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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Software-Defined Batteries Take Charge
From ACM News

Software-Defined Batteries Take Charge

Researchers are exploring a new generation of batteries that rely on software to define performance.

Data Is the New Currency
From ACM News

Data Is the New Currency

Digital technologies are driving new business models and changing the ways society views products and services.

Automotive Systems Get Smarter
From Communications of the ACM

Automotive Systems Get Smarter

Automotive infotainment systems are driving changes to automobiles, and to driver behavior.

Bird-Brained Drones?
From ACM News

Bird-Brained Drones?

Researchers are studying birds and insects in order to make drone flight second nature.

Drones Lack Autonomy
From ACM News

Drones Lack Autonomy

Researchers and engineers are exploring ways to help Unmanned Aerial Vehicles choose to fly themselves, and to fly more safely.

Between the Lines
From Communications of the ACM

Between the Lines

Smartphone apps are driving changes in the way people park. Sensors, crowdsourcing, and big data are making it easier to find open parking spots.

Welcome to Robot Hotel
From ACM News

Welcome to Robot Hotel

A new generation of autonomous robots will usher in changes in the hospitality industry and beyond.

License to Fly
From ACM News

License to Fly

Unmanned aerial vehicles, long used by the military, are entering the commercial sector in growing numbers. Who is going to fly them?

Smart Transportation Networks Drive Gains
From Communications of the ACM

Smart Transportation Networks Drive Gains

Transportation engineers and city planners are looking to information technology to redefine traffic management in urban areas. With the opportunity, however, comes...

Apps Change the Face of Computing
From ACM News

Apps Change the Face of Computing

As computing evolves and becomes increasingly mobile, apps are fundamentally changing actions…and interactions.

Weathering a New Era of Big Data
From Communications of the ACM

Weathering a New Era of Big Data

Increased computing power combined with new and more advanced models are changing weather forecasting.

A Sense of Technology
From ACM News

A Sense of Technology

Researchers are working to add smell, taste, and touch to the digital world, but significant challenges remain.

Facial Recognition Gets Real
From ACM News

Facial Recognition Gets Real

Facial recognition and expression analysis technologies are maturing, and they're changing the face of marketing, healthcare, security, and more.

How Computers Are Changing Biology
From Communications of the ACM

How Computers Are Changing Biology

Sophisticated computer models and simulations are replacing test tubes and beakers. This revolution in biology research is redefining medicine, agriculture, and...

Gambling with Computers
From ACM News

Gambling with Computers

Researchers are turning to computers, big data, and sophisticated algorithms to improve the odds of picking a winner.

Taking an Age-Old Approach to ­i
From ACM News

Taking an Age-Old Approach to ­i

Web and app designers need to be mindful of the changing capabilities of aging users.

The Laws of Computing
From ACM News

The Laws of Computing

Expert witnesses in computing sciences navigate complex issues and sometimes-hostile lawyers in order to bring focus and resolution to high-profile legal disputes...

Computational Photography Comes Into Focus
From Communications of the ACM

Computational Photography Comes Into Focus

Advances in computational photography are making image capture the starting point. The technology is transforming the field.

Body of Knowledge
From ACM News

Body of Knowledge

Electronic textiles and smart clothing promise to weave new, improved computing capabilities into the fabric of our lives.

Seeing the Big Picture
From Communications of the ACM

Seeing the Big Picture

Lensless cameras and other advances in digital imaging, computational optics, signal processing, and big data are transforming how we think about photography.
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