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subjectArtificial Intelligence

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Google's Gemini Is Not the Generative AI Model We Expected
From ACM News

Google's Gemini Is Not the Generative AI Model We Expected

DeepMind product VP Eli Collins claims Gemini Ultra can comprehend "nuanced" information in text, images, audio and code.

Mozilla Launches Startup Focused on 'Trustworthy' AI
From ACM News

Mozilla Launches Startup Focused on 'Trustworthy' AI

The creators of large language models say that they're taking steps to curb abuse, but Mozilla felt not enough was being done.

Facebook Researchers Collect Thousands of Hours of First-Person Video to Train AI
From ACM News

Facebook Researchers Collect Thousands of Hours of First-Person Video to Train AI

The solution to machine learning problems is generally either more or better data.

AI Researchers Condemn Predictive Crime Software, Citing Racial Bias, Flawed Methods
From ACM TechNews

AI Researchers Condemn Predictive Crime Software, Citing Racial Bias, Flawed Methods

A coalition of more than 1,000 researchers, academics, and experts in artificial intelligence condemned soon-to-be-published research claims of predictive crime...

Google, UCSF Collaborate on Machine Learning Tool to Help Prevent Harmful Prescription Errors
From ACM TechNews

Google, UCSF Collaborate on Machine Learning Tool to Help Prevent Harmful Prescription Errors

A new machine learning model  predicts normal physician drug prescribing patterns, using a patient's electronic health records as input.

Facebook Speeds Up AI Training by Culling the Weak
From ACM TechNews

Facebook Speeds Up AI Training by Culling the Weak

Facebook engineers have accelerated the training of artificial intelligence (AI) agents by eliminating laggards. 

AI-Based Firefighter Safety Startup Wins IBM Call for Code Challenge
From ACM TechNews

AI-Based Firefighter Safety Startup Wins IBM Call for Code Challenge

IBM named the winners of this year's Call for Code Global Challenge.

MIT Develops a System to Give Robots More Human Senses
From ACM TechNews

MIT Develops a System to Give Robots More Human Senses

Researchers at MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory have developed a system that could give robots the ability to link multiple senses....

Waymo and Lyft Partner to Scale Self-Driving Robotaxi Service in Phoenix
From ACM TechNews

Waymo and Lyft Partner to Scale Self-Driving Robotaxi Service in Phoenix

Technology developer Waymo and ride-hailing company Lyft have partnered to deploy driverless vehicles for Lyft's robotaxi service in Phoenix, AZ.

How Do You Fight an Algorithm You Cannot See?
From ACM TechNews

How Do You Fight an Algorithm You Cannot See?

Activists in Germany have facilitated a method to assess the accountability of proprietary algorithms via a crowdsourcing platform.

Open Source Platform Launched to Help Bring GP­ Acceleration to Data Analytics
From ACM TechNews

Open Source Platform Launched to Help Bring GP­ Acceleration to Data Analytics

Several collaborating organizations have launched a new open source platform for data science and machine learning.

Facebook Research Automatically Creates an Avatar From a Photo
From ACM TechNews

Facebook Research Automatically Creates an Avatar From a Photo

A new machine-learning system can automatically creating the best possible avatar of a person's face from a photo by using a customized emoji generator.

Taking a Ride in Mit's Self-Driving Wheelchair
From ACM TechNews

Taking a Ride in Mit's Self-Driving Wheelchair

Researchers at MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory have developed a self-driving wheelchair currently undergoing testing on the MIT campus...

Here's How the White House Wants the ­.s. to Approach AI R&d
From ACM TechNews

Here's How the White House Wants the ­.s. to Approach AI R&d

The White House has issued two new reports that detail how the U.S. government wants to approach research and development into artificial intelligence and what...

Ibm and Mit Partner ­p to Create AI That ­nderstands Sight and Sound the Way We Do
From ACM TechNews

Ibm and Mit Partner ­p to Create AI That ­nderstands Sight and Sound the Way We Do

The new IBM-Massachusetts Institute of Technology Laboratory for Brain-inspired Multimedia Machine Comprehension will research computer vision and audition.  
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