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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Biorobotic Heart Helps Scientists Study Cardiac Function
From ACM TechNews

Biorobotic Heart Helps Scientists Study Cardiac Function

Researchers developed a biorobotic replica of the human heart to help scientists better understand cardiac function.  

Glasses Transcribe Speech in Real Time
From ACM TechNews

Glasses Transcribe Speech in Real Time

Several companies have started marketing "live-captioning glasses" to help hearing-impaired users communicate by overlaying real-time transcribed speech on the...

AI Could Smuggle Secret Messages in Memes
From ACM TechNews

AI Could Smuggle Secret Messages in Memes

Computer scientists claim to have created the first algorithm for seamlessly concealing messages in realistic text, images, or audio.

Can VR Mimic Nature's Power to Make Us Healthier?
From ACM TechNews

Can VR Mimic Nature's Power to Make Us Healthier?

Scientists are investigating whether virtual reality can offer some of the health benefits of being in nature.

Computer Model Explains Cats' Sense of Smell
From ACM TechNews

Computer Model Explains Cats' Sense of Smell

A computational model of a house cat's nose aims to explain the complexity of a cat's sense of smell.

What The First Lung Delivered by Drone Means for Transplant Science
From ACM TechNews

What The First Lung Delivered by Drone Means for Transplant Science

The first successful delivery of a human donor lung by aerial drone in Toronto, Canada, has implications for the future of transplant science.

Apps Aim to Douse Social Media Dumpster Fire
From ACM TechNews

Apps Aim to Douse Social Media Dumpster Fire

New social apps are being introduced that promote a more positive online environment.

There Are Too Few Women in Computer Science and Engineering
From ACM News

There Are Too Few Women in Computer Science and Engineering

It's not that they aren't interested; it's the culture of these fields and how they exclude women and girls.

AI Predicts Potential Nutrient Deficiencies from Space
From ACM TechNews

AI Predicts Potential Nutrient Deficiencies from Space

Geographic areas with populations at high risk of micronutrient deficiencies can be identified using publicly available satellite data and artificial intelligence...

Record-Breaking Jumping Robot Can Leap 10-Story Building
From ACM TechNews

Record-Breaking Jumping Robot Can Leap 10-Story Building

Rresearchers have developed a jumping robot that can reach heights of more than 30 meters, or about the height of a 10-story building, after being launched at about...

'Momentum Computing' Pushes Technology's Thermodynamic Limits
From ACM TechNews

'Momentum Computing' Pushes Technology's Thermodynamic Limits

Two University of California, Davis researchers have proposed a computational method for dissipating a small fraction of the heat generated by conventional computer...

Lego Robot with an Organic 'Brain' Learns to Navigate a Maze
From ACM News

Lego Robot with an Organic 'Brain' Learns to Navigate a Maze

The neuromorphic computing device solved the puzzle by working like an animal brain would.

Moon's Hidden Depths Uncovered with Algorithm
From ACM TechNews

Moon's Hidden Depths Uncovered with Algorithm

An international team of scientists developed a deep learning algorithm to more deeply explore permanently shadowed regions of the Moon.

Firefighting Robots Go Autonomous
From ACM TechNews

Firefighting Robots Go Autonomous

Firefighting robots can enter buildings that human firefighters cannot. Researchers are working to develop firefighting robots that can make decisions autonomously...

How Olympic Tracking Systems Capture Athletic Performances
From ACM TechNews

How Olympic Tracking Systems Capture Athletic Performances

This year's Olympic Games in Tokyo use an advanced three-dimensional tracking system that captures athletes' performances in fine detail.

AI Creates False Documents That Fake Out Hackers
From ACM News

AI Creates False Documents That Fake Out Hackers

The algorithm hides sensitive information in a sea of decoys.

Will Quantum Computing Ever Live Up to Its Hype?
From ACM News

Will Quantum Computing Ever Live Up to Its Hype?

One expert warns that the field is overpromising, while another says his firm is on the verge of building "useful" machines.

Spider Legs Build Webs Without the Brain's Help
From ACM TechNews

Spider Legs Build Webs Without the Brain's Help

Researchers have simulated the way each leg of a spider functions as a semi-independent "computer," with sensors that trigger movements based on environmental readings...

New App Tracks Black Rhinos Through Their Footprints
From ACM TechNews

New App Tracks Black Rhinos Through Their Footprints

The footprint-identification technique uses software to track black rhinoceros' movements via smartphone-recorded footprints, in order to protect the animals from...

This Robot Can Rap—Really
From ACM TechNews

This Robot Can Rap—Really

A Georgia Institute of Technology music technologist modified an improvisational musical robot called Shimon to create lyrics and perform rap in real time.
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