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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Chips Down: China Aims to Boost Semiconductors as Trade War Looms
From ACM Careers

Chips Down: China Aims to Boost Semiconductors as Trade War Looms

Now, as a trade war with the United States looms, a government decision to accelerate the development of the domestic chip industry underlines how far those goals...

Made in China 2025: Beijing's Big Ambitions from Robots to Chips
From ACM Careers

Made in China 2025: Beijing's Big Ambitions from Robots to Chips

China is looking to catch up with rivals like the United States and Germany in high-end technology, making a major push with a "Made in China 2025" strategy that...

China Eyes 'Black Tech' to Boost Security as Parliament Meets
From ACM News

China Eyes 'Black Tech' to Boost Security as Parliament Meets

At a highway check point on the outskirts of Beijing, local police are this week testing out a new security tool: smart glasses that can pick up facial features...

Operational Limits Played Key Role in Tesla Crash on Autopilot: Ntsb
From ACM News

Operational Limits Played Key Role in Tesla Crash on Autopilot: Ntsb

The chairman of the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) said on Tuesday "operational limitations" in the Tesla Model S played a "major role" in a May...

­kraine Finally Battens Down Its Leaky Cyber Hatches After Attacks
From ACM News

­kraine Finally Battens Down Its Leaky Cyber Hatches After Attacks

When the chief of Microsoft Ukraine switched jobs to work for President Petro Poroshenko, he found that everyone in the office used the same login password.

­nder Pressure, Western Tech Firms Bow to Russian Demands to Share Cyber Secrets
From ACM News

­nder Pressure, Western Tech Firms Bow to Russian Demands to Share Cyber Secrets

Western technology companies, including Cisco, IBM and SAP, are acceding to demands by Moscow for access to closely guarded product security secrets, at a time...

­.s. Weighs Restricting Chinese Investment in Artificial Intelligence
From ACM News

­.s. Weighs Restricting Chinese Investment in Artificial Intelligence

The United States appears poised to heighten scrutiny of Chinese investment in Silicon Valley to better shield sensitive technologies seen as vital to U.S. national...

Chinese Exam Authorities ­se Facial Recognition, Drones to Catch Cheats
From ACM Careers

Chinese Exam Authorities ­se Facial Recognition, Drones to Catch Cheats

Chinese education authorities have gone high-tech to catch cheaters as millions of high-school students take their "gaokao", the annual university entrance exam...

How Artificial Life Spawned a Billion-Dollar Industry
From ACM News

How Artificial Life Spawned a Billion-Dollar Industry

Scientists are getting closer to building life from scratch and technology pioneers are taking notice, with record sums moving into a field that could deliver novel...

Paralyzed Patients Communicate Thoughts Via Brain-Computer Interface
From ACM TechNews

Paralyzed Patients Communicate Thoughts Via Brain-Computer Interface

A new noninvasive brain-computer interface has enabled researchers in the U.K. to communicate with patients who are totally paralyzed and unable to talk.

Impact of Job-Stealing Robots a Growing Concern at Davos
From ACM News

Impact of Job-Stealing Robots a Growing Concern at Davos

Open markets and global trade have been blamed for job losses over the last decade, but global CEOs say the real culprits are increasingly machines.

Elevator Makers Think Outside the Box, and Even Sideways
From ACM News

Elevator Makers Think Outside the Box, and Even Sideways

ThyssenKrupp's new $43 million elevator test tower soars 246 meters (808 ft) above the German town of Rottweil, but the company's lifts chief is not only thinking...

Even with Rising Wages, Robot Revolution Skips Restaurants
From ACM Careers

Even with Rising Wages, Robot Revolution Skips Restaurants

Clamshell grills are making burger flipping obsolete at McDonald’s, Johnny Rockets and other burger chains. Digital kiosks, tabletop tablets and mobile phones are...

Blind Athlete Runs Desert Marathon Unassisted Using Smartphone App
From ACM TechNews

Blind Athlete Runs Desert Marathon Unassisted Using Smartphone App

IBM researchers have developed an application designed to help visually-impaired runners navigate on their own.

Keyboard Warriors: South Korea Trains New Frontline in Decades-Old War with North
From ACM Careers

Keyboard Warriors: South Korea Trains New Frontline in Decades-Old War with North

In one college major at Seoul's elite Korea University, the courses are known only by number, and students keep their identities a secret from outsiders.

Where's the Lane? Self-Driving Cars Confused By Shabby ­.s. Roadways
From ACM News

Where's the Lane? Self-Driving Cars Confused By Shabby ­.s. Roadways

Volvo's North American CEO, Lex Kerssemakers, lost his cool as the automaker's semi-autonomous prototype sporadically refused to drive itself during a press event...

Apple Encryption Stand Highlights Mobile Operators' Dilemma
From ACM News

Apple Encryption Stand Highlights Mobile Operators' Dilemma

Apple Inc's stance on privacy in the face of a U.S. government demand to unlock an iPhone belonging to one of the San Bernardino attackers has raised awkward questions...

Biodegradable Bodies For More Eco-Friendly Robots
From ACM TechNews

Biodegradable Bodies For More Eco-Friendly Robots

Scientists in Italy are developing "smart materials" that will enable robots to biodegrade like a human body once they have reached the end of their life span. 

App Differentiates a Baby's Crying Sounds
From ACM TechNews

App Differentiates a Baby's Crying Sounds

Researchers at National Taiwan University Hospital have developed the Infant Cries Translator app, which can distinguish four separate crying sounds made by babies...

Chinese Researchers Unveil Brain-Powered Car
From ACM TechNews

Chinese Researchers Unveil Brain-Powered Car

Chinese researchers from Nankai University have spent the last two years developing a mind-controlled car. 
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