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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

AI Rewrites Coding
From Communications of the ACM

AI Rewrites Coding

Even as software grows increasingly complex, artificial intelligence helps to simplify and automate coding tasks.

Passkeys Unlock a New Era for Authentication
From ACM News

Passkeys Unlock a New Era for Authentication

A potential alternative to passwords.

Ambient IoT Gets Down to Business
From ACM News

Ambient IoT Gets Down to Business

Highly flexible, inexpensive low-energy sensors combined with pervasive connectivity and artificial intelligence deliver real-time triggers without human intervention...

Computational Linguistics Finds Its Voice
From Communications of the ACM

Computational Linguistics Finds Its Voice

Advances in artificial intelligence permit computers to converse with humans in seemingly realistic ways.

Swarm Robotics Moves Forward
From Communications of the ACM

Swarm Robotics Moves Forward

Drawing inspiration from nature to enable complex behaviors.

Technology Transforms Textiles
From ACM News

Technology Transforms Textiles

Robotic fabrics sense motion and movements, and adapt accordingly.

Hidden Malware Ratchets Up Cybersecurity Risks
From Communications of the ACM

Hidden Malware Ratchets Up Cybersecurity Risks

Cybercriminals could be hiding malware payloads in places where commercial cybersecurity software is unable to detect it.

Brain Implants Get Real
From Communications of the ACM

Brain Implants Get Real

Universities, and a growing number of companies, are producing brain-computer interfaces.

The Future of the Datacenter
From ACM News

The Future of the Datacenter

Existing and new technologies can help cut datacenters' carbon footprint.

Immersion Cooling Heats Up
From Communications of the ACM

Immersion Cooling Heats Up

Depending on climate conditions, the availability of renewables and other factors, immersion cooling can make a profound difference in both energy consumption and...

The Eyes Have It
From ACM News

The Eyes Have It

Expanding the use of biometrics in device interfaces.

Can AI Learn to Forget?
From Communications of the ACM

Can AI Learn to Forget?

Specialized techniques may make it possible to induce selective 'amnesia' in machine learning models.

Will No-Code Crack the Code?
From ACM News

Will No-Code Crack the Code?

No-code platforms help non-coders program, but developers will always be needed.

Digital Technology Fans Firefighting
From ACM News

Digital Technology Fans Firefighting

New tools help firefighters identify the dynamics and characteristics of a fire—and respond more effectively.

Plastic Chips Bend Computing
From ACM News

Plastic Chips Bend Computing

Cheap, flexible processors could be a step on the road to the Internet of Everything.

Can a Free Internet Survive?
From ACM News

Can a Free Internet Survive?

Internet freedom is eroding on two fronts: the sheer number of efforts to block access to legitimate information, and the level of sophistication used.

What Is the Cost of Living Online?
From Communications of the ACM

What Is the Cost of Living Online?

The cost of powering streaming and other rapidly growing online services will not "take down the Internet."

Making Sense With Biology
From ACM News

Making Sense With Biology

Hybrid systems enhance the capabilities of electronics with biologics.

Qubit Devices Inch Toward Reality
From Communications of the ACM

Qubit Devices Inch Toward Reality

Key questions and challenges remain, including how to scale qubit devices while reducing noise and errors to the point where the devices become useful.

Technology to the Rescue
From ACM News

Technology to the Rescue

Updating emergency rescue equipment and tactics with digital technologies.
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