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Communications of the ACM


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dateMore Than a Year Ago
authorSamuel Greengard

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Making the Internet Civil Again
From ACM News

Making the Internet Civil Again

Researchers are exploring ways to improve discourse in online discussion groups and social media sites.

When Drones Fly
From Communications of the ACM

When Drones Fly

Drone technology is poised to enter the mainstream of business and society, but engineering robust controls remains a challenge.

In Search of a CRISPR Kill Switch
From ACM News

In Search of a CRISPR Kill Switch

The benefits of genetic engineering tool CRISPR have been widely discussed. But what if something goes wrong?

Deep Insecurities
From Communications of the ACM

Deep Insecurities: The Internet of Things Shifts Technology Risk

A more connected world sounds alluring, but without better protections, the Internet of Things could lead to disaster.

The Future of Data Storage
From Communications of the ACM

The Future of Data Storage

Research into next-generation storage techniques marches forward, yet tape remains the most viable, dependable medium.

Weighing the Impact of GDPR
From Communications of the ACM

Weighing the Impact of GDPR

The EU data regulation will affect computer, Internet, and technology usage within and outside the EU; how it will play out remains to be seen.

Transient Electronics Take Shape
From Communications of the ACM

Transient Electronics Take Shape

Advances in materials science and chemistry are leading to self-destructing circuits and transient electronics, which could impact many fields.

 The Fake News Wars Have Only Begun
From ACM News

The Fake News Wars Have Only Begun

 The next generation of false news will feature realistic-looking videos and a battle of algorithms.

Finding a Healthier Approach to Managing Medical Data
From Communications of the ACM

Finding a Healthier Approach to Managing Medical Data

Researchers are exploring ways to put medical data to greater use while better protecting privacy.

In Pursuit of Virtual Life
From Communications of the ACM

In Pursuit of Virtual Life

Scientists are simulating biological organisms and replicating evolution in the lab. How far can they expand the boundaries of virtual life?

Spies in Our Pockets
From ACM News

Spies in Our Pockets

Electronic eavesdropping is becoming ever more nefarious in the age of smartphones and digital devices.

Making Chips Smarter
From Communications of the ACM

Making Chips Smarter

Advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning are motivating researchers to design and build new chips to support different computing models.

The Future of Semiconductors
From Communications of the ACM

The Future of Semiconductors

Researchers are looking for new ways to advance semiconductors as Moore's Law approaches its limits.

Are Computer Chips the New Security Threat?
From Communications of the ACM

Are Computer Chips the New Security Threat?

Security researchers have identified a technique for installing a backdoor on computer chips, a security flaw that could profoundly change the computing industry...

The New Face of Biometrics
From ACM News

The New Face of Biometrics

Advances in biometric authentication are finally pushing the technology into the mainstream.

Building Morality Into Machines
From ACM News

Building Morality Into Machines

Technology ethics are a growing concern as artificial intelligence advances and autonomous technologies become reality.

Cybersecurity Gets Smart
From Communications of the ACM

Cybersecurity Gets Smart

Researchers aim to apply artificial intelligence and machine-learning methods to take cybersecurity to a new, higher, and better level.

Between the Lines
From Communications of the ACM

Between the Lines

Smartphone apps are driving changes in the way people park. Sensors, crowdsourcing, and big data are making it easier to find open parking spots.

License to Fly
From ACM News

License to Fly

Unmanned aerial vehicles, long used by the military, are entering the commercial sector in growing numbers. Who is going to fly them?

Smart Transportation Networks Drive Gains
From Communications of the ACM

Smart Transportation Networks Drive Gains

Transportation engineers and city planners are looking to information technology to redefine traffic management in urban areas. With the opportunity, however, comes...
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