ousted Barclays CEO Bob Diamond says he felt "physically ill" reading emails of his traders crowing over interest rate manipulation, he is almost certainly...

U.s. Spy Agencies Say Won't Read Americans' Email For Cybersecurity
From ACM News

U.s. Spy Agencies Say Won't Read Americans' Email For Cybersecurity

The head of the U.S. spy agency that eavesdrops on electronic communications overseas sought on Monday to reassure Americans that the National Security Agency would...

Amazon, Google Lead Rush For New Web Real Estate
From ACM News

Amazon, Google Lead Rush For New Web Real Estate

An unprecedented land grab for new Web addresses began in earnest on Wednesday with fierce competition for new internet real estate including .app, .blog, and .web...

Experts Warn of Shortage of U.s. Cyber Pros
From ACM Careers

Experts Warn of Shortage of U.s. Cyber Pros

Leading cyber experts warned of a shortage of talented computer security experts in the United States, making it difficult to protect corporate and government networks...

Nations Must Talk to Halt 'cyber Terrorism': Kaspersky
From ACM Opinion

Nations Must Talk to Halt 'cyber Terrorism': Kaspersky

Eugene Kaspersky, whose lab discovered the Flame virus that has attacked computers in Iran and elsewhere in the Middle East, said on Wednesday only a global effort...

Protests Erupt Across Europe Against Web Piracy Treaty
From ACM TechNews

Protests Erupt Across Europe Against Web Piracy Treaty

More than 25,000 demonstrators recently took part in protests across Europe against the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, a controversial international anti-piracy...

From ACM Careers

'cyberspace Requires a World-Class Cyber Warrior'

With growing worries about the threat of "cyber warfare," militaries around the world are racing to recruit the computer specialists they believe may be central...

From ACM News

Stuxnet Weapon Has at Least 4 Cousins: Researchers

The Stuxnet virus that damaged Iran's nuclear program was likely one of at least five cyber weapons developed on a single platform whose roots trace back to 2007...

From ACM News

China Tops ­.s., Japan to Become Top Patent Filer

China became the world's top patent filer in 2011, surpassing the U.S. and Japan as it steps up innovation to improve its intellectual property rights track record...

From ACM News

Did Conficker Help Sabotage Iran Nuke Program?

A cyber warfare expert claims he has linked the Stuxnet computer virus that attacked Iran's nuclear program in 2010 to Conficker, a mysterious "worm" that surfaced...

From ACM News

Idaho Laboratory Analyzed Stuxnet Computer Virus

Behind the doors of a nondescript red brick and gray building of the Idaho National Laboratory is the malware laboratory where government cyber experts analyzed...

Internet Body Throws Open Domain Names; .anything
From ACM TechNews

Internet Body Throws Open Domain Names; .anything

ICANN has voted to allow individuals and companies to apply to create new generic top-level domains using almost any word in any language. This means that individuals...

Pentagon's Advanced Research Arm Tackles Cyberspace
From ACM TechNews

Pentagon's Advanced Research Arm Tackles Cyberspace

The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is developing the National Cyber Range, a model of the Internet that will enable researchers to test defense...

From ACM News

Government in Cyber Fight but Can't Keep Up

The Pentagon is about to roll out an expanded effort to safeguard its contractors from hackers and is building a virtual firing range in cyberspace to test new...

Kissinger, Huntsman: ­.s., China Need Cyber Detente
From ACM TechNews

Kissinger, Huntsman: ­.s., China Need Cyber Detente

The United States and China need to forge an agreement restricting cyberattacks and designating some areas as out of bounds to hacking, say former U.S. Secretary...

From ACM TechNews

China to Lead World in Innovation by 2020

China is on track to be the world's leading country in terms of innovation by 2020, according to an AstraZeneca survey of 6,000 people in six nations. China currently...

From ACM TechNews

­.S. Sees 'Huge' Cyber Threat in the Future

U.S. Defense secretary Robert Gates recently told members of The Wall Street Journal CEO Council that the threat from cybertechnologies will grow from "considerable"...

Pentagon Seeks Tight Ties With Cyber Contractors
From ACM News

Pentagon Seeks Tight Ties With Cyber Contractors

The U.S. Department of Defense aims to tighten ties with its cyber security contractors in an effort to better protect sensitive computer networks against growing...

From ACM News

Internet Said to Speed Development For Poor Nations

Internet technology drives economic growth and enables poor countries to develop at a faster pace than rich nations did, Cisco Chief Executive John Chambers,...
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