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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectArtificial Intelligence
authorTechnology Review

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Town Built For Driverless Cars
From ACM News

Town Built For Driverless Cars

A mocked-up set of busy streets in Ann Arbor, Michigan, will provide the sternest test yet for self-driving cars.

What It Will Take For Computers to Be Conscious
From ACM TechNews

What It Will Take For Computers to Be Conscious

Christof Koch says it is possible people will some day create conscious machines, but they may not look as expected. 

What It Will Take For Computers to Be Conscious
From ACM Opinion

What It Will Take For Computers to Be Conscious

Is a worm conscious? How about a bumblebee? Does a computer that can play chess "feel" anything?

Obama's Brain Project Backs Neurotechnology
From ACM News

Obama's Brain Project Backs Neurotechnology

The White House said that President Obama's BRAIN Initiative is generating interest from companies and philanthropies in a sign of what it calls a wider partnership...

Robots That Learn Through Repetition, Not Programming
From ACM News

Robots That Learn Through Repetition, Not Programming

Eugene Izhikevich thinks you shouldn't have to write code in order to teach robots new tricks.

The Challenges and Threats of Automated Lip Reading
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The Challenges and Threats of Automated Lip Reading

Back in the 16th century, a Spanish Benedictine monk called Pietro Ponce pioneered the seemingly magical art of lip reading.

The Revolutionary Technique That Quietly Changed Machine Vision Forever
From ACM TechNews

The Revolutionary Technique That Quietly Changed Machine Vision Forever

Computer researchers say machines are now almost as adept at recognizing objects as humans, thanks to an algorithm created by University of Toronto scientists in...

A Chinese Internet Giant Starts to Dream
From ACM News

A Chinese Internet Giant Starts to Dream

Punk bands from Blondie to the Ramones once played in Broadway Studios, an age-worn 95-year-old neoclassical building surrounded by strip clubs in San Francisco’s...

A Room Where Executives Go to Get Help from IBM's Watson
From ACM TechNews

A Room Where Executives Go to Get Help from IBM's Watson

IBM researchers are experimenting with a room where executives can go to discuss business problems with a version of the Watson supercomputing system.

­rban Jungle a Tough Challenge For Google's Autonomous Cars
From ACM TechNews

­rban Jungle a Tough Challenge For Google's Autonomous Cars

Google's Chris Urmson, who heads the company's self-driving car program, said the project is entering its most difficult phase so far: building vehicles with the...

A Speech Synthesizer Direct to the Brain
From ACM News

A Speech Synthesizer Direct to the Brain

Could a person who is paralyzed and unable to speak, like physicist Stephen Hawking, use a brain implant to carry on a conversation?

Ray Kurzweil Says He's Breathing Intelligence Into Google Search
From ACM Opinion

Ray Kurzweil Says He's Breathing Intelligence Into Google Search

The big announcements at Google's I/O event in San Francisco Wednesday didn't mention Web search, the technology that got the company started and made it so successful...

The Thought Experiment
From ACM News

The Thought Experiment

I was about 15 minutes late for my first phone call with Jan Scheuermann.

Neuroscience's New Toolbox
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Neuroscience's New Toolbox

The hypothalamus is a small structure deep in the brain that, among other functions, coördinates sensory inputs—the appearance of a rival, for example—with instinctual...

Three Questions with the Man Leading Baidu's New AI Effort
From ACM Opinion

Three Questions with the Man Leading Baidu's New AI Effort

Artificial intelligence is guided by the far-off goal of having software match humans at important tasks.

Do We Need Asimov's Laws?
From ACM News

Do We Need Asimov's Laws?

In 1942, the science fiction author Isaac Asimov published a short story called Runaround in which he introduced three laws that governed the behaviour of robots...

Increasingly, Robots of All Sizes Are Human Workmates
From ACM News

Increasingly, Robots of All Sizes Are Human Workmates

Most industrial robots are far less friendly than the Roomba robot vacuum cleaner, which is safe enough to be a surprisingly popular means of feline transportation...

Microsoft Wants You to Educate Its Virtual Assistant
From ACM TechNews

Microsoft Wants You to Educate Its Virtual Assistant

Microsoft's forthcoming mobile operating system upgrade will include Cortana, a virtual personal assistant designed to become more intelligent as people use it. ...

10 Breakthrough Technologies 2014
From ACM News

10 Breakthrough Technologies 2014

Technology news is full of incremental developments, but few of them are true milestones.

Microrobots, Working Together, Build with Metal, Glass, and Electronics
From ACM News

Microrobots, Working Together, Build with Metal, Glass, and Electronics

Someone glancing through the door of Annjoe Wong-Foy's lab at SRI International might think his equipment is infested by ants.
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