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subjectArtificial Intelligence

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

AI Material Learns Behaviors, Adapts to Changing Conditions
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AI Material Learns Behaviors, Adapts to Changing Conditions

University of California, Los Angeles engineers have developed a new class of material.

A New Brain Model Could Pave the Way for Conscious AI
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A New Brain Model Could Pave the Way for Conscious AI

A new model of the human brain.

New Method Exposes How Artificial Intelligence Works
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New Method Exposes How Artificial Intelligence Works

The neural networks are harder to fool thanks to adversarial training.

AI Can Diagnose Dementia As Accurately as Experts
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AI Can Diagnose Dementia As Accurately as Experts

The results of recent research have broad implications for dementia treatment.

AI Can Analyze Eye Scans To Identify Risk of Heart Attack
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AI Can Analyze Eye Scans To Identify Risk of Heart Attack

The system—which has 70% to 80% accuracy—predicts if patients are at risk of a heart attack over the next year.

Measuring Trust in AI
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Measuring Trust in AI

Researchers find public trust in AI varies greatly depending on the application.

Surprisingly Smart Artificial Intelligence Sheds Light on How the Brain Processes Language
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Surprisingly Smart Artificial Intelligence Sheds Light on How the Brain Processes Language

Neuroscientists find the internal workings of next-word prediction models resemble those of language-processing centers in the brain.

Machine Learning System Gives Robots Social Skills
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Machine Learning System Gives Robots Social Skills

A new machine-learning system helps robots understand and perform certain social interactions.

Deep Learning AI Explained: Neural Networks
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Deep Learning AI Explained: Neural Networks

Ballyhooed artificial-intelligence technique known as "deep learning" revives 70-year-old idea.

DeepMind Releases Accurate Picture of the Human Proteome
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DeepMind Releases Accurate Picture of the Human Proteome

"We believe this represents the most significant contribution AI has made to advancing scientific knowledge to date," said DeepMind founder and CEO Demis Hassabis...

AI Program Accurately Predicts Lung Cancer Risk
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AI Program Accurately Predicts Lung Cancer Risk

A deep learning artificial intelligence algorithm can accurately predict the risk of lung nodules detected on computed tomography images turning cancerous.

Holographic Display Improvements Poised to Enhance Virtual, Augmented Reality
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Holographic Display Improvements Poised to Enhance Virtual, Augmented Reality

An approach developed by researchers at NVIDIA and Stanford University can improve image quality and contrast for holographic displays.

Simple Eye Exam With Powerful Artificial Intelligence Could Lead to Early Parkinson’s Disease Diagnosis
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Simple Eye Exam With Powerful Artificial Intelligence Could Lead to Early Parkinson’s Disease Diagnosis

The researchers deployed a type of artificial intelligence called support vector machine (SVM) learning, which has been around since 1989.

AI Can Diagnose COVID-19 Through Cellphone-Recorded Coughs – Even if You Don’t Have Symptoms
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AI Can Diagnose COVID-19 Through Cellphone-Recorded Coughs – Even if You Don’t Have Symptoms

Results might provide a convenient screening tool for people who may not suspect they are infected.

AI Identifies Prostate Cancer With Near-Perfect Accuracy
From ACM TechNews

AI Identifies Prostate Cancer With Near-Perfect Accuracy

Researchers trained an artificial intelligence program to recognize and characterize prostate cancer, achieving the highest accuracy rate to date.

Giving Robots Human-Like Perception of Their Physical Environments
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Giving Robots Human-Like Perception of Their Physical Environments

Kimera builds a dense three-dimensional semantic mesh of an environment and can track humans in the environment.
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