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Communications of the ACM


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dateMore Than a Year Ago
authorSamuel Greengard

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Wayfinding Without GPS
From Communications of the ACM

Wayfinding Without GPS

Quantum entanglement provides a new direction in navigation.

Using Physics Data to Refocus Computer Vision
From ACM News

Using Physics Data to Refocus Computer Vision

Exploring ways to supplement conventional computer vision data with metadata collected from physics-based sensors and systems.

Passkeys Unlock a New Era for Authentication
From ACM News

Passkeys Unlock a New Era for Authentication

A potential alternative to passwords.

Hidden Malware Ratchets Up Cybersecurity Risks
From Communications of the ACM

Hidden Malware Ratchets Up Cybersecurity Risks

Cybercriminals could be hiding malware payloads in places where commercial cybersecurity software is unable to detect it.

Brain Implants Get Real
From Communications of the ACM

Brain Implants Get Real

Universities, and a growing number of companies, are producing brain-computer interfaces.

Immersion Cooling Heats Up
From Communications of the ACM

Immersion Cooling Heats Up

Depending on climate conditions, the availability of renewables and other factors, immersion cooling can make a profound difference in both energy consumption and...

Can AI Learn to Forget?
From Communications of the ACM

Can AI Learn to Forget?

Specialized techniques may make it possible to induce selective 'amnesia' in machine learning models.

What Is the Cost of Living Online?
From Communications of the ACM

What Is the Cost of Living Online?

The cost of powering streaming and other rapidly growing online services will not "take down the Internet."

Qubit Devices Inch Toward Reality
From Communications of the ACM

Qubit Devices Inch Toward Reality

Key questions and challenges remain, including how to scale qubit devices while reducing noise and errors to the point where the devices become useful.

Photonic Processors Light the Way
From Communications of the ACM

Photonic Processors Light the Way

Highly efficient light-based processors can overcome the bottlenecks of today's electronics.

Formal Software Verification Measures Up
From Communications of the ACM

Formal Software Verification Measures Up

Verified coding techniques use mathematical proofs to ensure code is error-free and hacker-resistant. Can the approach revolutionize software?

Changing How Data is Used
From ACM News

Changing How Data is Used

Federated AI Learning promises to reshape data security, privacy.

The Worsening State of Ransomware
From Communications of the ACM

The Worsening State of Ransomware

Sophisticated, dangerous ransomware is the new normal … and there is no simple fix.

Could Mobile Voting Ring True?
From ACM News

Could Mobile Voting Ring True?

Voting on smartphones could result in higher voter turnouts.

The Scramble for Post-Quantum Cryptography
From ACM News

The Scramble for Post-Quantum Cryptography

Quantum computers are expected to undermine today's computer security.

Digital IDs Make Their Mark
From ACM News

Digital IDs Make Their Mark

Encrypted identification data on a smartcard or smartphone can deliver significant benefits while boosting security, but raise concerns about privacy and the potential...

Terahertz Networks Move Closer to Reality
From Communications of the ACM

Terahertz Networks Move Closer to Reality

The desire for faster, higher-frequency wireless networking is a constant. Terahertz technology could deliver large gains.

AI on Edge
From Communications of the ACM

AI on Edge

Shifting artificial intelligence to the "edge" of the network could transform computing . . . and everyday life.

Neuromorphic Chips Take Shape
From Communications of the ACM

Neuromorphic Chips Take Shape

Chips designed specifically to model the neurons and synapses in the human brain are poised to change computing in profound ways.

Can Nanosheet Transistors Keep Moore's Law Alive?
From Communications of the ACM

Can Nanosheet Transistors Keep Moore's Law Alive?

The technology promises to advance semiconductors and computing, but also introduces new questions and challenges.
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