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authorScientific American

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

A Computer's Heat Could Divulge Top Secrets
From ACM News

A Computer's Heat Could Divulge Top Secrets

The most secure computers in the world can't "Google" a thing—they are disconnected from the Internet and all other networks.

What Is the Big Secret Surrounding Stingray Surveillance?
From ACM Opinion

What Is the Big Secret Surrounding Stingray Surveillance?

Given the amount of mobile phone traffic that cell phone towers transmit, it is no wonder law enforcement agencies target these devices as a rich source of data...

See-and-Tell AI Machine Can Describe Objects It Observes
From ACM News

See-and-Tell AI Machine Can Describe Objects It Observes

Young children can look at whatever is in front of them, and describe what they see—but for artificial intelligence systems, that's a daunting task.

Will Millimeter Waves Maximize 5g Wireless?
From ACM Opinion

Will Millimeter Waves Maximize 5g Wireless?

Every decade or so since the first cellular networks appeared the companies that make mobile devices and the networks linking them have worked out new requirements...

Eight Spacecraft that Have Been Rescued, Resurrected, and Repurposed
From ACM News

Eight Spacecraft that Have Been Rescued, Resurrected, and Repurposed

Earlier this week, the Rosetta spacecraft's Philae lander finally woke up after a seven-month snooze.

New Mathematics Could Neutralize Pathogens That Resist Antibiotics
From ACM News

New Mathematics Could Neutralize Pathogens That Resist Antibiotics

Bacteria that make us sick are bad enough, but many of them also continually evolve in ways that help them develop resistance to common antibiotic drugs, making...

Building an Earth-Size Telescope, 1 Station at a Time
From ACM Opinion

Building an Earth-Size Telescope, 1 Station at a Time

Imagine a trio of aerobatic aircraft. Over the years they've gotten very good at their routine. But they want to add another five or six or seven members.

Computing After Moore's Law
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Computing After Moore's Law

The technologies chip makers hope can keep Moore's Law alive.

Do You Only Trust Wall-E Because He's Cute?
From ACM News

Do You Only Trust Wall-E Because He's Cute?

Each year it seems a little less like science fiction to ask your phone for advice about local chinese food or trust your car to get you to a new location.

Hunting Black Holes at the South Pole
From ACM News

Hunting Black Holes at the South Pole

Each of the telescopes that the astronomers of the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) are currently working to bring into their black-hole-observing, planet-size array...

Human Traffickers Caught on Hidden Internet
From ACM News

Human Traffickers Caught on Hidden Internet

In November 2012 a 28-year-old woman plunged 15 meters from a bedroom window to the pavement in New York City, a devastating fall that left her body broken but...

Shopping Habits Reveal Personal Details in 'anonymized' Data
From ACM News

Shopping Habits Reveal Personal Details in 'anonymized' Data

Details about where and when you use your credit card could help reveal your identity to data thieves—even if they don't know your name, address and other personal...

Virtual Dissection Method Could Reinvigorate Zoology
From ACM News

Virtual Dissection Method Could Reinvigorate Zoology

Last summer, researchers demonstrated that non-invasive imaging combined with a staining technique enables the fast comparison and study of earthworm species and...

A Graphene Discoverer Speculates on the Future of Computing
From ACM Opinion

A Graphene Discoverer Speculates on the Future of Computing

In 2010 two physicists at Manchester University in the U.K. shared a Nobel Prize in Physics for their work on a new wonder material: graphene, a flat sheet of carbon...

A Spectacular Spiral May Encircle the Milky Way
From ACM News

A Spectacular Spiral May Encircle the Milky Way

Mapping a galaxy isn't easy when you live inside it.

How To Change Your Past
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How To Change Your Past

"Too late" might be the two most tragic words in English, but what if you could rewind the clock?

2 Futures Can Explain Time's Mysterious Past
From ACM News

2 Futures Can Explain Time's Mysterious Past

Physicists have a problem with time.

Intel ­pgrades Stephen Hawking's Portal to the World
From ACM News

Intel ­pgrades Stephen Hawking's Portal to the World

Movie audiences who went to theaters this fall to see The Theory of Everything got a glimpse of the challenges physicist Stephen Hawking has overcome to deliver...

What Is It Like to Control a Robotic Arm with a Brain Implant?
From ACM Opinion

What Is It Like to Control a Robotic Arm with a Brain Implant?

Jan Scheuermann is not your average experimental subject.

'glass Brain' Offers Tours of the Space Between Your Ears
From ACM Opinion

'glass Brain' Offers Tours of the Space Between Your Ears

Former Grateful Dead percussionist Mickey Hart takes pride in his brain.
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