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subjectHuman Computer Interaction

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Detecting Dark Matter With Quantum Computers
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Detecting Dark Matter With Quantum Computers

A Fermilab scientist developed a way to use qubits to detect single photons produced by dark matter in the presence of a strong magnetic field.

AI Predicts Future Heart Disease Risk Using Single Chest X-Ray
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AI Predicts Future Heart Disease Risk Using Single Chest X-Ray

Weiss said additional research is necessary to validate the deep learning model, which could ultimately serve as a decision-support tool for treating physicians...

A New Brain Model Could Pave the Way for Conscious AI
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A New Brain Model Could Pave the Way for Conscious AI

A new model of the human brain.

AI Can Diagnose Dementia As Accurately as Experts
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AI Can Diagnose Dementia As Accurately as Experts

The results of recent research have broad implications for dementia treatment.

AI Algorithm Predicts Future Crimes One Week in Advance With 90% Accuracy
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AI Algorithm Predicts Future Crimes One Week in Advance With 90% Accuracy

A new computer model uses publicly available data to predict crime accurately in eight cities in the U.S..

Algorithm Optimally Divvies up Tasks for Human-Robot Teams
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Algorithm Optimally Divvies up Tasks for Human-Robot Teams

The team's work could be valuable in manufacturing and assembly plants, for sorting packages, or in any environment where humans and robots collaborate to complete...

New Chip Can Prevent Hackers From Extracting Hidden Information From Smart Devices
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New Chip Can Prevent Hackers From Extracting Hidden Information From Smart Devices

Engineers build a lower-energy chip that can prevent hackers from extracting hidden information from a smart device.

AI Can Analyze Eye Scans To Identify Risk of Heart Attack
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AI Can Analyze Eye Scans To Identify Risk of Heart Attack

The system—which has 70% to 80% accuracy—predicts if patients are at risk of a heart attack over the next year.

Machine Learning AI Can Predict COVID-19 Survival From Single Blood Test
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Machine Learning AI Can Predict COVID-19 Survival From Single Blood Test

Levels of 14 proteins in the blood of critically ill COVID-19 patients are associated with survival.

Measuring Trust in AI
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Measuring Trust in AI

Researchers find public trust in AI varies greatly depending on the application.

Busted for Not Social Distancing by a COVID-19 Mobile Surveillance Robot
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Busted for Not Social Distancing by a COVID-19 Mobile Surveillance Robot

Surveillance robot could help reduce disease spread and also aid contact tracing.

Machine Learning System Gives Robots Social Skills
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Machine Learning System Gives Robots Social Skills

A new machine-learning system helps robots understand and perform certain social interactions.

Autonomous Robotic Rover Provides New Insight Into Life on the Deep Abyssal Seafloor
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Autonomous Robotic Rover Provides New Insight Into Life on the Deep Abyssal Seafloor

Autonomous robotic rover helps scientists with long-term monitoring of deep-sea carbon cycle and climate change.

Ultrafast Electron Microscopy Leads to Pivotal Discovery for the Development of New Quantum Devices
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Ultrafast Electron Microscopy Leads to Pivotal Discovery for the Development of New Quantum Devices

Ultrafast electron microscope opens up new avenues for the development of sensors and quantum devices.

Supercomputer Helps Protect Earth From Space Storms
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Supercomputer Helps Protect Earth From Space Storms

University of Michigan researchers used Frontera supercomputer to improve a space weather forecasting system.

Astronomers Use Artificial Intelligence to Reveal the Actual Shape of the Universe
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Astronomers Use Artificial Intelligence to Reveal the Actual Shape of the Universe

Using artificial intelligence-driven data analysis to peel back the noise and find the actual shape of the universe.

Scientists Warn of 'Bleak Cyborg Future' From Brain-Computer Interfaces
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Scientists Warn of 'Bleak Cyborg Future' From Brain-Computer Interfaces

Researchers warn of the potential social, ethical, and legal consequences of technologies interacting heavily with human brains.

NASA Struggles to Restore Aging Payload Computer on Hubble Space Telescope
From ACM News

NASA Struggles to Restore Aging Payload Computer on Hubble Space Telescope

NASA may have to resort to the backup system.

AI Program Accurately Predicts Lung Cancer Risk
From ACM TechNews

AI Program Accurately Predicts Lung Cancer Risk

A deep learning artificial intelligence algorithm can accurately predict the risk of lung nodules detected on computed tomography images turning cancerous.

Holographic Display Improvements Poised to Enhance Virtual, Augmented Reality
From ACM TechNews

Holographic Display Improvements Poised to Enhance Virtual, Augmented Reality

An approach developed by researchers at NVIDIA and Stanford University can improve image quality and contrast for holographic displays.
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