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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectArtificial Intelligence
authorScientific American

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

How Pedestrians Will Defeat Autonomous Vehicles
From ACM News

How Pedestrians Will Defeat Autonomous Vehicles

A recently published paper in the Journal of Planning Education and Research explores how interactions between humans and self-driving cars could change the rules...

Can Artificial Intelligence Predict Earthquakes?
From ACM TechNews

Can Artificial Intelligence Predict Earthquakes?

Paul Johnson's research team at Los Alamos National Laboratory is applying artificial intelligence to earthquake prediction, using machine-learning algorithms,...

Can Artificial Intelligence Predict Earthquakes?
From ACM News

Can Artificial Intelligence Predict Earthquakes?

Predicting earthquakes is the holy grail of seismology.

Trick of Tweet: Data Tool Pinpoints Words Seen as Credible
From ACM News

Trick of Tweet: Data Tool Pinpoints Words Seen as Credible

Sixty-two percent of Americans get their news from social media, according to a 2016 poll by Pew Research Center.

Computers Can Sense Sarcasm? Yeah, Right
From ACM TechNews

Computers Can Sense Sarcasm? Yeah, Right

Researchers at the University of Turin and Yahoo! have developed software that can identify the expression of sarcasm on social media and the Web.

When Will Computers Have Common Sense? Ask Facebook
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When Will Computers Have Common Sense? Ask Facebook

Facebook is well known for its early and increasing use of artificial intelligence.

­nveiling the Hidden Layers of Deep Learning
From ACM TechNews

­nveiling the Hidden Layers of Deep Learning

A new method for visualizing the mechanisms and hidden layers of neural networks could provide insights into deep learning. 

Driverless Cars Must Have Steering Wheels, Brake Pedals, Feds Say
From ACM News

Driverless Cars Must Have Steering Wheels, Brake Pedals, Feds Say

Driverless cars should have a fairly easy time getting the green light to operate on U.S. roadways, as long as they look and act like the vehicles people have been...

The ­.s. Government Launches a $100-Million 'apollo Project of the Brain'
From ACM TechNews

The ­.s. Government Launches a $100-Million 'apollo Project of the Brain'

A new $100-million project will reverse-engineer a section of the brain in order to improve machine-learning and artificial-intelligence algorithms. 

The ­.s. Government Launches a $100-Million 'apollo Project of the Brain'
From ACM News

The ­.s. Government Launches a $100-Million 'apollo Project of the Brain'

Three decades ago, the U.S. government launched the Human Genome Project, a 13-year endeavor to sequence and map all the genes of the human species.

Robotic Limbs Get a Sense of Touch
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Robotic Limbs Get a Sense of Touch

Advanced prosthetics have for the past few years begun tapping into brain signals to provide amputees with impressive new levels of control.

See-and-Tell AI Machine Can Describe Objects It Observes
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See-and-Tell AI Machine Can Describe Objects It Observes

Young children can look at whatever is in front of them, and describe what they see—but for artificial intelligence systems, that's a daunting task.

Do You Only Trust Wall-E Because He's Cute?
From ACM News

Do You Only Trust Wall-E Because He's Cute?

Each year it seems a little less like science fiction to ask your phone for advice about local chinese food or trust your car to get you to a new location.

What Is It Like to Control a Robotic Arm with a Brain Implant?
From ACM Opinion

What Is It Like to Control a Robotic Arm with a Brain Implant?

Jan Scheuermann is not your average experimental subject.

Titan's Seas Get an Earthly Stand-In as Robot Explores Chilean Lake
From ACM News

Titan's Seas Get an Earthly Stand-In as Robot Explores Chilean Lake

Early Mars rovers had little more intelligence than a fancy remote-controlled car.

How Microsoft's 1 Percenters Balance Basic Research with Short-Term Success
From ACM Opinion

How Microsoft's 1 Percenters Balance Basic Research with Short-Term Success

When Microsoft launched its research labs in 1991, the personal computer was just beginning to blossom into a worldwide phenomenon, thanks in no small part to Windows...

Will Ibm's Watson ­sher in a New Era of Cognitive Computing?
From ACM Opinion

Will Ibm's Watson ­sher in a New Era of Cognitive Computing?

Computers as we know them have are close to reaching an inflection point—the next generation is in sight but not quite within our grasp.

Software Firm Claims Breakthrough in Computer Vision Will Lead to Better AI
From ACM News

Software Firm Claims Breakthrough in Computer Vision Will Lead to Better AI

Luis von Ahn has heard it all before.

Intel Sees a Future Where We Will Form 'relationships' with Our Gadgets
From ACM Opinion

Intel Sees a Future Where We Will Form 'relationships' with Our Gadgets

Rugged individualists aside, many people find themselves increasingly connected not just to one another but also to the devices that make those connections possible...

How the Fifa 14 Soccer Video Game Finally Got Its Physics Right
From ACM News

How the Fifa 14 Soccer Video Game Finally Got Its Physics Right

When the soccer video game FIFA 14 went on sale last week, it boasted a ball that, at long last, could sail smartly through the air.
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