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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

3D Printing Inside the Body Could Patch Stomach Ulcers
From ACM TechNews

3D Printing Inside the Body Could Patch Stomach Ulcers

Researchers at Tsinghua University in China developed a micro robot that could take advantage of three-dimensional printing technology to lay down new tissues directly...

Geometry Points to Coronavirus Drug Target Candidates
From ACM TechNews

Geometry Points to Coronavirus Drug Target Candidates

A new study incorporates a mathematical model that predicts protein sites on viruses that might be particularly susceptible to disabling treatments.

Footstep Sensors Identify People by Gait
From ACM TechNews

Footstep Sensors Identify People by Gait

Researchers have developed sensors that analyze footsteps by measuring minute floor vibrations.

'Punch-Card' DNA Could Mean Cheaper High-Capacity Data Storage
From ACM TechNews

'Punch-Card' DNA Could Mean Cheaper High-Capacity Data Storage

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign researchers have proposed an alternative to custom-synthesizing DNA for high-capacity data storage.

Can We Identify Invasive Species Before They Invade?
From ACM TechNews

Can We Identify Invasive Species Before They Invade?

Researchers have developed models for predicting patterns of damage by invasive insects that attack North American trees.

Encryption System Protects Data from Quantum Computers
From ACM TechNews

Encryption System Protects Data from Quantum Computers

IBM researchers have demonstrated a quantum-proof encryption method called CRYSTALS that can successfully encrypt a magnetic-tap storage device.  

Faced with Data Deluge, Astronomers Turn to Automation
From ACM TechNews

Faced with Data Deluge, Astronomers Turn to Automation

Researchers hope to use algorithms to improve multimessenger astronomy.

Quantum Internet Emerging, One Experiment at a Time
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Internet Emerging, One Experiment at a Time

Recent milestones in transmitting, storing, and manipulating quantum data have some physicists expecting the imminent creation of a proof-of-principle quantum network...

The Quantum Internet Is Emerging, One Experiment at a Time
From ACM News

The Quantum Internet Is Emerging, One Experiment at a Time

Although a fully realized quantum network is still a far-off vision, recent breakthroughs have convinced some physicists that a simple proof-of-principle is imminent...

Machines That Read Your Brain Waves
From ACM News

Machines That Read Your Brain Waves

Sometimes a technology that's been simmering in the laboratory or the clinic for decades makes the leap to mainstream consumption almost overnight.

How Smarter Technology Will Feed the Planet
From ACM TechNews

How Smarter Technology Will Feed the Planet

Technology solutions increasingly are being employed to enable more efficient and intelligent agriculture.

Are Cyborg Warriors a Good Idea?
From ACM News

Are Cyborg Warriors a Good Idea?

You already have a lot to worry about. Climate change, fake news, inequality, the stability of democracy. But I feel obliged to point out yet another threat: soldiers...

Getting the Dirt on Creation, Inside OSIRIS-REx's First Close Look at Bennu
From ACM News

Getting the Dirt on Creation, Inside OSIRIS-REx's First Close Look at Bennu

Last week at the fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) the science team of NASA's OSIRIS-REx mission presented their first findings from the asteroid...

Computers Determine States of Consciousness
From ACM TechNews

Computers Determine States of Consciousness

A new algorithm can distinguish between unresponsive wakefulness syndrome and a minimally conscious state through the use of  electroencephalographic brainwave...

'Superhuman' AI Triumphs Playing the Toughest Board Games
From ACM TechNews

'Superhuman' AI Triumphs Playing the Toughest Board Games

DeepMind's self-learning AlphaZero algorithm has demonstrated superhuman success at complex board games including chess, shogi, and go.

Finding Alien Life May Require Giant Telescopes Built in Orbit
From ACM News

Finding Alien Life May Require Giant Telescopes Built in Orbit

After snapping the final piece into place with a satisfying "click" she feels through her spacesuit gloves, the astronaut pauses to appreciate the view.

Catching Whisky Fakers
From ACM TechNews

Catching Whisky Fakers

Researchers across Europe are applying multiple methods to combat food and beverage counterfeiting.

Silent and Simple Ion Engine Powers a Plane with No Moving Parts
From ACM News

Silent and Simple Ion Engine Powers a Plane with No Moving Parts

Behind a thin white veil separating his makeshift lab from joggers at a Massachusetts Institute of Technology indoor track, aerospace engineer Steven Barrett recently...

Will NASA's Next Mission to Venus Be a Balloon?
From ACM News

Will NASA's Next Mission to Venus Be a Balloon?

After decades of neglect, hellish and cloud-enveloped Venus—sometimes called Earth's evil twin—is a world ready and waiting for renewed exploration.

Artificial Intelligence Is Learning to Keep Learning
From ACM News

Artificial Intelligence Is Learning to Keep Learning

What if you stopped learning after graduation? It sounds stultifying, but that is how most machine-learning systems are trained.
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