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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Spinning Into the Future – New Waveguide Is Changing the Way Data Is Transferred, Manipulated
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Spinning Into the Future – New Waveguide Is Changing the Way Data Is Transferred, Manipulated

Physicists have pioneered a method to engineer electromagnetic spin on metasurfaces, addressing the data storage and transfer needs of an increasingly digital world...

The Dawn of Solid-State Quantum Networks
From ACM TechNews

The Dawn of Solid-State Quantum Networks

Researchers demonstrated high-visibility quantum interference between two independent quantum dots connected by approximately 300-kilometer/186.4-mile optical fibers...

Detecting Dark Matter With Quantum Computers
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Detecting Dark Matter With Quantum Computers

A Fermilab scientist developed a way to use qubits to detect single photons produced by dark matter in the presence of a strong magnetic field.

AI Can Diagnose Dementia As Accurately as Experts
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AI Can Diagnose Dementia As Accurately as Experts

The results of recent research have broad implications for dementia treatment.

Algorithm Optimally Divvies up Tasks for Human-Robot Teams
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Algorithm Optimally Divvies up Tasks for Human-Robot Teams

The team's work could be valuable in manufacturing and assembly plants, for sorting packages, or in any environment where humans and robots collaborate to complete...

Ancient Namibian Gemstone Holds Key to Future Quantum Computers
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Ancient Namibian Gemstone Holds Key to Future Quantum Computers

Hamid Ohadi of the School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of St Andrews said: "Making a quantum simulator with light is the holy grail of science."

New Chip Can Prevent Hackers From Extracting Hidden Information From Smart Devices
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New Chip Can Prevent Hackers From Extracting Hidden Information From Smart Devices

Engineers build a lower-energy chip that can prevent hackers from extracting hidden information from a smart device.

MIT Develops New Programming Language for High-Performance Computers
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MIT Develops New Programming Language for High-Performance Computers

With a tensor language prototype, "speed and correctness do not have to compete … they can go together, hand-in-hand."

Busted for Not Social Distancing by a COVID-19 Mobile Surveillance Robot
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Busted for Not Social Distancing by a COVID-19 Mobile Surveillance Robot

Surveillance robot could help reduce disease spread and also aid contact tracing.

'Logic Gate' Paves Way for Nanoscale Computers To Treat Cancer and Other Diseases
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'Logic Gate' Paves Way for Nanoscale Computers To Treat Cancer and Other Diseases

The team's logic gate comprised two sensor domains designed to respond to two inputs—light and the drug rapamycin.

Surprisingly Smart Artificial Intelligence Sheds Light on How the Brain Processes Language
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Surprisingly Smart Artificial Intelligence Sheds Light on How the Brain Processes Language

Neuroscientists find the internal workings of next-word prediction models resemble those of language-processing centers in the brain.

Autonomous Robotic Rover Provides New Insight Into Life on the Deep Abyssal Seafloor
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Autonomous Robotic Rover Provides New Insight Into Life on the Deep Abyssal Seafloor

Autonomous robotic rover helps scientists with long-term monitoring of deep-sea carbon cycle and climate change.

Supercomputer Helps Protect Earth From Space Storms
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Supercomputer Helps Protect Earth From Space Storms

University of Michigan researchers used Frontera supercomputer to improve a space weather forecasting system.

DeepMind Releases Accurate Picture of the Human Proteome
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DeepMind Releases Accurate Picture of the Human Proteome

"We believe this represents the most significant contribution AI has made to advancing scientific knowledge to date," said DeepMind founder and CEO Demis Hassabis...

Holographic Display Improvements Poised to Enhance Virtual, Augmented Reality
From ACM TechNews

Holographic Display Improvements Poised to Enhance Virtual, Augmented Reality

An approach developed by researchers at NVIDIA and Stanford University can improve image quality and contrast for holographic displays.
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