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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

Being John Malkovich: Personal Control of Individual Brain Cells

In philosophy of mind, a "cerebroscope" is a fictitious device, a brain-computer interface in today's language, which reads out the content of somebody's brain...

Researchers Inventory a World of Information
From ACM News

Researchers Inventory a World of Information

Data is the common currency that unites all fields of science.

Hackers Harness Microsoft's Kinect For Business and Pleasure
From ACM News

Hackers Harness Microsoft's Kinect For Business and Pleasure

Gamers and hackers could control the office as well as games with Microsoft's Kinect.

Solid-State Memories Pave the Way to Practical Quantum Communication
From ACM News

Solid-State Memories Pave the Way to Practical Quantum Communication

Two groups of physicists have managed to shift the quantum entanglement between two photons onto an entangled state between one photon and a quantum memor.

Gigapixel Cameras Create Highly Revealing Snapshots
From ACM TechNews

Gigapixel Cameras Create Highly Revealing Snapshots

The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has been developing a camera that can take gigapixel images with one snapshot. Columbia University researchers...

2011: The Year of the Personal Robot?
From ACM TechNews

2011: The Year of the Personal Robot?

Willow Garage's PR2 personal robot platform, released last year, could lead to new advances in robotic technology. Georgia Tech professor Charles Kemp. Kemp and...

Electric Currents Move Racetrack Memory Bits with Precision
From ACM News

Electric Currents Move Racetrack Memory Bits with Precision

The moving bits in the proposed data-storage scheme do not stop and start instantaneously, but their motion is easy to quantify.

Diminishing Returns? U.s. Science Productivity Continues to Decline
From ACM TechNews

Diminishing Returns? U.s. Science Productivity Continues to Decline

U.S. science research efficiency is trending downward, according to a National Science Foundation study. U.S. research output, as measured by scientific publication...

Diminishing Returns?: U.s. Science Productivity Continues to Drop
From ACM News

Diminishing Returns?: U.s. Science Productivity Continues to Drop

A historic downward shift in U.S. research efficiency is described in a new report on science publication trends, showing that while funding rose, the quantity...

From ACM News

How Can Online Advertising Companies Be Kept from Tracking Web Surfers?

The FTC is calling for "do not track" software, but one privacy and security expert said such programming would have to be incorporated into a browser for it...

Power Hackers: The U.s. Smart Grid Is Shaping Up to Be Dangerously Insecure
From ACM News

Power Hackers: The U.s. Smart Grid Is Shaping Up to Be Dangerously Insecure

Achieving greater efficiency and control of the electricity grid requires hooking almost every aspect of it up to the Internet, making it more vulnerable to cyber...

Would Wiretapping Laws Spell the End of Quantum Encryption?
From ACM News

Would Wiretapping Laws Spell the End of Quantum Encryption?

A new effort to ensure that the government can gain back-door access to encrypted messages could thwart one of the most promising applications of physics for...

Heady Days of Nanotech Funding Behind It, the ­.s. Faces Big Challenges
From ACM TechNews

Heady Days of Nanotech Funding Behind It, the ­.s. Faces Big Challenges

Despite the U.S.'s lead in patenting nanotechnology inventions, it has not been able to translate that success into the marketplace, which has enabled other countries...

A Car That Drives Itself
From ACM News

A Car That Drives Itself

In September a driverless Audi TTS will speed to the top of Colorado's Pikes Peak at just under 100 kilometers per hour—that's right, no driver. It is an early...

Robot Pills
From ACM TechNews

Robot Pills

Pill-sized robotic capsules are under development for screening, diagnostic, and therapeutic procedures. 

From ACM News

How Will the Smart Grid Handle Heat Waves?

Pretty well, once the technology to automatically respond to peak demand and store renewable energy matures.

Robocup 2010: Could Robot Versus Human Be Far Behind?
From ACM TechNews

Robocup 2010: Could Robot Versus Human Be Far Behind?

The goal of the RoboCup 2010 competition in Singapore is to advance the real-world applications of robotics and eventually to build a robot team that can beat the...

Inside the Military-Robotics Complex
From ACM News

Inside the Military-Robotics Complex

Robots are already in use by U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, and their variety and use is only growing.

The Doctor Is Out, but New Patient Monitoring and Robotics Technology Is In
From ACM News

The Doctor Is Out, but New Patient Monitoring and Robotics Technology Is In

A new generation of medical devices using wireless communications, sophisticated software and data center-driven "cloud" computing promises to deliver health care...

Researchers Turn to Supercomputing to Find Malaria's Soft Spot
From ACM News

Researchers Turn to Supercomputing to Find Malaria's Soft Spot

Intellectual Ventures builds computer simulations to better understand how malaria spreads and how it responds to eradication efforts.
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