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Communications of the ACM


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datePast Year
subjectPerformance And Reliability
authorSamuel Greengard

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Service Robots Roll Forward
From Communications of the ACM

Service Robots Roll Forward

Transitioning from classic 'programmed automation' to modern 'AI-powered autonomy.'

The Campaign Against Deepfakes
From ACM News

The Campaign Against Deepfakes

Digital deceit is on the rise and needs to be addressed.

If We Could Talk to the Animals
From ACM News

If We Could Talk to the Animals

Can artificial intelligence overcome the communication barriers between species?

Artificial Organs Evolve
From ACM News

Artificial Organs Evolve

Crafting replacement parts for the human body.

Wayfinding Without GPS
From Communications of the ACM

Wayfinding Without GPS

Quantum entanglement provides a new direction in navigation.
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