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Communications of the ACM


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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectPersonal Computing
authorSamuel Greengard

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Gary Chapman, Technologist: 1952 - 2010
From Communications of the ACM

Gary Chapman, Technologist: 1952 - 2010

He raised important public issues, such as the impact of computers and the Internet on society, and encouraged social responsibility for computer professionals....

Following the Crowd
From Communications of the ACM

Following the Crowd

Crowdsourcing is based on a simple but powerful concept: Virtually anyone has the potential to plug in valuable information.

The New Face of War
From Communications of the ACM

The New Face of War

With the introduction of the sophisticated Stuxnet worm, the stakes of cyberwarfare have increased immeasurably.

From Communications of the ACM


Countries use Internet censorship to dominate the political dialogue, but also to create favorable conditions for government-controlled businesses.

Cloud Computing and Developing Nations
From Communications of the ACM

Cloud Computing and Developing Nations

For a growing number of organizations worldwide, cloud computing offers a quick and affordable way to tap into IT infrastructure as an Internet service. But obstacles...

Spies Among Us?
From Communications of the ACM

Spies Among Us?

Governments' practice of electronic surveillance—and the growing use of warrantless wiretapping—has observers deeply concerned.

Tracking Garbage
From Communications of the ACM

Tracking Garbage

Researchers are focusing on the so-called "removal chain" in an attempt to save landfill space, improve recycling rates, and trim the flow of toxic materials into...

From Communications of the ACM

ACM and India

ACM is in the process of establishing ACM India as a legal entity and will hold its first conference in late January....

Making Automation Work
From Communications of the ACM

Making Automation Work

Today's automated systems provide enormous safety and convenience. However, when glitches, problems, or breakdowns occur, the results can be catastrophic.

Facing an Age-Old Problem
From Communications of the ACM

Facing an Age-Old Problem

Researchers are addressing the computing challenges of older individuals, whose needs are different — and too often disregarded.

Are We Losing Our Ability to Think Critically?
From Communications of the ACM

Are We Losing Our Ability to Think Critically?

Computer technology has enhanced lives in countless ways, but some experts believe it might be affecting people's ability to think deeply.

Does Drm Have a Future?
From ACM News

Does Drm Have a Future?

Digital rights management (DRM)  has emerged as a widespread tool to combat piracy. So far, however, DRM systems have proved highly inconvenient to consumers who...

The First Internet President
From Communications of the ACM

The First Internet President

Barack Obama's presidential campaign utilized the Internet and information technology unlike any previous political campaign. How politicians and the public interact...

Upwardly Mobile
From Communications of the ACM

Upwardly Mobile

Mobile phones are bridging the digital divide and transforming many economic, social, and medical realities, particularly in developing nations.
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