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authorScientific American

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The Search For Life on Mars Is About to Get Weird
From ACM News

The Search For Life on Mars Is About to Get Weird

Since the dawn of the space age NASA and other agencies have spent billions of dollars to reconnoiter Mars—assailing it with spacecraft flybys, photo-snapping orbiters...

Ghost in the Sell: Hollywood's Mischievous Vision of AI
From ACM Opinion

Ghost in the Sell: Hollywood's Mischievous Vision of AI

Watch enough science fiction movies and you'll probably come to the conclusion that humans are living on borrowed time.

Brain-Computer Interface Allows Speediest Typing to Date
From ACM News

Brain-Computer Interface Allows Speediest Typing to Date

Ten years ago Dennis Degray's life changed forever when he slipped and fell while taking out the trash in the rain.

Europa Mission Heralds Sea Change in the Search For Alien Life
From ACM News

Europa Mission Heralds Sea Change in the Search For Alien Life

It's not something NASA likes to advertise, but ever since its creation in 1958, the space agency has only conducted one direct, focused hunt for extraterrestrial...

Can Artificial Intelligence Predict Earthquakes?
From ACM News

Can Artificial Intelligence Predict Earthquakes?

Predicting earthquakes is the holy grail of seismology.

Trick of Tweet: Data Tool Pinpoints Words Seen as Credible
From ACM News

Trick of Tweet: Data Tool Pinpoints Words Seen as Credible

Sixty-two percent of Americans get their news from social media, according to a 2016 poll by Pew Research Center.

150-Year Journey to Alpha Centauri Proposed
From ACM News

150-Year Journey to Alpha Centauri Proposed

Interstellar travel, a timeworn staple of science fiction, can already be science fact if one has cash to spare

How to Learn Morse Code—semiconsciously
From ACM News

How to Learn Morse Code—semiconsciously

Learning Morse code, with its tappity-tap rhythms of dots and dashes, could take far less effort—and attention—than one might think.

Trump's Plans to Shake ­p the Tech World
From ACM Opinion

Trump's Plans to Shake ­p the Tech World

Donald Trump's ascension to the White House had very little to do with his views on the spread of high-speed broadband, wireless spectrum allocation—or any number...

Tangled ­p in Spacetime
From ACM News

Tangled ­p in Spacetime

"All the world’s a stage…," Shakespeare wrote, and physicists tend to think that way, too.

New Take on an Ancient Method Improves Way to Find Prime Numbers
From ACM TechNews

New Take on an Ancient Method Improves Way to Find Prime Numbers

Mathematician Harald Helfgott at Germany's University of Gottingen has proposed a way to improve an ancient method for finding prime numbers.

Human Brain Map Gets a Bold New Update
From ACM News

Human Brain Map Gets a Bold New Update

Most of us think little of hopping on Google Maps to look at everything from a bird's-eye view of an entire continent to an on-the-ground view of a specific street...

Mind Aglow: Scientists Watch Thoughts Form in the Brain
From ACM News

Mind Aglow: Scientists Watch Thoughts Form in the Brain

When a single neuron fires, it is an isolated chemical blip. When many fire together, they form a thought.

Mind-Controlled Robo-Skeleton Enables Paraplegics to Regain Some Motion
From ACM Opinion

Mind-Controlled Robo-Skeleton Enables Paraplegics to Regain Some Motion

Patients paralyzed by a spinal cord injury can face a grim and grueling recovery process—one in which regaining function is far from a sure thing. But a new study...

Hellish Venus Might Have Been Habitable For Billions of Years
From ACM News

Hellish Venus Might Have Been Habitable For Billions of Years

Venus is—without a doubt—Earth's toxic sibling.

Could Trashing Junk Proteins Quash Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Als and Huntington's?
From ACM News

Could Trashing Junk Proteins Quash Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Als and Huntington's?

Although clutter can be a nuisance, it does not typically pose a health threat—unless you're an aging neuron.

Americans Are Wary About Body-Enhancement Technologies
From ACM Opinion

Americans Are Wary About Body-Enhancement Technologies

Emerging technologies that draw from biomedical technology, nanotechnology, information technology and other fields are developing at a rapid pace and may lead...

When Will Computers Have Common Sense? Ask Facebook
From ACM News

When Will Computers Have Common Sense? Ask Facebook

Facebook is well known for its early and increasing use of artificial intelligence.

Tech Turns to Biology as Data Storage Needs Explode
From ACM News

Tech Turns to Biology as Data Storage Needs Explode

Researchers have decoded the genomes of mammoths and a 700,000-year-old horse using DNA fragments extracted from fossils in the past few years. DNA clearly persists...

How to Hack the Hackers: The Human Side of Cyber Crime
From ACM News

How to Hack the Hackers: The Human Side of Cyber Crime

Say what you will about cybercriminals, says Angela Sasse, "their victims rave about the customer service".
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