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Communications of the ACM


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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectCommunications / Networking
authorSamuel Greengard

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Virtual Reality Meets the Office
From ACM News

Virtual Reality Meets the Office

"Virtual meeting spaces greatly expand the possibilities for online communication—and, at their best, create an environment that parallels or exceeds real world...

AI on Edge
From Communications of the ACM

AI on Edge

Shifting artificial intelligence to the "edge" of the network could transform computing . . . and everyday life.

Neuromorphic Chips Take Shape
From Communications of the ACM

Neuromorphic Chips Take Shape

Chips designed specifically to model the neurons and synapses in the human brain are poised to change computing in profound ways.

Medical Professionals Tap AI to Combat COVID-19
From ACM News

Medical Professionals Tap AI to Combat COVID-19

Artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things are aiding hospitals and healthcare experts in the battle against the coronavirus.

Can Nanosheet Transistors Keep Moore's Law Alive?
From Communications of the ACM

Can Nanosheet Transistors Keep Moore's Law Alive?

The technology promises to advance semiconductors and computing, but also introduces new questions and challenges.

The End of Internet Freedom?
From ACM News

The End of Internet Freedom?

Russia and other countries are turning to more stringent Internet controls that threaten the free flow of information.

Making the Internet Civil Again
From ACM News

Making the Internet Civil Again

Researchers are exploring ways to improve discourse in online discussion groups and social media sites.

When Drones Fly
From Communications of the ACM

When Drones Fly

Drone technology is poised to enter the mainstream of business and society, but engineering robust controls remains a challenge.

The Chatbots are Coming!
From ACM News

The Chatbots are Coming!

Advances in chatbots are changing the way we interact with computing devices.

A Healthy Dose of Wearables
From ACM News

A Healthy Dose of Wearables

Smart watches and other wearables are evolving into medical devices that will drive significant changes in healthcare.

The Future of Data Storage
From Communications of the ACM

The Future of Data Storage

Research into next-generation storage techniques marches forward, yet tape remains the most viable, dependable medium.

A Brave New World of Genetic Engineering
From Communications of the ACM

A Brave New World of Genetic Engineering

Genetic engineering technologies are advancing at a furious rate, changing the world one cell at a time.

Virtual Reality Goes on Trial
From ACM News

Virtual Reality Goes on Trial

VR could significantly change the way jurors and judges weigh evidence in the courtroom.

Weighing the Impact of GDPR
From Communications of the ACM

Weighing the Impact of GDPR

The EU data regulation will affect computer, Internet, and technology usage within and outside the EU; how it will play out remains to be seen.

Chip Implants Get Real
From ACM News

Chip Implants Get Real

The notion of using implantable chips to authenticate people is gaining support, but it raises important privacy questions.

Transient Electronics Take Shape
From Communications of the ACM

Transient Electronics Take Shape

Advances in materials science and chemistry are leading to self-destructing circuits and transient electronics, which could impact many fields.

Computing Gets Foggy
From ACM News

Computing Gets Foggy

Fog computing offers a more effective way to address the challenges of distributed systems and Internet of Things devices.

In Pursuit of Virtual Life
From Communications of the ACM

In Pursuit of Virtual Life

Scientists are simulating biological organisms and replicating evolution in the lab. How far can they expand the boundaries of virtual life?

Spies in Our Pockets
From ACM News

Spies in Our Pockets

Electronic eavesdropping is becoming ever more nefarious in the age of smartphones and digital devices.

Cracking the Code on DNA Storage
From Communications of the ACM

Cracking the Code on DNA Storage

Researchers are tapping DNA to create a new and different type of storage media. The technology could prove revolutionary.
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